$pid - Returns the mIRC process id

By rockcavera on Mar 30, 2017

Updated: 22/04/2017


This identifier returns the process ID of mIRC




//echo -a $pid


mIRC 6.17 or later.


Has two methods of PID detection.
The first method checks the PID for the existence of a single process in $mircexe
The second method checks the PID when there is more than one process in $mircexe

Tested on Windows 10 and XP

In Windows XP, in a Virtual Machine, the second method sometimes returned null, so I set the default to repeat at least once when it returns null


alias pid {
  if (!$isid) return
  set -l %pid
  set -l %id $ticks $+ $rand(1111,9999)
  if ($com(pid_locator $+ %id)) .comclose pid_locator $+ %id
  if ($com(pid_services $+ %id)) .comclose pid_services $+ %id
  if ($com(pid_result $+ %id)) .comclose pid_result $+ %id
  .comopen pid_locator $+ %id WbemScripting.SWbemLocator
  if ($comerr) goto end
  if (!$com(pid_locator $+ %id,ConnectServer,3,dispatch* pid_services $+ %id)) && ($comerr) goto end
  if (!$com(pid_services $+ %id,ExecQuery,3,bstr,Select * from Win32_Process WHERE ExecutablePath = $qt($replace($mircexe,\,\\)),dispatch* pid_result $+ %id)) && ($comerr) goto end
  if (!$com(pid_result $+ %id,Count,3)) goto end
  if ($com(pid_result $+ %id).result == 1) %pid = $comval(pid_result $+ %id,1,ProcessId)
  elseif ($v1 > 1) {
    set -l %cmd /c echo Get PID mIRC $uptime(mirc) $ticks $+ $rand(1111,9999) $+ >NUL && PING -n 1 -w 5000>NUL
    if ($com(pid_shell $+ %id)) .comclose pid_shell $+ %id
    .comopen pid_shell $+ %id WScript.Shell
    if ($comerr) goto end2
    if (!$com(pid_shell $+ %id,Run,1,bstr,cmd.exe %cmd,int,0,bool,false)) goto end2
    if ($com(pid_cmd $+ %id)) .comclose pid_cmd $+ %id
    if (!$com(pid_services $+ %id,ExecQuery,3,bstr,Select * from Win32_Process WHERE Name = "cmd.exe",dispatch* pid_cmd $+ %id)) && ($comerr) goto end2
    if (!$com(pid_cmd $+ %id,Count,3)) goto end2
    set -l %x $com(pid_cmd $+ %id).result
    while (%x) && ($+(*,%cmd) !iswmcs $comval(pid_cmd $+ %id,%x,CommandLine)) dec %x
    if (%x) {
      set -l %tmp $comval(pid_cmd $+ %id,%x,ParentProcessId)
      if ($com(pid_mirc $+ %id)) .comclose pid_mirc $+ %id
      if (!$com(pid_services $+ %id,ExecQuery,3,bstr,Select * from Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = $qt(%tmp),dispatch* pid_mirc $+ %id)) && ($comerr) goto end2
      if (!$com(pid_mirc $+ %id,Count,3)) || ($com(pid_mirc $+ %id).result == 0) goto end2
      if (1 == $v1) && ($mircexe == $comval(pid_mirc $+ %id,1,ExecutablePath)) %pid = %tmp
    if ($com(pid_shell $+ %id)) .comclose pid_shell $+ %id
    if ($com(pid_cmd $+ %id)) .comclose pid_cmd $+ %id
    if ($com(pid_mirc $+ %id)) .comclose pid_mirc $+ %id
    if (!%pid) && (!%y) {
      set -l %y 1
      goto a
  if ($com(pid_locator $+ %id)) .comclose pid_locator $+ %id
  if ($com(pid_services $+ %id)) .comclose pid_services $+ %id
  if ($com(pid_result $+ %id)) .comclose pid_result $+ %id
  return %pid


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