Excellent Dm Script, Smart People Look??

By Savethebunnies on Oct 20, 2007

Well, It's An Excellent Dm Script, But When Either Nick Reaches 0 Hp, It Still Goes On? I Was Wondering If Someone Smart Enough Could Fix It Please? I'd Greatly Appreciate It!

on *:text:!dmcommands*:#:{
  if (%chandm != $chan) { 
    notice $nick 
  if (%commandhalt2 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { HALT }
  if (%commandhalt != $null) { notice $nick I am currently sending commands to somebody else.05 Please wait.
    set %commandhalt2 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] yes
  HALT }
  unset %commandhalt2*
  set %commandhalt yes
  timer 01 10 unset %commandhalt
  msg $chan I Have Just Messaged You The Commands $nick
  msg $nick You start with 100% Special Attack meter. It is suggested you use this. Every turn, your Special Attack meter raises 5%.
  msg $nick DM SPECIAL COMMANDS. These Require Special Type N First For These :: !Gmaul :: 100% Spec :: !Dds :: 25% Spec :: !Mbow :: 20% Spec :: !ND2h :: 50% Spec :: !Ndmace :: 25% Spec :: !Nanchor :: 50% Spec :: !Ndscim :: 60% Spec :: !Nwhip :: 55% Spec :: !Ndaxe :: 60% Spec ::
  msg $nick DM NORMAL COMMANDS. These Require No Special
  msg $nick !Guth :: Max 25 :: 1/5 Chance To Heal :: !Whip :: Max 30 :: !Anchor :: Max 35 ::!Dscim :: Max 25 :: !Obby :: Max 27 :: !Barrage :: Max 20 :: !DHally :: Max 25:: !Obby :: Max 20:: !Cbow :: Max 31 :: !Xbow :: Max 25 :: !D2h :: Max 33 :: !Eat :: Heals 20 ::
  msg $nick %dmlogo OTHER COMMANDS. :: !Dmstop :: Stops DM. Requires two people to initiate. :: !Dmcheck :: Display current Win/Lose record, K/D ratio, gold, items. :: !Dmbuy :: Displays information to buy Rsgp, Dm Items. :: !Dmmods :: Tells You What Game Moderators On Online For Help.
on *:text:!gmaul*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 100) { notice $nick %dmlogo You do not have enough special meter! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  dec %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100
  set %dmhit1 $rand(0,25)
  set %dmhit2 $rand(0,15)
  set %dmhit3 $rand(0,25)
  if (%dmhit1 < 0) { set %dmhit1 0 }
  if (%dmhit2 < 0) { set %dmhit2 0 }
  if (%dmhit3 < 0) { set %dmhit2 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses his Granite Maul Special and hits a2 %dmhit1 $+ , %dmhit2 4and2 %dmhit3 $+ !
  set %dmhit $calc( %dmhit1 + %dmhit2 )
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
  notice $nick %dmlogo You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
on *:text:!dbow*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 25) { notice $nick %dmlogo You do not have enough special meter! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  dec %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 25
  set %dmhit1 $rand(0,20)
  set %dmhit2 $rand(0,20)
  if (%dmhit1 < 0) { set %dmhit1 0 }
  if (%dmhit2 < 0) { set %dmhit2 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses his Dragon Bow Special and hits a2 %dmhit1 4and2 %dmhit2 $+ !
  set %dmhit $calc( %dmhit1 + %dmhit2 )
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
  notice $nick %dmlogo You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
on *:text:!dds*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 25) { notice $nick %dmlogo You do not have enough special meter! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  dec %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 25
  set %dmhit1 $rand(0,22)
  set %dmhit2 $rand(0,22)
  if (%dmhit1 < 0) { set %dmhit1 0 }
  if (%dmhit2 < 0) { set %dmhit2 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses his DDS Special and hits a2 %dmhit1 4and2 %dmhit2 $+ !
  set %dmhit $calc( %dmhit1 + %dmhit2 )
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
  notice $nick %dmlogo You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
on *:text:!nd2h*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 55) { notice $nick %dmlogo You do not have enough special meter! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  dec %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 60
  set %dmhit $rand(0,45)
  if (%dmhit < 11) { inc %dmhit 1 | set %dmwhip 1 }
  if (%dmhit > 10) && (%dmhit < 35) { inc %dmhit 2 | set %dmwhip 2 }
  if (%dmhit == 35) { inc %dmhit 5 | set %dmwhip 5 }
  if (%buydmmod == yes) { }
  if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses his Dragon Two Hander special and hits a2 %dmhit $+ !    
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
  notice $nick %dmlogo You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
on *:text:!nwhip*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 55) { notice $nick %dmlogo You do not have enough special meter! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  dec %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 55
  set %dmhit $rand(0,30)
  if (%dmhit < 11) { inc %dmhit 1 | set %dmwhip 1 }
  if (%dmhit > 10) && (%dmhit < 35) { inc %dmhit 2 | set %dmwhip 2 }
  if (%dmhit == 35) { inc %dmhit 5 | set %dmwhip 5 }
  if (%buydmmod == yes) { }
  if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses his Whip Special and hits a2 %dmhit $+ , 4which includes a + $+ 2 %dmwhip 4bonus!
  if (%dmwhip == 5) { msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4Also steals 20% special meter from2 %dmotherperson $+ !
    inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 20
    dec %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] 20
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
  notice $nick %dmlogo You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
on *:text:!cbow*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  set %dmhit $rand(0,30)
  if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses his Crystal Bow and hits a2 %dmhit $+ .
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
on *:text:!eat*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 25) { notice $nick %dmlogo You do not have any sharks left! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  dec %dmfood [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
  inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 20
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4Eats a shark and heals 2 204 hp!  
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
  notice $nick %dmlogo You now have %dmfood [ $+ [ $nick ] ] sharks left.
on *:text:!dmace*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 25) { notice $nick %dmlogo You do not have enough special meter! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  dec %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 25
  set %dmhit $rand(0,20)
  if (%dmhit > 20) {
    set %dmhit $rand(0,20)
  if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses his DMace Special and hits a2 %dmhit $+ !
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
  notice $nick %dmlogo You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
on *:text:!nanchor*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 50) { notice $nick %dmlogo You do not have enough special meter! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  dec %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 50
  set %dmhit $rand(0,30)
  if (%dmhit < 15) {
    set %dmhit $rand(0,45)
  if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses his Anchor Special and hits a2 %dmhit $+ !
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
  notice $nick %dmlogo You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
on *:text:!guth*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  set %dmhit $rand(0,25)
  set %dmrand1 $rand(1,4)
  if (%dmrand1 == 1) { set %scima yes }
  if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses his guthans and hits a2 %dmhit $+ !
  if (%dmscima == yes) { msg $chan %dmlogo $nick Has activated his guthans special and heals %dmhit $+ ! | inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %dmhit }
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
  unset %scima
on *:text:!ndscim*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 60) { notice $nick %dmlogo You do not have enough special meter! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  dec %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 60
  set %dmhit $rand(0,25)
  set %dmrand1 $rand(1,20)
  if (%dmrand1 == 1) { set %dmscima yes }
  set %dmrand2 $rand(1,10)
  if (%dmrand2 == 1) { set %dmscimb yes }
  set %dmrand3 $rand(1,2)
  if (%dmrand3 == 1) { set %dmscimc yes }
  if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses his Dscim Special and hits a2 %dmhit $+ !
  if (%dmscima == yes) { msg $chan %dmlogo $nick Also gains an extra _100%_ worth of special meter! | inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  if (%dmscimb == yes) { msg $chan %dmlogo $nick Also gains an extra _40%_ worth of special meter! | inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 40 }
  if (%dmscimc == yes) { msg $chan %dmlogo $nick Also STEALS _10%_ special meter from %dmotherperson $+ ! | inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 | dec %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] 10 }
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
  notice $nick %dmlogo You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
on *:text:!daxe*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 60) { notice $nick %dmlogo You do not have enough special meter! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  dec %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 60
  set %dmhit $rand(1,5)
  if (%dmhit < 2) { set %dmhit 0 }
  if (%dmhit > 3) { set %dmhit 60 }
  if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses his Daxe Special and hits a2 %dmhit $+ .
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
  notice $nick %dmlogo You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
on *:text:!whip*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  set %dmhit $rand(0,29)
  if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses his Whip and hits a2 %dmhit $+ .
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
on *:text:!mbow*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 25) { notice $nick %dmlogo You do not have enough special meter! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  dec %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 20
  set %dmhit1 $rand(0,13)
  set %dmhit2 $rand(0,13)
  if (%dmhit1 < 0) { set %dmhit1 0 }
  if (%dmhit2 < 0) { set %dmhit2 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses his Mage Bow Special and hits a2 %dmhit1 4and2 %dmhit2 $+ !
  set %dmhit $calc( %dmhit1 + %dmhit2 )
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
  notice $nick %dmlogo You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
on *:text:!xbow*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  set %dmhit $rand(0,25)
  if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses his X Bow and hits a2 %dmhit $+ .
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
on *:text:!barrage*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  set %dmhit $rand(0,25)
  if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses a Ice Barrage and hits a2 %dmhit $+ .
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
on *:text:!d2h*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  set %dmhit $rand(0,35)
  if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses his Dragon Two Hander and hits a2 %dmhit $+ .
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
on *:text:!dhally*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  set %dmhit $rand(0,27)
  if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses his Dragon Hallaberd and hits a2 %dmhit $+ .
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
on *:text:!obby*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  set %dmhit $rand(0,4)
  if (%dmhit != 4) {
    set %dmhit $rand(0,27)
  if (%dmhit == 4) {
    set %dmhit $rand(12,20)
  if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses his maul and hits a2 %dmhit $+ .
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
on *:text:!anchor*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  set %dmhit $rand(0,4)
  if (%dmhit != 4) {
    set %dmhit $rand(0,22)
  if (%dmhit == 4) {
    set %dmhit $rand(0,21)
  if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses his anchor and hits a2 %dmhit $+ .
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
on *:text:!dscim*:#:{
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
  if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
  if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) { notice $nick %dmlogo There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
  if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not in the DM! | HALT }
  if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick %dmlogo It is not your turn! | HALT }
  set %dmhit $rand(0,20)
  if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
  msg $chan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4uses his dscim and hits a2 %dmhit $+ , 4and also regenerates an extra 2 5% 4special meter!
  inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
  dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
  dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
alias dmregen {
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 5
  if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $1 ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 100 }
  set %dmturn $2
  msg %chandm %dmlogo 4It is now2 $2 $+ 's 4turn!
  if (%dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] > 99) {
  set %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] 99 }
  if (%dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] > 99) {
  set %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] 99 }
  if (%dmturn != $me) {
    msg %chandm %dmlogo 4 Health:2 %dmnick1 $+ (05 $+ %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] $+ ) 2 %dmnick2 $+ (05 $+ %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] $+ )
    unset %dmwait
alias dmcheck {
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if (%dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] < 1) {
    msg %chandm %dmlogo 2 %dmnick1 4has fallen to the ground, while2 %dmnick2 celebrates a glorious win!2 %dmnick2 4wins!
    inc %losedm [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ]
    inc %winsdm [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ]
    set %golddm1 $rand(350,400)
    set %golddm1 $calc(%golddm1 + %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] - %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] + %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] - %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ])
    if (%dmnick2 != $me) { notice %dmnick2 You win04 %golddm1 Gold! }
    inc %golddm [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] %golddm1
    inc %allgolddm [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] %golddm1
    if (%listdm2 [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] %listdm2 [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] }
    if (%listdm2 [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] %listdm2 [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] }
    unset %listdm2*
    unset %dm*
  if (%dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] < 1) {
    msg %chandm %dmlogo 2 %dmnick2 4has fallen to the ground, while2 %dmnick1 4celebrates a glorious win!2 %dmnick1 4wins!
    inc %losedm [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ]
    inc %winsdm [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] 
    set %golddm1 $rand(350,400)
    set %golddm1 $calc(%golddm1 + %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] - %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] + %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] - %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ])
    if (%dmnick1 != $me) { notice %dmnick1 You win04 %golddm1 Gold! }
    inc %golddm [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] %golddm1
    inc %allgolddm [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] %golddm1
    if (%listdm2 [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] %listdm2 [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] }
    if (%listdm2 [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] %listdm2 [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] }
    unset %listdm2*
    unset %dm*
on *:load:{
  set %dmlogo 04[05DM04]
  unset %dm*
  set %genderdm $?="Are you a guy or girl? Please type GUY or GIRL."
  if (%genderdm == guy) {
    set %genderdm his
  if (%genderdm == girl) {
    set %genderdm her
  if (%genderdm != her) && (%genderdm != his) { goto genderdm }
  set %buydmmod $?="Do you want Buy Mod enabled? (Lets people buy items with gold they earn, recommended.) $+ $crlf $+ Answer Y/N."
  if (%admindm == y) || (%admindm == yes) {
    set %buydmmod yes
  if (%admindm == n) || (%admindm == no) {
    set %buydmmod no
  set %admindm $?="Do you want any Admins? (They can edit basically anything, even during a game. Only aliases of course. $+ $crlf $+ Answer Y/N."
  if (%admindm == y) || (%admindm == yes) {
    set %admindm yes
    set %adminsdm $?="What are the nicks of what Admins you want? Type a comma inbetween each. No spaces."
  if (%admindm == n) || (%admindm == no) {
    set %admindm no
  if (%admindm != yes) && (%admindm != no) && (%admindm != y) && (%admindm != n) {
    goto admindm
  set %chandm $?="What channel do you want your DM script to be in? (Default: #chatdm )"
  set %copymod $?="Do you want CopyMod Beta on? (While fighting the bot, it imitates your items. (YES/NO, Y/N)"
  if (%copymod == n) { set %copymod no }
  if (%copymod == y) { set %copymod yes }
alias dmadmins {
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($1 == $null) { set %adminsdm $?="What are the nicks of people you want as admins?"
  set %adminsdm $1-
on *:text:!dmadmin*:#: {
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($nick !isin %adminsdm) { notice $nick %dmlogo You are not an admin! | HALT }
  if ($2 == commands) || ($2 == $null) {
    msg $nick %dmlogo ADMIN COMMANDS
    msg $nick %dmlogo An underlined line means YOU put that info in.
    msg $nick %dmlogo If something is bold underlined, it means it is optional.
    msg $nick %dmlogo :: !Dmadmin Edit type amount other - Edits type to amount.
    msg $nick %dmlogo :: EDIT COMMANDS (type)
    msg $nick %dmlogo :: !Dmadmin Edit hp amount person - Edits person's Health to amount ::!Dmadmin edit wins amount person - Edits person's Win amount to amount :: !Dmadmin Edit loses amount person - Edits person's Lose amount to amount :: !Dmadmin Edit special amount person - Edits person's Special Meter to amount :: !Dmadmin Edit vote amount - Edits the current amount of votes to end the game to amount :: !Dmadmin Edit gold amount person - Edits person's gold amount to amount :: !Dmadmin Edit person number person - Changes number's game position to person's. If person is unspecified, it's you. :: !Dmadmin Edit copymod on/off - Changed Copy Mod to On or Off :: !Dmadmin Edit buydmmod on/off - Changed Buying Mod to On or Off
    msg $nick %dmlogo :: DM NUMBER SYNTAX FOR ABOVE COMMAND: number 1: person who first said !DM. number 2: person who accepted DM by typing !DM second.
  if ($2 == edit) {
    if ($3 == gold) {
      set %golddm [ $+ [ $5 ] ] $4
      notice $nick %dmlogo $5 $+ 's Gold set to $4 $+ .
    if ($3 == hp) {
      set %dmhealth [ $+ [ $5 ] ] $4
      notice $nick %dmlogo $5 $+ 's Health set to $4 $+ .
    if ($3 == wins) {
      set %winsdm [ $+ [ $5 ] ] $4
      notice $nick %dmlogo $5 $+ 's Wins set to $4 $+ .
    if ($3 == loses) {
      set %losedm [ $+ [ $5 ] ] $4
      notice $nick %dmlogo $5 $+ 's Loses set to $4 $+ .
    if ($3 == special) {
      set %dmspec [ $+ [ $5 ] ] $4
      notice $nick %dmlogo $5 $+ 's Special Meter set to $4 $+ .
    if ($3 == vote) {
      set %dmstopcount $4
      notice $nick %dmlogo Votes to end the game now $4 $+ .
    if ($3 == copymod) {
      if ($4 != on) && ($4 != off) {
        notice $nick %dmlogo Please type !dmadmin edit copymod on/off
      set %copymod $4
      notice $nick %dmlogo CopyMod now $4
    if ($3 == buydmmod) {
      if ($4 != on) && ($4 != off) {
        notice $nick %dmlogo Please type !dmadmin edit buydmmod on/off
      set %copymod $4
      notice $nick %dmlogo Buying Mod now $4
  if ($3 == person) {
    if ($5 == $null) {
      if ($4 == 1) {
        if (%dmturn == %dmnick1) {
          set %dmturn $nick
        set %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ]
        set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ]
        notice $nick %dmlogo You are now in the place of %dmnick1 $+ .
        msg %dmchan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4is now in the place of2 %dmnick1 $+ .
        set %dmnick1 $nick
      if ($4 == 2) {
        if (%dmturn == %dmnick2) {
          set %dmturn $nick
        set %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ]
        set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ]
        notice $nick %dmlogo You are now in the place of %dmnick2 $+ .
        msg %dmchan %dmlogo 2 $nick 4is now in the place of2 %dmnick2 $+ .
        set %dmnick1 $nick
    if ($5 != $null) {
      if ($4 == 1) {
        if (%dmturn == %dmnick1) {
          set %dmturn $5
        set %dmhealth [ $+ [ $5 ] ] %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ]
        set %dmspec [ $+ [ $5 ] ] %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ]
        notice $nick %dmlogo $5 is now in the place of %dmnick1 $+ .
        msg %dmchan %dmlogo 2 $5 is now in the place of2 %dmnick1 $+ .
        set %dmnick1 $nick
      if ($4 == 2) {
        if (%dmturn == %dmnick2) {
          set %dmturn $5
        set %dmhealth [ $+ [ $5 ] ] %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ]
        set %dmspec [ $+ [ $5 ] ] %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ]
        notice $nick %dmlogo $5 is now in the place of %dmnick2 $+ .
        msg %dmchan %dmlogo K2 $5 4is now in the place of2 %dmnick2 $+ .
        set %dmnick1 $nick
alias chandm {
  if ($1 == $null) {
    echo -a %dmlogo Setting ( $+ %chandm $+ ) to $active
    set %chandm $active
  echo -a %dmlogo Setting ( $+ %chandm $+ )  to $1-
  set %chandm $1-
alias dmend {
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if (%dmnick2 == $null) {
    msg %chandm %dmlogo Nobody has replied to %dmnick1 $+ 's DM request within 15 seconds! I will face you!
    if (%copymod == yes) { set %listdm2 [ $+ [ $me ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ] 
      set %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] 
    set %dmai on
    set %dmnick2 $me
    set %dm on
    set %dmrand $rand(1,2)
    if (%dmrand == 1) {
      set %dmturn %dmnick1
    if (%dmrand == 2) {
      set %dmturn %dmnick2
    msg %chandm %dmlogo 4DM started between2 %dmnick1 4and2 %dmnick2 $+ !
    msg %chandm %dmlogo 4To see commands, type 2!DmCommands $+ !
    msg %chandm %dmlogo 4Random pick...2 %dmturn 4goes first!
    msg %chandm %dmlogo 4For current mods running, type !dmmods!
    set %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] 100
    set %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] 100
    set %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] 99
    set %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] 99
    set %dmfood [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] 20
    set %dmfood [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] 20    
on *:text:!mygold*:#: { notice $nick You Currently Have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Gold.
on *:text:!dmmods*:#: {
  if (%dmcommands == on) { 
    notice $nick %dmlogo Currently sending somebody else the mods.
    notice $nick %dmlogo Please try again in 10 seconds.
  set %dmcommands on
  timer 01 10 unset %dmcommands
  if (%admindm == yes) {
    notice $nick %dmlogo 4AdminDM Beta is enabled! Admins:2 %adminsdm

on *:text:!dmbuy*:#: {
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if (%buydmmod != yes) { msg $nick %dmlogo This bot has DM Buying Mod turned OFF. | HALT }
  if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0 }
  if ($2 == $null) || ($2 == list) {
    if (%dmcommands == on) { 
      notice $nick %dmlogo Currently sending somebody else the commands.
      notice $nick %dmlogo Please try again in 15 seconds.
    set %dmcommands on
    timer 01 20 unset %dmcommands
    msg $chan 4Sending2 $nick 4DM Items To Buy List. 
    msg $nick 4ITEMS TO BUY LIST - 2To Buy Something, Type:4 !Dmbuy Buy Item - EXAMPLE: !DmBuy Buy 30k Or !DmBuy Buy Halfop
    msg $nick 4RSGP TO BUY - 2May Take A While To Recieve. -4 30k 7-2 7,500 Dm Gold. 7::4 60k 7-2 15,000 Dm Gold. 7::4 120k 7-2 30,000 Dm Gold 7::4 200k 7-2 45,000 Dm Gold 7::
    msg $nick 4You Can Also Buy Channel Access!!!! 2(Your Nick Must Be Registered Or You Might Lose Your Money) 7:: 4Halfop 7-2 25,000 Dm Gold 7::
    msg $nick 4You Currently Have2 %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 4Gold.
  if ($3 == 30k) {
    if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 7500) {
      notice $nick %dmlogo You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
    dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 7500
    msg $nick %dmlogo 4You Have Just Purchased 230k! 4Please Stay Online With This Nick: $nick Or You May Not Recieve Your Order.
    ms send |Ashley| $nick Has Just Purchased 30k, Please Hurry!
    dec %losedm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
  if ($3 == 60k) {
    if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 15000) {
      notice $nick %dmlogo You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
    dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 15000
    msg $nick %dmlogo 4You Have Just Purchased 260k! 4Please Stay Online With This Nick: $nick Or You May Not Recieve Your Order.
    ms send |Ashley| $nick Has Just Purchased 60k, Please Hurry!
    dec %losedm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
  if ($3 == 120k) {
    if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 30000) {
      notice $nick %dmlogo You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
    dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 30000
    msg $nick %dmlogo 4You Have Just Purchased 2120k! 4Please Stay Online With This Nick: $nick Or You May Not Recieve Your Order.
    ms send |Ashley| $nick Has Just Purchased 120k, Please Hurry!
    inc %winsdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
  if ($3 == 200k) {
    if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 45000) {
      notice $nick %dmlogo You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
    dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 45000
    msg $nick %dmlogo 4You Have Just Purchased 2200k! 4Please Stay Online With This Nick: $nick Or You May Not Recieve Your Order.
    ms send |Ashley| $nick Has Just Purchased 200k, Please Hurry!
    inc %winsdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
  if ($3 == halfop) {
    if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 25000) {
      notice $nick %dmlogo You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
    dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 25000
    msg $nick %dmlogo 4You Have Just Purchased A Channel 2Halfop! 4Please Be Sure That Your Nick Is Registered, Otherwise You're Skrewed!
    ms send |Ashley| $nick Has Just Purchased Halfop, Check %dmchan Access.
    cs access #Dm4Rsgp Add $nick 4
on *:text:!dmcheck*:#:{
  if (%chandm != $chan) { 
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($2 == $null) {
    if (%winsdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %winsdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0 }
    if (%losedm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %losedm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0 }
    if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0 }
    notice $nick %dmlogo You have ( $+ %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ ) Gold.
    notice $nick %dmlogo Gold earned to date: ( $+ %allgolddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ ) $+ .
    if (%buydmmod == yes) { notice $nick %dmlogo You're Item List: %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] }
    notice $nick %dmlogo Wins: ( $+ %winsdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ )
    notice $nick %dmlogo Loses: ( $+ %losedm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ )
    if (%losedm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != 0) { notice $nick %dmlogo Win Ratio: Everytime you lose, you average ( $+ $calc( %winsdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] / %losedm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) $+ ) wins. }
    if (%losedm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 0) { notice $nick %dmlogo Win Ratio: Everytime you lose, you average ( $+ %winsdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ ) wins. }
  if (%winsdm [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $null) { set %winsdm [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 0 }
  if (%losedm [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $null) { set %losedm [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 0 }
  if (%golddm [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $null) { set %golddm [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 0 }
  notice $nick %dmlogo $2 has ( $+ %golddm [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ ) Gold.
  notice $nick %dmlogo $2 $+ 's Gold earned to date: ( $+ %allgolddm [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ ) $+ .
  if (%buydmmod == yes) { notice $nick %dmlogo $2 $+ 's Item List: %listdm [ $+ [ $2 ] ] }
  notice $nick %dmlogo $2 $+ 's Wins: ( $+ %winsdm [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ )
  notice $nick %dmlogo $2 $+ 's Loses: ( $+ %losedm [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ )
  if (%losedm [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == 0) { notice $nick %dmlogo $2 $+ 's Win Ratio: Everytime $2 loses, they average ( $+ %winsdm [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ ) wins. }
  if (%losedm [ $+ [ $2 ] ] != 0) { notice $nick %dmlogo $2 $+ 's Win Ratio: Everytime $2 loses, they average ( $+ $calc( %winsdm [ $+ [ $2 ] ] / %losedm [ $+ [ $2 ] ] ) $+ ) wins. }
on *:text:!dmstop*:#:{
  if (%chandm != $chan) { 
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) {
    notice $Nick %dmlogo No game is currently running!
  if (%dmstopcount == $null) {
    set %dmstopcount 1
    msg %chandm %dmlogo 4There is now 1 vote to end the game!
  if (%dmstopcount == 1) {
    msg %chandm %dmlogo 2Ending 4game!
    unset %dm*
on *:text:!stopdm*:#:{
  if (%chandm != $chan) { 

  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if (%dm != on) {
    notice $Nick %dmlogo No game is currently running!
  if (%dmstopcount == $null) {
    set %dmstopcount 1
    msg %chandm %dmlogo 4There is now 1 vote to end the game!
  if (%dmstopcount == 1) {
    msg %chandm %dmlogo 4Ending 2game!
    unset %dm*
on *:text:!dm*:#:{
  if (%chandm != $chan) { 
  if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
  if ($chan == %chandm) {
    if (%dmfixing == yes) { msg %chandm %dmlogo 2DM'ing 4is currently disabled! We are adding a few new features. 2We hope to be back shortly.
  if (%dmfixing == yes) { notice $nick %dmlogo DM'ing is currently disabled! We are adding a few new features. We hope to be back shortly.
  if ($1 == !dm) {
    if (%dm == on) {
      notice $Nick %dmlogo A dm is already running! Have 2 people type !dmstop to stop it!
    if ($chan != %chandm) {
      notice $nick %dmlogo 
    if (%dmstart == $null) {
      msg %chandm %dmlogo 2 $nick 4Has Requested A Dm, Anyone Brave Enough To Challenge2 $nick $+ 4? If so type 2!Dm,4 You Have 15 Seconds.
      timer 01 15 dmend
      unset %dm*
      set %dmnick1 $nick
      set %dmstart yes
    if (%dmstart == yes) {
      if (%dmnick1 != $nick) {
        set %dmnick2 $nick
        set %dm on
        msg %chandm %dmlogo 4DM started between2 %dmnick1 4and2 %dmnick2 $+ !
        msg %chandm %dmlogo 4To see commands, type 2!DmCommands $+ 4!
        set %dmrand $rand(1,2)
        if (%dmrand == 1) {
          set %dmturn %dmnick1
        if (%dmrand == 2) {
          set %dmturn %dmnick2
        set %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] 100
        set %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] 100
        set %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] 99
        set %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] 99
        set %dmfood [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] 20
        set %dmfood [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] 20

        msg %chandm %dmlogo 4Random pick...2 %dmturn 4goes first!


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criminal   -  Apr 10, 2008

woops, sorry >.< site was lagging

criminal   -  Apr 10, 2008

Thanks for ripping my working script and editing it without permission. And no, I will not fix it.
I already thought this was stolen from you >.<
looked familiar

criminal   -  Apr 10, 2008

Thanks for ripping my working script and editing it without permission. And no, I will not fix it.
I already thought this was stolen from you >.<
looked familiar

criminal   -  Apr 10, 2008

Thanks for ripping my working script and editing it without permission. And no, I will not fix it.
I already thought this was stolen from you >.<
looked familiar

vegeto079   -  Jan 04, 2008

Thanks for ripping my working script and editing it without permission. And no, I will not fix it.

Noutrious   -  Oct 20, 2007

For fixing use forums not snippets page, dooh.

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