Unnamed BattleBot v3.0

By ZabuzaMomochi on Jun 06, 2007

This is a small battle bot that me and my friend made, i know when i post this theres gonna be a shitload of rippers, but oh well. Info is in the script. Please note that the script is only in v3.0, but there are no known bugs so if you have any suggestions, please tell me them.

;Unnamed Battle bot made by Alkora (Server: irc.lucidchat.net #Karma) and ][ (Server: irc.surrealchat.net #Empire)
on *:LOAD: {
  echo -a Creating tips...
  write tips.txt To enter the battle field, type Fight. To lock on to someone else in the battlefield, type lo <nick>. To attack someone while locked on to them, type Atk &#601;-4>
  write tips.txt Locking on to someone will take some time (a few seconds), but it has a few benefits.
  write tips.txt Benefit to locking on to someone #1: You don't have to say the person's name when attacking. #2: Your attack has a much lower chance of missing.
  write tips.txt If you just spray-and-pray with atk <1-4> <nick>,(Basically, without typing lo nick to lock on to someone) you can attack multiple people quickly, but you lose accuracy.
  write tips.txt To start registering, type Start.
  write tips.txt To see whats in the store, type Store.
  write tips.txt To view you stats, type Stats. 
  write tips.txt Admin Command: Kill <nickname> - Auto-Kills a person in battle
  write tips.txt Admin Command: Forceadd <nickname> <gender> <Character> - Nickname is the users nick. Gender is the users gender, and Character is the character to set the nick to.
  write tips.txt Admin Command: You CAN supply 'admin' if you want the user to be an admin, if you dont supply it, the user is registered as a normal user.
  write tips.txt Admin Command: Forcedel <nickname> - Deletes a nicknames stats.
  echo -a Tips created!
on *:JOIN:#: {
  if ($nick == $me) {
    timertip 0 1800 rantip $chan
on *:PART:#: {
  if ($nick == $me) {
    timertip off
on *:disconnect:#: {
  timertip off
alias rantip {
  msg $1 Random tip: $read(tips.txt)
on *:TEXT:start:#: {
  msg $chan Welcome to Unnamed Game 3.0 (Beta).
  if (!$readini(ugc.ini,chr,list)) { msg $chan Error - No Character Plugin detected. | return }
  msg $chan Characters: $readini(ugc.ini,chr,list)
  msg $chan Say chr <character> to choose a character.
  msg $chan To see a characters information, type info <character>
on *:TEXT:info *:#: {
  if (!$readini(ugc.ini,$2-,name)) {
    msg $chan That character doesn't exist. | Halt
  msg $chan Information for $2- $+ :
  msg $chan Strongest Attack: $readini(ugc.ini,$2-,ATK1)
  msg $chan Second Strongest Attack: $readini(ugc.ini,$2-,ATK2)
  msg $chan Second WEAKEST attack: $readini(ugc.ini,$2-,ATK3)
  msg $chan WEAKEST attack: $readini(ugc.ini,$2-,ATK4)
on *:TEXT:chr *:#: {
  if (!$readini(ugc.ini,$2-,name)) {
    msg $chan That character doesn't exist. | Halt
  writeini ugs.ini $nick chr $readini(ugc.ini,$2-,name)
  if ($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,LVL)) { goto AlreadyHasStats }
  writeini ugs.ini $nick Attack 0
  writeini ugs.ini $nick Defense 0
  writeini ugs.ini $nick Speed 0
  writeini ugs.ini $nick HP 200
  writeini ugs.ini $nick HPMax 200
  writeini ugs.ini $nick LVL 1
  writeini ugs.ini $nick EXP 0
  writeini ugs.ini $nick Nextlvl 100
  writeini ugs.ini $nick Money 0
  writeini ugs.ini $nick Fighting No
  writeini ugs.ini $nick ATK1 $readini(ugc.ini,$2-,ATK1)
  writeini ugs.ini $nick ATK2 $readini(ugc.ini,$2-,ATK2)
  writeini ugs.ini $nick ATK3 $readini(ugc.ini,$2-,ATK3)
  writeini ugs.ini $nick ATK4 $readini(ugc.ini,$2-,ATK4)
  msg $chan Okay. What is your gender? (Male, Female)
  .auser Gen $nick
on Gen:TEXT:*:#: {
  if (male == $1-) {
    msg $chan Your gender has been set to: 'Male'
    writeini ugs.ini $nick Gender him
    msg $chan You are now registered with the character: $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,chr) $+ .     
    .ruser $nick
  if (Female == $1-) {
    msg $chan Your gender has been set to: 'Female'
    writeini ugs.ini $nick Gender her
    msg $chan You are now registered with the character: $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,chr) $+ . 
    .ruser $nick 
on *:TEXT:stats*:#: {
  if (!$2-) { set %temp.nick $nick | goto continue }
  if ($2 ison $chan) { set %temp.nick $2 }
  if (!$readini(ugs.ini,%temp.nick,CHR)) { msg $chan You/They are not registered. Say: Start | return }
  if (!$readini(ugs.ini,%temp.nick,HPMax)) { msg $chan Error - There is a problem with your/their stats. Say start to re-register. | return }
  msg $chan (Character: $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.nick,CHR) $+ ) (HP: $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.nick,HP) $+ / $+ $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.nick,HPMax) $+ ) (Level: $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.nick,LVL) $+ ) (EXP: $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.nick,EXP) $+ ) (Attack: $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.nick,Attack) $+ ) (Defense: $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.nick,Defense) $+ ) (Fighting: $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.nick,fighting) $+ )
  msg $chan Attacks: (1: $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.nick,ATK1) $+ ) (2: $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.nick,ATK2) $+ ) (3: $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.nick,ATK3) $+ ) (4: $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.nick,ATK4) $+ )
on *:TEXT:Help*:#: {
  if (!$2) {
    notice $nick Topics: Battling - Registration - Store - Stats - Admin Commands | return
    notice $nick Syntax: Help <topic>
  if ($2 == Battling) {
    notice $nick To enter the battle field, type Fight. To lock on to someone else in the battlefield, type lo <nick>. To attack someone while locked on to them, type Atk &#601;-4>
    notice $nick Locking on to someone will take some time (a few seconds), but it has a few benefits:
    notice $nick #1: You don't have to say the person's name when attacking. #2: Your attack has a much lower chance of missing.
    notice $nick If you just spray-and-pray with atk <1-4> <nick>, you can attack multiple people quickly, but you lose accuracy.
  if ($2 == Registration) {
    notice $nick To start registering, type Start.
  if ($2 == Store) {
    notice $nick To see whats in the store, type Store.
  if ($2 == Stats) {
    notice $nick To view you stats, type Stats. 
  if ($2- == Admin Commands) {
    notice $nick Admin Commands:
    notice $nick Kill <nickname> - Auto-Kills a person in battle
    notice $nick Forceadd <nickname> <gender> <Character> - Nickname is the users nick. Gender is the users gender, and Character is the character to set the nick to.
    notice $nick You CAN supply 'admin' if you want the user to be an admin, if you dont supply it, the user is registered as a normal user.
    notice $nick Forcedel <nickname> - Deletes a nicknames stats.
on *:TEXT:fight:#: {
  if (!$readini(ugs.ini,$nick,CHR)) { msg $chan You are not registered. Say: Start | return }
  if ($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,fighting) == yes) { msg $chan $nick $+ ( $+ $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,chr) $+ ) starts running from the battle field.. | timer 1 10 lfield $chan $nick | return }
  writeini ugs.ini $nick fighting Yes
  msg $chan $nick $+ ( $+ $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,chr) $+ ) has entered the field! To lock on to $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,Gender) say lo <nick>.
  set %fighting %fighting $nick
alias lfield {
  writeini ugs.ini $2 fighting No
  writeini ugs.ini %temp.lo HP $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.lo,HPMax)
  msg $1 $2 $+ ( $+ $readini(ugs.ini,$2,chr) $+ ) has escaped from the battle field!
  set %fighting $remove(%fighting,$nick)
on *:TEXT:viewfield:#: {
  msg $chan Users in feild: $iif(%fighting == $null,None,%fighting)
on *:TEXT:lo*:#: {
  if ($1 != lo) { return }
  if (!$2-) && (!$readini(ugs.ini,$nick,lo)) { msg $chan Error - Say Help Battling to learn how to lock on. | return }
  if (!$2-) && ($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,lo)) { msg $chan $nick has stopped locking on to $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,lo) $+ . | remini ugs.ini $nick lo | return }
  if ($2 !ison $chan) { msg $chan Error - That person is not here. | return }
  if ($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,fighting) != Yes) { msg $chan Error - You are not in the field. Say: Fight | return }
  if ($readini(ugs.ini,$2,fighting) != Yes) { msg $chan Error - That person is not in the field. Say: Fight | return }
  msg $chan $nick begins targeting $2 $+ ..
  timer 1 5 lo $chan $nick $2
alias lo {
  writeini ugs.ini $2 lo $3
  msg $1 $2 $+ ( $+ $readini(ugs.ini,$2,chr) $+ ) has locked on to $3 $+ ( $+ $readini(ugs.ini,$3,chr) $+ ) $+ ... They can now say ATK <number> to attack $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,Gender) $+ .
on *:TEXT:atk *:#: {
  if (!$readini(ugs.ini,$nick,lo)) {
    if (!$3) || ($4-) || ($3 !ison $chan) || ($readini(ugs.ini,$3,fighting) != Yes) { msg $chan Error - Say Help Battling to learn how to attack | return }
    set %temp.lo $3
    set %temp.miss 5
    goto continue
  if ($3) { msg $chan Error - You are already locked on to someone. Say lo to stop, or lo <nick> to lock on to someone else. | return }
  set %temp.lo $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,lo)
  set %temp.miss 3
  if ($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,fighting) != Yes) { msg $chan Error - You are not in the field. Say: Fight | return }
  if ($readini(ugs.ini,%temp.lo,fighting) != Yes) { msg $chan Error - That person is not in the field. Say: Fight | return }
  if (%temp.lo !ison $chan) { msg $chan Error - That person has left/isn't here. | return }
  if ($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,attacking) == Yes) { msg $chan Error - You are already attacking, $nick $+ . | return }
  if ($2 < 0) || ($2 > 4) || ($2 !isnum) { msg $chan Error - Say Help Battling to learn how to attack | return }
  writeini ugs.ini $nick attacking Yes
  timer 1 10 datk $chan $nick 
  set %temp.hom $rand(1,%temp.miss)
  if (%temp.hom == 1) {
    msg $chan $nick $+ ( $+ $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,chr) $+ ) attacks %temp.lo $+ ( $+ $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.lo,chr) $+ ) with %temp.atk $+ .. but misses!
  set %temp.atk $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,atk $+ $2)
  set %tmp.exdmg $rand(1,23)
  set %tmp.dmg $calc($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,Attack) - $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.lo,defense) + %tmp.exdmg)
  if (%temp.dmg < 1) { set %temp.dmg 1 }
  writeini ugs.ini %temp.lo HP $calc($readini(ugs.ini,%temp.lo,HP) - %temp.dmg)
  if ($readini(ugs.ini,%temp.lo,HP) < 1) { writeini ugs.ini %temp.lo HP 0 }
  msg $chan $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,HP) - $nick $+ ( $+ $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,chr) $+ ) $+ 's health - News: $nick $+ ( $+ $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,chr) $+ ) attacks %temp.lo with %temp.atk $+ !
  msg $chan $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.lo,HP) - %temp.lo $+ 's health
  set %temp.llo $rand(1,5)
  if (%temp.llo == 1) && ($readini(ugs.ini,%temp.lo,lo)) {
    remini ugs.ini %temp.lo lo
    msg $chan %temp.lo $+ ( $+ $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.lo,chr) $+ ) has lost their lock on (to $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.lo,lo) $+ ) as a result of the attack.
  if ($readini(ugs.ini,%temp.lo,HP) < 1) {
    writeini ugs.ini %temp.lo fighting No
    writeini ugs.ini %temp.lo HP $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.lo,HPMax)
    set %temp.expgain $rand(1,40)
    writeini ugs.ini $nick EXP $calc($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,EXP) + %temp.expgain)
    msg $chan %temp.lo $+ ( $+ $readini(ugs.ini,%temp.lo,chr) $+ ) has died! $nick $+ ( $+ $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,chr) $+ ) gets %temp.expgain EXP for winning.
    remini ugs.ini %temp.lo lo
  if ($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,EXP) >= $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,Nextlvl)) {
    msg $chan $nick $+ ( $+ $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,chr) $+ ) has just grown to level $calc($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,LVL) + 1)
    writeini ugs.ini $nick Attack $calc($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,Attack) + 15)
    writeini ugs.ini $nick Defense $calc($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,Defense) + 10)
    writeini ugs.ini $nick HPMax $calc($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,HPMax) + 100)
    writeini ugs.ini $nick LVL $calc($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,LVL) + 1)
    writeini ugs.ini $nick EXP 0
    writeini ugs.ini $nick Nextlvl $calc($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,Nextlvl) + 100)
    writeini ugs.ini $nick Money $calc($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,Money) + 300)
    writeini ugs.ini $nick HP $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,HPMax)
alias datk {
  writeini ugs.ini $2 attacking No
  msg $1 $2 $+ ( $+ $readini(ugs.ini,$2,chr) $+ ) has finished $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,Gender) attack.
on *:TEXT:Store:#: {
  notice $nick Now listing store items..
  notice $nick Health Boost - 800
  notice $nick Health Potion - 200
  notice $nick Attack Boost - 900
  notice $nick Defense Boost - 750
  notice $nick Finished listing store items..
  notice $nick Syntax: Buy <item>
on *:TEXT:Buy*:#: {
  if ($2- == Health Boost) {
    if ($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,money) <= 800) {
      notice $nick Purchased Health Boost
      writeini ugs.ini $nick money $calc($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,money) - 800)
      notice $nick Syntax: USE <item> 
      writeini ugs.ini $nick items $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,items) $+ Health Boost,  
    else { notice $nick You dont have enough money! }
  if ($2- == Health Potion) {
    if ($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,money) <= 200) {
      notice $nick Purchased Health Potion
      writeini ugs.ini $nick money $calc($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,money) - 200)
      notice $nick Syntax: USE <item> 
      writeini ugs.ini $nick items $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,items) $+ Health Potion,  
    else { notice $nick You dont have enough money! }
  if ($2- == Attack Boost) {
    if ($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,money) <= 900) {
      notice $nick Purchased Attack Boost
      writeini ugs.ini $nick money $calc($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,money) - 900)
      notice $nick Syntax: USE <item> 
      writeini ugs.ini $nick items $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,items) $+ Attack Boost,  
    else { notice $nick You dont have enough money! }
  if ($2- == defense Boost) {
    if ($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,money) <= 750) {
      notice $nick Purchased Defense Boost
      writeini ugs.ini $nick money $calc($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,money) - 750)
      notice $nick Syntax: USE <item> 
      writeini ugs.ini $nick items $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,items) $+ defense Boost,  
    else { notice $nick You dont have enough money! }
on *:TEXT:USE*:#: {
  if ($2- == Health Boost) {
    if ($2- isin $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,items)) {
      notice $nick Health boosted by 50 points!
      writeini ugs.ini $nick HPMax $calc($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,HPMax) + 50)
      writeini ugs.ini $nick items $remove($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,items),Health Boost $+ $chr(44))
  if ($2- == Health Potion) {
    if ($2- isin $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,items)) {
      notice $nick You have been healed!
      writeini ugs.ini $nick HP $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,HPMax)
      writeini ugs.ini $nick items $remove($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,items),Health Potion $+ $chr(44))
  if ($2- == Attack Boost) {
    if ($2- isin $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,items)) {
      notice $nick Attack boosted by 25 points!
      writeini ugs.ini $nick Attack $calc($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,attack) + 25)
      writeini ugs.ini $nick items $remove($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,items),Attack Boost $+ $chr(44))
  if ($2- == Defense Boost) {
    if ($2- isin $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,items)) {
      notice $nick Defense boosted by 25 points!
      writeini ugs.ini $nick Defense $calc($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,Defense) + 25)
      writeini ugs.ini $nick items $remove($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,items),Defense Boost $+ $chr(44))
menu channel {
  ....Configure Character Plugin
  ..Add character:chrconfig add
  ..Del character:chrconfig del
  ...Edit manually:run ugc.ini
  ...Say the list:msg $active Character list: $readini(ugc.ini,chr,list)
  .Admin Configuration
  ..Add Admin:gadmin ADD
  ..Del Admin:gadmin DEL
  ..List Admins:msg $active Admin list: $readini(uga.ini,Admins,list)
alias gadmin {
  if ($1 == ADD) {
    set %temp.admin $$?="What does the admin go by?(His/Her nick on IRC)"
    writeini uga.ini Admins Pass. $+ %temp.admin $$?="What is this admins password?"
    .auser gameadmin %temp.admin
    writeini uga.ini Admins List $readini(uga.ini,Admins,List) $+ %temp.admin $+ ,
    unset %temp.admin
    echo -a Admin added!  
  if ($1 == DEL) {
    set %temp.deladmin $$?="What admin do you want to delete?"
    if (%temp.deladmin isin $readini(uga.ini,Admins,List)) {
      set %temp.list $readini(uga.ini,admins,list)      
      writeini uga.ini Admins List $remove(%temp.list,%temp.deladmin)
      .ruser gameadmin %temp.deladmin
      unset %temp.deladmin    
      unset %temp.list      
      echo -a Admin Deleted    
alias chrconfig {
  if ($1 == add) {
    set %chrname $$?="What is the characters name?"
    if ($readini(ugc.ini,chr,list)) { set %temp.set $readini(ugc.ini,chr,list) $+ , %chrname }
    if (!$readini(ugc.ini,chr,list)) { set %temp.set %chrname }
    writeini ugc.ini chr List %temp.set
    writeini ugc.ini %chrname Name %chrname
    writeini ugc.ini %chrname atk1 $$?="What is this characters STRONGEST attack?"
    writeini ugc.ini %chrname atk2 $$?="What is this characters second STRONGEST attack?"
    writeini ugc.ini %chrname atk3 $$?="what is this characters second WEAKEST attack?"
    writeini ugc.ini %chrname atk4 $$?="What is this characters WEAKEST attack?"
    echo -a Character Created!
  if ($1 == del) {
    set %remnick $$?="What is the characters name?"
    remini ugc.ini %remnick
    if ($chr(44) %remnick isin $readini(ugc.ini,chr,list)) { set %temp.remove $chr(44) %remnick | goto write }
    if (%remnick $+ $chr(44) $+ $chr(32) isin $readini(ugc.ini,chr,list)) { set %temp.remove %remnick $+ $chr(44) $+ $chr(32) | goto write }
    set %temp.remove %remnick
    if (%remnick !isin $readini(ugc.ini,chr,list)) { echo -a That character was not found. | return }
    if (%temp.remove == $readini(ugc.ini,chr,list)) { .remove ugc.ini | goto done }
    writeini ugc.ini chr list $remove($readini(ugc.ini,chr,list),%temp.remove)
    echo -a Character Deleted!
on gameadmin:TEXT:Kill *:#: {
  if ($readini(uga.ini,Admins,$nick) != Loggedin) { notice $nick You must log in with your admin name and password! | return }
  if ($2 !ison $chan) { msg $chan Error - That person is not here. | return }
  if ($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,fighting) != Yes) { msg $chan Error - You are not in the field. Say: Fight | return }
  if ($readini(ugs.ini,$2,fighting) != Yes) { msg $chan Error - That person is not in the field. Say: Fight | return }
  writeini ugs.ini $2 fighting No
  writeini ugs.ini $2 HP $readini(ugs.ini,$2,HPMax)
  set %temp.expgain $rand(1,40)
  writeini ugs.ini $nick EXP $calc($readini(ugs.ini,$nick,EXP) + %temp.expgain)
  msg $chan $2 $+ ( $+ $readini(ugs.ini,$2,chr) $+ ) has died! $nick $+ ( $+ $readini(ugs.ini,$nick,chr) $+ ) gets %temp.expgain EXP for winning.
  remini ugs.ini %temp.lo lo
on gameadmin:TEXT:force*:#: {
  if ($1 == forceadd) {
    if ($readini(uga.ini,Admins,$nick) != Loggedin) { notice $nick You must log in with your admin name and password! | return }
    if (!$readini(ugc.ini,$4-,name)) {
      msg $chan That character doesn't exist. | Halt
    if (!$2) { msg $chan Syntax Error, Proper Syntax: forceadd <nickname> <gender> <character> | halt }
    if (!$3) { msg $chan Syntax Error, Proper Syntax: forceadd <nickname> <gender> <character> | halt }
    if (!$4) { msg $chan Syntax Error, Proper Syntax: forceadd <nickname> <gender> <character> | halt }
    set %temp.addnick $2
    set %temp.gender $3
    set %temp.addchar $4
    writeini ugs.ini $2 chr $readini(ugc.ini,$4-,name)
    if ($readini(ugs.ini,$2,LVL)) { goto AlreadyHasStats }
    writeini ugs.ini %temp.addnick Attack 0
    writeini ugs.ini %temp.addnick Defense 0
    writeini ugs.ini %temp.addnick Speed 0
    writeini ugs.ini %temp.addnick HP 200
    writeini ugs.ini %temp.addnick HPMax 200
    writeini ugs.ini %temp.addnick LVL 1
    writeini ugs.ini %temp.addnick EXP 0
    writeini ugs.ini %temp.addnick Nextlvl 100
    writeini ugs.ini %temp.addnick Money 0
    writeini ugs.ini %temp.addnick Fighting No
    writeini ugs.ini %temp.addnick ATK1 $readini(ugc.ini,$4-,ATK1)
    writeini ugs.ini %temp.addnick ATK2 $readini(ugc.ini,$4-,ATK2)
    writeini ugs.ini %temp.addnick ATK3 $readini(ugc.ini,$4-,ATK3)
    writeini ugs.ini %temp.addnick ATK4 $readini(ugc.ini,$4-,ATK4)  
    if ($3 == Female) {
      writeini ugs.ini %temp.addnick Gender her
      msg $chan $2 is now registered with the character: $readini(ugs.ini,$2,chr) $+ . 
    if ($3 == Male) {
      writeini ugs.ini %temp.addnick Gender him
      msg $chan $2 is now registered with the character: $readini(ugs.ini,$2,chr) $+ . 
  if ($1 == forcedel) {
    if ($readini(uga.ini,Admins,$nick) != Loggedin) { notice $nick You must log in with your admin name and password! | return }
    remini ugs.ini $2
    msg $chan All stats for $2 have been deleted.
on gameadmin:TEXT:Login *:?: {
  if ($readini(uga.ini,Admins,$nick) == Loggedin) { notice $nick You are already logged in! | return }
  if ($2 == $readini(uga.ini,Admins,Pass. $+ $nick)) {
    writeini uga.ini Admins $nick Loggedin
    notice $nick You have logged in!
  Else { notice $nick Wrong password! | return }


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EL   -  Jan 27, 2008


^Alexis^   -  Jan 27, 2008

Silly naruto person/thingy

pokemaster23   -  Jan 27, 2008

nvm I got it lol

pokemaster23   -  Jan 27, 2008
Welcome to Unnamed Game 3.0 (Beta). Error - No Character Plugin detected. What do I do? and yea whatever I know it\'s pretty od but still sounds interesting.
ZabuzaMomochi   -  Oct 10, 2007

Sora-: Just added a \'viewfield\' command. So now you can see whos battling. :D I\'ve also edited a few things:

1: Made it so with the \'Forcadd\' command you cant make users admins, too much of a hassle.

2: Added a \'random tip\' feature. It just basically gives random tips that are in the \'Help\' command.

Also, please re-load the script into remotes. So it creates the tips.
I\'ve yet to add NPC\'s, when i find enough time I\'ll do so.

Sora-   -  Oct 08, 2007

Very nice, the people in my channel are entertained now, You might want to have NPC\'s and a Entered command to see who\'s in the arena

Viper01   -  Jul 05, 2007

if you want, me and my friend could help to make it DCC :D

WhiteRaVeN   -  Jun 23, 2007

on Gen:TEXT:*:#: {

Storm2108   -  Jun 10, 2007

Well i got the Script for my bot for ranks off the levels

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Jun 08, 2007

ermansanidhya: Sure? Just please, if you do, make sure to give some credit. :P

ermansanidhya   -  Jun 07, 2007

could i add in my bot ? :)

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Jun 06, 2007

Just about to re-edit it. You now dont have to create the ini yourself, just right click in a channel and go to the plugins menu, and click Add character or Del Character! Currently re coding store..

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Jun 06, 2007

And so far the only new feature that i could think of right now is showing the top users in the topic

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Jun 06, 2007

WindChill, Do this:

  1. Open up notepad, copy and paste what you want in there (for the ini)
  2. Go to file > Save As > and type in ugc.ini
  3. Open up the directory in which you saved the ini file in
  4. Right click the ini file, click \'copy\'
  5. Open your mirc directory, or in mIRC type //run $mircdir and right click in the directory and click \'paste\'
WindChill   -  Jun 06, 2007

also how does the ini file work? what exactly do i put in it

WindChill   -  Jun 06, 2007

You i havent tried it out yet but i will soon, any idea if any new features will be added though? Or possibility of a newer version?

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Jun 06, 2007

Ah, I would try to make it DCC form, but i wouldnt be able to test it because my DCC is messed up (i think its because im using a wireless adapter to connect to the internet) But i will make it cleaner, and im also adding something that will make the top users show in the channel topic.

SyntaxIRC   -  Jun 06, 2007

Nice. Maybe you should make it a bit more cleaner and make another version of it - DCC form. It would be awesome if it was in DCC :)

ZabuzaMomochi   -  Jun 06, 2007

Just finished store - but its untested. Tell me if you want any items added

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