Noobie Remote Creator v1.1 (Update)

By Kurdish_Assass1n on Aug 20, 2006

Create a quick remote using this addon! UPDATE:
Fixed the dialog layout.

;Made By: Kurdish_Assass1n

dialog Remote.Creator {
  title "Noobie Remote Creator v1.1"
  size -1 -1 283 183
  option dbu
  combo 1, 9 12 80 51, size drop
  box "Create A Remote", 2, 2 4 278 177
  edit "", 3, 158 22 119 60, read multi return hsbar vsbar
  text "Remote View:", 4, 195 11 42 8
  button "Choose New Event", 5, 93 12 49 10
  radio "Channel", 6, 102 37 37 10
  radio "PM (Query)", 7, 102 47 41 10
  radio "Channel/PM", 8, 102 57 42 10
  edit "", 9, 10 90 106 10, autohs
  text "", 10, 10 65 105 24
  text "", 11, 8 129 230 46
  button "Set Word", 12, 10 101 29 10
  button "Send To Clipboard", 13, 192 85 49 10
  button "?", 14, 146 12 7 10
  button "Exit", 15, 245 169 32 10, ok
  box "Info/Help", 16, 5 122 238 56
  text "Activate in:", 17, 98 28 47 8
  button "Set Nick", 18, 48 101 29 10
  button "Command", 19, 86 101 29 10
  button "Skip Step", 20, 48 112 29 10
  button "Skip Step", 21, 10 112 29 10
On *:dialog:remote.creator:*:*: {
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 19) {
      %xbrackets = $did($xrem,3).lines
      did -b $xrem 9,19
      did -a $xrem 3 $crlf $did($xrem,9) $str($crlf $chr(125),%xbrackets)
      did -e $xrem 13
      did -a $xrem 11 You will have to load this into Remotes (ALT + R) for this script to activate.
      did -r $xrem 9
    if ($did == 20) { 
      ;Skip Step
      did -ra $xrem 10 Please set a command to do if all statements are true, example: msg $!1 Hi!
      did -r $xrem 9
      did -b $xrem 18,20
      set %xnum 19
    if ($did == 18) {
      ;Set Nick
      set %xnum 19
      did -b $xrem 18,20
      did -ra $xrem 10 Please set a command to do if all statements are true, example: msg $!1 Hi!
      did -a $xrem 3 $crlf if ( $+ $!nick == $did($xrem,9) $+ ) $chr(123)
      did -r $xrem 9
    if ($did == 12) {
      ;Set Word
      did -a $xrem 3 $crlf if ( $+ $did($xrem,9) iswm $!1- $+ ) $chr(123)
      did -ra $xrem 10 Please set a specific nick for the script to activate on, if you would like to skip this step, simply hit 'Skip Step'
      did -b $xrem 12
      did -r $xrem 9
      did -h $xrem 21
      set %xnum 18
      did -e $xrem 20
    if ($did == 13) {
      ;Send To Clipboard
      var %x = 0
      while (%x < $did($xrem,3).lines) {
        inc %x
        clipboard -a $crlf $did($xrem,3,%x)
    if ($did == 1) { 
      ;Combo List
      did -b $xrem 1
      did -e $xrem 5,14
      if ($wrd == Action) {
        did -ra $xrem 3 on *:ACTION:*:
        did -a $xrem 10 $str($crlf,2) Word for Script to activate on:
        did -a $xrem 11 text matches if text contains only this word $crlf text* matches if text starts with this word $crlf *text matches if text ends with this word $crlf *text* matches if text contains this word anywhere $crlf $crlf The On Action event triggers when someone uses '/me'
        did -e $xrem 6-8
      if ($wrd == Input) {
        did -ra $xrem 3 on *:INPUT:
        did -a $xrem 10 Word for Script to activate on:
        did -a $xrem 11 text matches if text contains only this word $crlf text* matches if text starts with this word $crlf *text matches if text ends with this word $crlf *text* matches if text contains this word anywhere $crlf $crlf The on INPUT event triggers when you enter text in an editbox and press enter.
        did -e $xrem 6-8
      if ($wrd == NICK) {
        did -ra $xrem 3 on *:NICK: $chr(123)
        did -a $xrem 10 Please set a specific nick for the script to activate on, if you would like to skip this step, simply hit 'Skip Step'
        did -a $xrem 11 Identifiers: $crlf $!newnick returns new nick. $crlf $!nick returns the person who changed their nick. $crlf $crlf The on NICK event triggers when a user changes nickname while on the same channel as you.
        did -c $xrem 6
        did -b $xrem 6-8
        did -e $xrem 9,20
        set %xnum 18
      if ($wrd == Notice) {
        did -ra $xrem 3 on *:NOTICE:*:
        did -a $xrem 10 $str($crlf,2) Word for Script to activate on:
        did -a $xrem 11 text matches if text contains only this word $crlf text* matches if text starts with this word $crlf *text matches if text ends with this word $crlf *text* matches if text contains this word anywhere $crlf $crlf The On Notice event triggers when a user uses a '/notice' on you.
        did -e $xrem 6-8
      if ($wrd == Op) {
        did -ra $xrem 3 on *:OP:#: $chr(123)
        did -a $xrem 10 Please set a specific nick for the script to activate on, if you would like to skip this step, simply hit 'Skip Step'
        did -a $xrem 11 Identifiers: $crlf $!opnick refers to the nickname of the person being opped/deopped. $crlf $!vnick refers to the nickname of the person being voiced/devoiced. $crlf $!hnick refers to the nickname of the person being halfopped/dehalfopped. $crlf $crlf The on OP event triggers when a user on a channel is opped. $crlf *NOTE: Script activates in channel only.
        did -c $xrem 6
        did -b $xrem 6-8
        did -e $xrem 9,20
        set %xnum 18
      if ($wrd == Deop) {
        did -ra $xrem 3 on *:DEOP:#: $chr(123)
        did -a $xrem 10 Please set a specific nick for the script to activate on, if you would like to skip this step, simply hit 'Skip Step'
        did -a $xrem 11 Identifiers: $crlf $!opnick refers to the nickname of the person being opped/deopped. $crlf $!vnick refers to the nickname of the person being voiced/devoiced. $crlf $!hnick refers to the nickname of the person being halfopped/dehalfopped. $crlf $crlf The on DEOP event triggers when a user on a channel is deopped. $crlf *NOTE: Script activates in channel only.
        did -c $xrem 6
        did -b $xrem 6-8
        did -e $xrem 9,20
        set %xnum 18
      if ($wrd == halfop) {
        did -ra $xrem 3 on *:HELP:#: $chr(123)
        did -a $xrem 10 Please set a specific nick for the script to activate on, if you would like to skip this step, simply hit 'Skip Step' 
        did -a $xrem 11 Identifiers: $crlf $!opnick refers to the nickname of the person being opped/deopped. $crlf $!vnick refers to the nickname of the person being voiced/devoiced. $crlf $!hnick refers to the nickname of the person being halfopped/dehalfopped. $crlf $crlf The on HELP event triggers when a user on a channel is halfopped. $crlf *NOTE: Script activates in channel only.
        did -c $xrem 6
        did -b $xrem 6-8
        did -e $xrem 9,20
        set %xnum 18
      if ($wrd == dehalfop) {
        did -ra $xrem 3 on *:DEHELP:#: $chr(123)
        did -a $xrem 10 Please set a specific nick for the script to activate on, if you would like to skip this step, simply hit 'Skip Step'
        did -a $xrem 11 Identifiers: $crlf $!opnick refers to the nickname of the person being opped/deopped. $crlf $!vnick refers to the nickname of the person being voiced/devoiced. $crlf $!hnick refers to the nickname of the person being halfopped/dehalfopped. $crlf $crlf The on DEHELP event triggers when a user on a channel is dehalfopped. $crlf *NOTE: Script activates in channel only.
        did -c $xrem 6
        did -b $xrem 6-8
        did -e $xrem 9,20
        set %xnum 18
      if ($wrd == voice) {
        did -ra $xrem 3 on *:VOICE:#: $chr(123)
        did -a $xrem 10 Please set a specific nick for the script to activate on, if you would like to skip this step, simply hit 'Skip Step'
        did -a $xrem 11 Identifiers: $crlf $!opnick refers to the nickname of the person being opped/deopped. $crlf $!vnick refers to the nickname of the person being voiced/devoiced. $crlf $!hnick refers to the nickname of the person being halfopped/dehalfopped. $crlf $crlf The on VOICE event triggers when a user on a channel is voiced. $crlf *NOTE: Script activates in channel only.
        did -c $xrem 6
        did -b $xrem 6-8
        did -e $xrem 9,20
        set %xnum 18
      if ($wrd == devoice) {
        did -ra $xrem 3 on *:DEVOICE:#: $chr(123)
        did -a $xrem 10 Please set a specific nick for the script to activate on, if you would like to skip this step, simply hit 'Skip Step'
        did -a $xrem 11 Identifiers: $crlf $!opnick refers to the nickname of the person being opped/deopped. $crlf $!vnick refers to the nickname of the person being voiced/devoiced. $crlf $!hnick refers to the nickname of the person being halfopped/dehalfopped. $crlf $crlf The on DEVOICE event triggers when a user on a channel is devoiced. $crlf *NOTE: Script activates in channel only.
        did -c $xrem 6
        did -b $xrem 6-8
        did -e $xrem 9,20
        set %xnum 18
      if ($wrd == Text) {
        did -ra $xrem 3 on *:TEXT:*:
        did -a $xrem 10 $str($crlf,2) Word for Script to activate on:
        did -a $xrem 11 text matches if text contains only this word $crlf text* matches if text starts with this word $crlf *text matches if text ends with this word $crlf *text* matches if text contains this word anywhere $crlf $crlf The on TEXT event triggers when you receive private and/or channel messages.
        did -e $xrem 6-8
      if ($wrd == Join) {
        did -ra $xrem 3 on *:JOIN:#: $chr(123)
        did -a $xrem 10 Please set a specific nick for the script to activate on, if you would like to skip this step, simply hit 'Skip Step'
        did -a $xrem 11 The on JOIN events triggers when a user joins a channel. $str($crlf,6) *NOTE: Script activates in channel only.
        did -c $xrem 6
        did -b $xrem 6-8
        did -e $xrem 9,20
        set %xnum 18
      if ($wrd == part) {
        did -ra $xrem 3 on *:PART:#: $chr(123)
        did -a $xrem 10 Please set a specific nick for the script to activate on, if you would like to skip this step, simply hit 'Skip Step'
        did -a $xrem 11 The on PART events triggers when a user parts a channel. $str($crlf,6) *NOTE: Script activates in channel only.
        did -c $xrem 6
        did -b $xrem 6-8
        did -e $xrem 9,20
        set %xnum 18
      if ($wrd == Quit) {
        did -ra $xrem 3 on *:QUIT: $chr(123)
        did -a $xrem 10 Please set a specific nick for the script to activate on, if you would like to skip this step, simply hit 'Skip Step' 
        did -a $xrem 11 The on QUIT event triggers when a user quits mIRC while on the same channel as you.
        did -c $xrem 6
        did -b $xrem 6-8
        did -e $xrem 9
        set %xnum 12
      if ($wrd == BAN) {
        did -ra $xrem 3 on *:BAN:#: $chr(123)
        did -a $xrem 10 Please set a specific nick for the script to activate on, if you would like to skip this step, simply hit 'Skip Step'
        did -a $xrem 11 Identifiers: $crlf $!banmask refers to the banmask used to ban the user. $crlf $!bnick refers to the banned users nickname. $crlf $crlf The on BAN event triggers when a user on a channel is banned. $crlf $crlf *NOTE: Script activates in channel only.
        did -c $xrem 6
        did -b $xrem 6-8
        did -e $xrem 9,20
        set %xnum 18
      if ($wrd == UNBAN) {
        did -ra $xrem 3 on *:UNBAN:#: $chr(123)
        did -a $xrem 10 Please set a specific nick for the script to activate on, if you would like to skip this step, simply hit 'Skip Step'
        did -a $xrem 11 Identifiers: $crlf $!banmask refers to the banmask used to ban the user. $crlf $!bnick refers to the banned users nickname. $crlf $crlf The on UNBAN event triggers when a user on a channel is unbanned. $crlf $crlf *NOTE: Script activates in channel only.
        did -c $xrem 6
        did -b $xrem 6-8
        did -e $xrem 9,20
        set %xnum 18
      if ($wrd == kick) {
        did -ra $xrem 3 on *:KICK:#: $chr(123)
        did -a $xrem 10 Please set a specific kick MSG for the script to activate on, if you would like to skip this step, simply hit 'Skip Step'
        did -a $xrem 11 Identifiers: $crlf $!knick refers to the nickname of the user who was kicked. $crlf $!1- Refers to the kick message. $crlf $crlf The on KICK event triggers when a user is kicked from a channel. $crlf $crlf *NOTE: Script activates in channel only.
        did -c $xrem 6
        did -b $xrem 6-8
        did -e $xrem 9
        did -v $xrem 21
        set %xnum 12
      if ($wrd == Topic) {
        did -ra $xrem 3 on *:TOPIC:#: $chr(123)
        did -a $xrem 10 Please set a specific WORD for the script to activate on, if you would like to skip this step, simply hit 'Skip Step'
        did -a $xrem 11 Identifiers: $crlf The $!1- parameters hold the actual text of the new topic. $crlf $!nick refers to the person who set the topic. $crlf $crlf The on TOPIC event triggers when a user changes a channel topic. $crlf $crlf *NOTE: Script activates in channel only.
        did -c $xrem 6
        did -b $xrem 6-8
        did -e $xrem 9
        did -v $xrem 21
        set %xnum 12
    if ($did == 5) { 
      did -r $xrem 3,9-11
      did -b $xrem 5-9,12,14,18-20
      did -e $xrem 1
      did -u $xrem 6-8
      did -h $xrem 21
      set %xnum 12
    if ($did == 14) { help on $wrd }
    if ($did == 21) {
      did -b $xrem 12
      did -h $xrem 21
      did -r $xrem 9
      did -f $xrem 9
      did -e $xrem 20
      did -a $xrem 10 Please set a specific nick for the script to activate on, if you would like to skip this step, simply hit 'Skip Step'
      set %xnum 18
    if ($did == 6) {
      did -a $xrem 3 #: $chr(123) | did -b $xrem 6-8 | did -e $xrem 9 | set %xnum 12
      if ($wrd == Nick) {
        did -b $xrem 9
        did -e $xrem 15
    if ($did == 7) { did -a $xrem 3 ?: $chr(123) | did -b $xrem 6-8 | did -e $xrem 9 | set %xnum 12 }
    if ($did == 8) { did -a $xrem 3 *: $chr(123) | did -b $xrem 6-8 | did -e $xrem 9 | set %xnum 12 }
  if ($devent == close) {
    .unset %xnum
    .unset %xbrackets
  if ($devent == init) {
    did -b $xrem 5-9,12-14,18-20
    did -a $xrem 1 On Action Event
    did -a $xrem 1 On Input Event
    did -a $xrem 1 On Nick Event
    did -a $xrem 1 On Notice Event
    did -a $xrem 1 On Op Event
    did -a $xrem 1 On Deop Event
    did -a $xrem 1 On Voice Event
    did -a $xrem 1 On Devoice Event
    did -a $xrem 1 On Halfop Event
    did -a $xrem 1 On Dehalfop Event
    did -a $xrem 1 On Text Event
    did -a $xrem 1 On Join Event
    did -a $xrem 1 On Part Event
    did -a $xrem 1 On Quit Event
    did -a $xrem 1 On Ban Event
    did -a $xrem 1 On Unban Event
    did -a $xrem 1 On Kick Event
    did -a $xrem 1 On Topic Event
    did -h $xrem 21
  if ($devent == edit) {
    if (%xNum) {
      if ($did == 9) {
        if (!$did(9)) { did -b $xrem %xnum }
        if ($did(9)) { did -e $xrem %xnum }

;------------[ Aliases ]------------
alias xrem { return Remote.Creator }
alias wrd { return $gettok($did($dname,1),2,32) }
alias remote.creator { dialog -mdro Remote.Creator Remote.creator }
Menu Channel,Status,Menubar {
  Noobie Remote Creator:remote.creator


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TurkiShPower   -  Dec 02, 2007

Excellent one work only word excellent respect ...

guest598594   -  Aug 21, 2007 say the diff between word word word and word, yet you dont give them an option, you automatically do iswm, (word)

also, they arent gonna know what to do in the \"command\" part, or else they could write the rest themselves

Metallboy100   -  Aug 21, 2007

wery nice snippet, i love it. makes it easier for me to make scripts lol

whimp   -  Jul 10, 2007

This helped me a lot!

thennottotorator   -  Sep 24, 2006

THIS SUCKS I A NEWBIE AND I script sweet stuff like say i recreated a online game with my script! i a newbie and this wont help me at all with my next recreated game!!!

hixxy   -  Aug 21, 2006

I don\'t think this will particularly benefit anyone, including newbies, for the simple reason being that it doesn\'t many events and some of the features in it are broken. The dialog is far too big for its purpose and it\'s kinda awkward to work with. For example; why make people press the \"Choose new event\" button to pick another instead of just letting them?

Anyway, not bad for one of your first scripts I guess, but I think it has a lot of room for improvement.

Noutrious   -  Aug 21, 2006

I was coded something like this ages ago, with dialog and help, and more, but by changing PCs the information has been lost. Anyway nice snippet - 6/10

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