mIRC Mailer (Works with PHP's sendmail)

By humming_hi on Oct 29, 2007

Load the Snippet into Remotes section of mIRC
What it does: Lets you send email useing sockets and PHP sendmail.
to use: /mail or right click in channel, status, or query windows
Needed PHP script: http://www.hawkee.com/snippet/3465/
(PS, I did not rip this. On IRC servers I go be the nickname Syrus)

mIRC Mailer By: Syrus
Load into Remotes section of mIRC
to use: /mail or right click in channel, status, or query windows
needed PHP script: http://www.hawkee.com/snippet/3465/

menu channel,status,query {
  Email:if (!$dialog(mail)) dialog -mdo mail mail
on *:sockopen:email:{
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET $+(/mircemail.php?,%e.mail,&email=,%e.email) HTTP/1.1 
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: %mailserv
  sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: close
  sockwrite -n $sockname Accept: */*
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:email: {
  if ($sockerr) { echo -a Error: $sock($sockname).wsmsg }
  var %email.chk | sockread %email.chk
  if (!window(@email)) window -k0 @email
  if (*succ*sent* iswm %email.chk) { email.sent }
  elseif (*406 Not* iswm %email.chk) { email.fail }
  elseif (*failed* iswm %email.chk) { email.fail }
alias email.sent {
  rline @email 1 Message successfully sent!
  - | aline @email Message Sent To: %e.to 
  - | aline -p @email Subject: %e.sub
  - | aline -p @email Message: %e.msg
  unset %e.*
alias email.fail { rline @email 1 Message delivery failed... | unset %e.* }
alias -l - { aline @email $str($chr(149),30) }
menu @email {
  &Send Another:if (!$dialog(mail)) dialog -mdo mail mail
  .&Clear:{ dline $active 1- }
  .&Save:{ filter -wf $active $replace($+($$?="Save As: ",.txt),$chr(32),_) }
dialog mail {
  title "mIRC Mailer (By: Syrus)"
  size -1 -1 298 248
  option pixels
  edit "To: (Friends Email)", 1, 5 19 287 20, center %e.to
  edit "From: (Your Email)", 2, 5 -1 287 21, center %e.email
  edit "Your Name", 3, 5 57 287 20, center %e.name
  edit "Subject", 6, 5 38 287 20, center %e.sub
  edit "Message", 8, 5 79 287 120, multi center %e.msg
  button "Cancel", 9, 225 200 65 25
on *:dialog:mail:sclick:9: { dialog -c mail }
on *:dialog:mail:sclick:10: { window -k0 @email | dline @email 1-
  if (!%mailserv) set %mailserv $$?"Enter the address to your mail server (where the PHP file is hosted, 'myweb.com')"
  if (!%mkey) set %mkey $$?"Enter the key you used in your PHP script"
  dialog -c mail | mail.send
alias mail.send {
  set %e.mail $+(key=,%mkey,&to=,$replace(%e.to,@,$+($chr(37),40)),&subject=,$replace(%e.sub,$chr(32),$+($chr(37),20)),&body=,$replace(%e.msg,$chr(32),$+($chr(37),20)),&name=,$replace(%e.name,$chr(32),$+($chr(37),20)))
  if (%e.mail) sockopen email %mailserv 80 | aline @email Email Being Sent


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humming_hi   -  Oct 30, 2007

Yea, I was thinking that. done now.

Pass   -  Oct 29, 2007

I\'d recommend posting one as a PHP snippet and one as a mIRC snippet, then link to each other on both pages. It\'d probably be a bit less confusing for newer users.

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