Calculator Dialog ( Basic & Advanced Modes)

By Scakk on Jul 22, 2007

Big update since last version.

Click "Calculators" in the dialog to switch between Basic and Advanced versions. There is also a "Help" menu to explain what some of the button are and/or do.

Update: Shortened the code by around 50 lines.

Update: Added M ( memory ), MRC ( memory recall ) and MRC ( memory clear ).

Update: Replaced " $read(memory.txt,0) " with " $exists(memory.txt) " since the " $read(memory.txt,0) " was having issues when the number saved had a " - " or " . " in the first position.

Update: The "Sqrt" button on the Advanced Calculator part did not work at all. There was nothing in the script assigned to that button. It now works as it should.

menu * {
  Calculators: { Calculator }
alias calculator { 
  dialog $iif($dialog(calc),-v,-mbp) calc calc 
  did -h calc 23-33,200,220,300,220,440-454
  did -b calc 300
  dialog -b calc -1 -1 105 130
  dialog -t calc Basic Calculator

dialog calc { 
  title "Calculator" 
  size -1 -1 105 130 
  option dbu 
  menu "&Calculators", 1000
  menu "&Help", 777
  item "&Help", 778
  item "&Basic", 2000, 1000
  item "&Advanced", 3000, 1000
  box "", 2, 2 0 101 127
  edit "", 3, 5 19 95 10
  button "M", 100, 5 4 15 15
  button "MRC", 101, 45 4 15 15
  button "MC", 102, 85 4 15 15
  box "", 200, 2 0 165 127
  edit "", 300, 5 19 158 10
  button "1", 4, 5 30 15 15
  button "2", 5, 32 30 15 15
  button "3", 6, 58 30 15 15
  button "4", 7, 85 30 15 15
  button "5", 8, 5 50 15 15
  button "6", 9, 32 50 15 15
  button "7", 10, 58 50 15 15
  button "8", 11, 85 50 15 15
  button "9", 12, 5 70 15 15
  button "0", 13, 32 70 15 15
  button "+", 14, 58 70 15 15
  button "-", 15, 85 70 15 15
  button "*", 16, 5 90 15 15
  button "/", 17, 32 90 15 15
  button "^", 18, 58 90 15 15
  button ".", 19, 85 90 15 15
  button "Calculate", 20, 5 110 30 15, default
  button "Clear", 21, 70 110 30 15
  button "Sqrt", 22, 45 110 15 15
  button "Sqrt", 220, 148 110 15 15
  button "COS", 23, 108 30 25 15
  button "ACOS", 24, 138 30 25 15
  button "SIN", 25, 108 50 25 15
  button "ASIN", 26, 138 50 25 15
  button "TAN", 27, 108 70 25 15
  button "ATAN", 28, 138 70 25 15
  button "ABS", 29, 108 90 15 15
  button "Log", 30, 128 90 15 15
  button "Rnd", 31, 148 90 15 15
  button "(", 32, 108 110 15 15
  button ")", 33, 128 110 15 15
  text "Symbols and Functions", 440, 5 3 160 10, center
  edit "( ) <-- Parentheses", 441, 5 12 160 10, center read
  edit " / <-- Divide(d) by. Ex: 3/3 is 3 divided 3.", 442, 5 23 160 10, center read
  edit " .   <-- Decimal Point.", 443, 5 34 160 10, center read
  edit "^ <-- Raised to # Ex: 3^3 would be 3 raised to 3 ( or 3*3*3)", 444, 5 45 160 10, center read
  edit "COS = Cosine of a number.", 445, 5 56 160 10, center read
  edit "ACOS = ArcConsine of a number.", 446, 5 67 160 10, center read
  edit "SIN = Sine of a number.", 447, 5 78 160 10, center read
  edit "ASIN = ArcSine of a number.", 448, 5 89 160 10, center read
  edit "TAN = Tangent of a number.", 449, 5 100 160 10, center read
  edit "ATAN = ArcTangent of a number.", 450, 5 111 160 10, center read
  edit "ABS = Absolute Value of a number.", 451, 5 122 160 10, center read 
  edit "Log = Logarithm of a number.", 452, 5 133 160 10, center read
  edit "Rnd = Rounds number to a certain decimal point. Default is 5.", 453, 5 144 160 10, center read
  edit "Sqrt = Square Root of a number.", 454, 5 155 160 10, center read
  edit "M = Memory", 455, 5 166 160 10, center read
  edit "MRC = Memory Recall", 456, 5 177 160 10, center read
  edit "MC = Memory Clear", 457, 5 188 160 10, center read
on *:dialog:calc:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) {
    if ($exists(memory.txt)) { did -e $dname 101-102 | did -b $dname 100 }
    if (!$exists(memory.txt)) { did -b $dname 101-102 | did -e $dname 100 } 
  if ($devent == sclick) { 
    $iif($did(300).enabled, did -f $dname 300, did -f $dname 3) 
    if ($did == 4) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -a $dname 300 1, did -a $dname 3 1) }                                                         
    if ($did == 5) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -a $dname 300 2, did -a $dname 3 2) } 
    if ($did == 6) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -a $dname 300 3, did -a $dname 3 3) }
    if ($did == 7) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -a $dname 300 4, did -a $dname 3 4) }
    if ($did == 8) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -a $dname 300 5, did -a $dname 3 5) } 
    if ($did == 9) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -a $dname 300 6, did -a $dname 3 6) }
    if ($did == 10) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -a $dname 300 7, did -a $dname 3 7) }
    if ($did == 11) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -a $dname 300 8, did -a $dname 3 8) }
    if ($did == 12) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -a $dname 300 9, did -a $dname 3 9) }
    if ($did == 13) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -a $dname 300 0, did -a $dname 3 0) }
    if ($did == 14) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -a $dname 300 +, did -a $dname 3 +) }
    if ($did == 15) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -a $dname 300 -, did -a $dname 3 -) }
    if ($did == 16) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -a $dname 300 *, did -a $dname 3 *) }
    if ($did == 17) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -a $dname 300 /, did -a $dname 3 /) }
    if ($did == 18) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -a $dname 300 ^, did -a $dname 3 ^) }
    if ($did == 19) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -a $dname 300 ., did -a $dname 3 .) }
    if ($did == 20) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -ra $dname 300 $calc($did(300)), did -ra $dname 3 $calc($did(3)) ) }       
    if ($did == 21) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -r $dname 300, did -r $dname 3) }
    if ($did == 22) { did -ra $dname 3 $sqrt($did(3)) }
    if ($did == 220) { did -ra $dname 300 $sqrt($did(300)) }
    if ($did == 23) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -ra $dname 300 $cos($did(300)), did -ra $dname 3 $cos($did(3)) ) } 
    if ($did == 24) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -ra $dname 300 $acos($did(300)), did -ra $dname 3 $acos($did(3)) ) } 
    if ($did == 25) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -ra $dname 300 $sin($did(300)), did -ra $dname 3 $sin($did(3)) ) } 
    if ($did == 26) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -ra $dname 300 $asin($did(300)), did -ra $dname 3 $asin($did(3)) ) } 
    if ($did == 27) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -ra $dname 300 $tan($did(300)), did -ra $dname 3 $tan($did(3)) ) } 
    if ($did == 28) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -ra $dname 300 $atan($did(300)), did -ra $dname 3 $atan($did(3)) ) } 
    if ($did == 29) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -ra $dname 300 $abs($did(300)), did -ra $dname 3 $abs($did(3)) ) } 
    if ($did == 30) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -ra $dname 300 $log($did(300)), did -ra $dname 3 $log($did(3)) ) } 
    if ($did == 31) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -ra $dname 300 $round($did(300)), did -ra $dname 3 $round($did(3)) ) } 
    if ($did == 32) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -a $dname 300 $chr(40), did -a $dname 3 $chr(40) ) }
    if ($did == 33) { $iif($did(300).enabled, did -a $dname 300 $chr(41), did -a $dname 3 $chr(41) ) }
    if ($did == 100) {
      if ($did(3).enabled) {
        if (($left($did(3).text,1) == -) || ($left($did(3).text,1) == .) || ($left($did(3).text,1) isnum)) {
          if (($did(3).text isnum) && ($count($did(3).text,$chr(46)) <= 1)) { 
            $iif($exists(memory.txt), did -b $dname 100, did -e $dname 101-102) 
            if (!$exists(memory.txt)) { write memory.txt $did(3) | halt }
          else { echo 4 -a That is not a valid entry to use with M. | halt }
        else { echo 4 -a That is not a valid entry to use with M. | halt }
      if ($did(300).enabled) {
        if (($left($did(300).text,1) == -) || ($left($did(300).text,1) == .) || ($left($did(300).text,1) isnum)) {
          if (($did(300).text isnum) && ($count($did(300).text,$chr(46)) <= 1)) { 
            $iif($exists(memory.txt), did -b $dname 100, did -e $dname 101-102) 
            if (!$exists(memory.txt)) { write memory.txt $did(300) | halt }
          else { echo 4 -a That is not a valid entry to use with M. | halt }
        else { echo 4 -a That is not a valid entry to use with M. | halt }
    if ($did == 101) { 
      if (!$exists(memory.txt)) { did -b $dname 101 | halt }
      else { $iif($did(3).enabled, did -ra $dname 3 $read(memory.txt,t,1), did -ra $dname 300 $read(memory.txt,t,1) ) }
    if ($did == 102) { .remove memory.txt | did -b $dname 101,102 | did -e $dname 100 }
  if ($devent == menu) {
    if ($did == 2000) {
      ;Basic Calculator
      dialog -t calc Basic Calculator
      dialog -bs calc -1 -1 105 140
      did -h calc 23-33,200,220,300,220,440-457
      did -br calc 300
      did -e calc 3
      did -v calc 2-22,100-102 
    if ($did == 3000) { 
      ;Advanced Calculator
      dialog -t calc Advanced Calculator
      dialog -bs calc -1 -1 170 140
      did -h calc 2,3,20-22,440-457
      did -br calc 3
      did -e calc 300
      did -v calc 4-21,23-33,100-102,200,220,300
    if ($did == 778) {
      ;Calculator Help
      dialog -t calc Calculator Help
      dialog -bs calc -1 -1 170 212
      did -r calc 3,300
      did -h calc 2-33,100-102,200,220,300
      did -v calc 440-457


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Scakk   -  Feb 10, 2008

Update: Added M ( memory ), MRC ( memory recall ) and MRC ( memory clear ).

Korvin   -  Feb 09, 2008

i\'d suggest putting that help thing in a editbox at the bottom, and use on :dialog:calc:mouse:: { to put the stuff into the box when the mouse hovers over the items.

bps19882006   -  Dec 04, 2007

nice work

guest598594   -  Sep 27, 2007


if ($did isnum 4-7) did -a $dname 3 $calc($did - 3)
guest598594   -  Sep 27, 2007

if ($did >= 4) && ($did <= 7) did -a $dname 3 $calc($did - 3)

you can simplify it even more

if ($did isnum 4-7 did -a $dname 3 $calc($did - 3)
Gummo   -  Sep 27, 2007
if ($did == 4) { did -a $dname 3 1 }
if ($did == 5) { did -a $dname 3 2 }
if ($did == 6) { did -a $dname 3 3 }
if ($did == 7) { did -a $dname 3 4 }

You can shrink the script by making the \'$did\'s which are setting numbers into one line (on two occasions) like this example (for the above section):

if ($did >= 4) && ($did <= 7) did -a $dname 3 $calc($did - 3)

You could use $right($calc($did - 3),1) for $did up to 13 in this case (that would return 0). :)

Akishoot   -  Sep 16, 2007

Nice work Scakk. Works fantastically :)

Scakk   -  Sep 16, 2007

All \" / \" have been removed.

SilentExile   -  Sep 16, 2007

Excellent snippet. The only thing I see wrong with it is the use of /\'s before commands.

Scakk   -  Aug 07, 2007

Big update and change to this one ^_^

Scakk   -  Jul 25, 2007

I thought about adding that when I made the dialog to start with. I left it without that incase others did not want it like that.

I will add the version you have to the code above and put the non desktop aliases in the Introduction part incase someone does not wish to have it as a desktop window.

Callison1   -  Jul 25, 2007

It\'s better now, but while testing it I decided to make an ammendment to the bit I suggested to you

alias calculator { 
  /dialog $iif($dialog(calc),-v,-md) calc calc 
alias calculator2 { 
  /dialog $iif($dialog(calc2),-v,-md) calc2 calc2 

I added the -d switch so now the calculators open as desktop windows, I find this better so I can keep the calculator window minimised at the bottom so I can open it up without opening the mIRC window.

Callison1   -  Jul 24, 2007

The above should have a

 tage at bottom instead of 


Callison1   -  Jul 24, 2007

It\'s a nice script, but when you have a calc open you try to open the same calc you get the error message. I recommend

alias calculator { 
  /dialog $iif($dialog(calc),-v,-m) calc calc 
alias calculator2 { 
  /dialog $iif($dialog(calc2),-v,-m) calc2 calc2 
Scakk   -  Jul 24, 2007

I was bored and figured why not make one of these.

F R E E Z E   -  Jul 22, 2007

Looks good, don\'t have time to test it. Way better than mine :P

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