X CService Control v1.6

By Mi9 on Sep 08, 2016

This script is for Undernet irc network

Install note


For this script to work properly:
1) download X CService Control v1.6 which contains all the necessary files.

2) extract X folder in mIRC\scripts\

3) /load -rs scripts\x\startx.mrc

4) add X to Notify List
/notify on
/notify X

Is tested only on Undernet. I do not know if it's compatible with other networks CService.


;a   X CService Control v1.6 - [by Mi9] - 2016.09.09 - STARTX.MRC
;    http://hawkee.com/snippet/17262/
;    Load script: /load -rs scripts/X/startx.mrc
;    Commands:
;    /ldx      - load "X CService Control"
;    /uldx     - unload "X CService Control"
;    /netcfg   - change CService Name and Address
;    /cd.sound - enable or disable sound connection
CTCP *:VERSION:.ctcpreply $nick VERSION X CService Control v1.6 - [by Mi9] - http://hawkee.com/snippet/17262/

on 1:CONNECT:{
  if ($readini(scripts/X/local,$network,netname) isin $server) {
    echo 1,8 Connecting to $server   
    if ($network && $readini(scripts/X/local,$network,botname) == $null) netcfg
    elseif ($readini(scripts/X/local,$network,autologin) == 1) echo 5 -s A U T O - L O G I N to $upper($network) 
  else netcfg
  if ($readini(scripts/X/local,sound,status) == 1) splay -c scripts/X/connect.wav
  if (%net.name isin $server && %bot.name != $null) {
    .unload -rs %bot.name $+ .mrc
    echo 1,8 Disconnected from $server   
    echo 4 -s *** $upper(%bot.name) CService Control UnLoaded
  if ($readini(scripts/X/local,sound,status) == 1) splay -c scripts/X/disconnect.wav

on 1:NICK:if ($nick == %bot.name) { set %bot.name $newnick | set %bot.login $newnick | set %net.xbot.cmd $newnick &CService Control }

on ^1:NOTICE:*:*:{
  if ($nick == %bot.name) {
    if ($window(@ $+ %bot.name) == $null) window -nk[0] @ $+ %bot.name
    echo 5 @ $+ %bot.name - $+ $nick $+ - $1-
  } halt

on 1:NOTIFY:{ if ($nick == $readini(scripts\X\local,$network,botname)) {
    set %bot.name $readini(scripts\X\local,$network,botname) | set %bot.login %bot.name $+ $readini(scripts\X\local,$network,botlogin) | set %net.name $readini(scripts\X\local,$network,netname)
    if ($script(%bot.name $+ .mrc) == $null) { .load -rs scripts\X\ $+ %bot.name $+ .mrc }
    echo 12 -s *** $upper(%bot.name) CService Control Loaded | set %net.xbot.cmd $upper(%bot.name) &CService Control
    if ($readini(scripts\X\local,$network,autologin) == 1) {
      if ($readini(scripts\X\local,$network,mode+x) == 1) { .mode $me +x }
      var %s.username $readini(scripts\X\local,$network,username), %s.userpass2 $readini(scripts\X\local,$network,userpass), %s.userpass $decode(%s.userpass2,m)
      .msg %bot.login login %s.username $decode(%s.userpass)

on 1:UNOTIFY:{ if ($nick == %bot.name) { .unload -rs scripts/X/ $+ %bot.name $+ .mrc | echo 4 -s *** $upper(%bot.name) CService Control UnLoaded | _unsetx } }

dialog net.setup {
  title "No connection detected"
  icon scripts/X/cfg.ico, index
  size -1 -1 250 161
  box " Setup CService", 1, 5 5 240 120
  text "CService Name:   (Ex. X)", 2, 25 25 140 14
  edit "", 3, 20 40 150 18, autohs limit 15 disable
  text "CService Address:                          (Ex. @channels.undernet.org)", 5, 25 65 156 26
  edit "", 6, 20 93 210 18, autohs limit 50 disable
  button "&OK", 9, 142 132 50 24, ok default disable
  button "&Cancel", 10, 196 132 50 24, cancel
  text "by Mi9", 12, 20 138 85 14, disable
  box "", 14, 5 128 60 29 
  icon 16, 187 26 48 48, scripts/X/net.png, style noborder
on 1:DIALOG:net.setup:*:*:{
  if ($devent == init) {
    if ($server && !$network) { dialog -t net.setup No network detected }
    if ($network) { dialog -t net.setup Network name: $upper($network) | did -e net.setup 3,6,9
      if ($readini(scripts/X/local,$network,botname) != $null) { did -a net.setup 3 $readini(scripts/X/local,$network,botname) }
      if ($readini(scripts/X/local,$network,botlogin) != $null) did -a net.setup 6 $readini(scripts/X/local,$network,botlogin)
    did -f net.setup 3
  if ($devent == edit) { if ($did(3) != $null) && ($did(6) != $null) did -e net.setup 9 | else did -b net.setup 9 }
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 9) { writeini scripts/X/local $network botname $did(3)
      writeini scripts/X/local $network botlogin $did(6) | writeini scripts/X/local $network netname $network 
      set %bot.name $did(3) | set %bot.login $did(6) | set %net.xbot.cmd $did(3) &CService Control
      if ($notify == $false) .notify on
      if ($notify(%bot.name) == $null) .notify -n %bot.name $network
    if ($mouse.x isnum 5-64) && ($mouse.y isnum 128-157) run http://hawkee.com/profile/641249/?a=post&tt=snippet_id

on 1:LOAD:if ($server) && ($ini(scripts/X/local,$network) == $null) netcfg

alias cls clear
alias ldx { .load -rs scripts\X\x.mrc | echo 12 -s *** X CService Control Loaded }
alias uldx { .unload -rs scripts\X\x.mrc | _unsetx | echo 4 -s *** X CService Control UnLoaded }
alias netcfg dialog -m net.setup net.setup
alias cd.sound {
  if ($readini(scripts/X/local,sound,status) == 1) { writeini scripts/X/local sound status 0 | echo -a 4:.: Notification sound for C/D is OFF }
  elseif ($readini(scripts/X/local,sound,status) == 0) { writeini scripts/X/local sound status 1 | echo -a 3:.: Notification sound for C/D is ON }
  else { writeini scripts/X/local sound status 1 | echo -a 3:.: Notification sound for C/D is ON }
alias _unsetx unset %net.* %bot.*



;a   X CService Control v1.6 - [by Mi9] - 2016.09.09 - X.MRC
;    http://hawkee.com/snippet/17262/

on *:LOAD:{
  if (%bot.name == $null || %bot.login == $null) {
    set %bot.name $readini scripts/X/local $network botname | set %bot.login $readini scripts/X/local $network botlogin
    set %net.name $readini scripts/X/local $network netname | set %net.xbot.cmd $upper(%bot.name) &CService Control

menu channel,status,menubar {
  .Channel Info [0]:.msg %bot.name chaninfo $ifact
  .Status   [1]:.msg %bot.name status $ifact
  .Show Commands    [0]:.msg %bot.name showcommands $ifact
  .Verify nick...   [0]:.msg %bot.name verify $$?="Verify <nick>"
  .Login to $upper(%bot.name) $+ ...    [0]:logbot
  .Op Me    [100]:.msg %bot.name op $ifact
  .Deop Me  [100]:.msg %bot.name deop $ifact
  .Voice Me [25]:.msg %bot.name voice $ifact
  .Devoice Me   [25]:.msg %bot.name devoice $ifact
  .Topic... [50]:.msg %bot.name topic $ifact $$?="Give New <topic>"
  .Invite...    [100]:.msg %bot.name invite #$$?="Invite $crlf $+ <channel>"
  ..Ban...  [75]:.msg %bot.name ban $ifact $$?="Ban $crlf $+ <nick $chr(124) *!*user@*.host> [duration (1-2400h)] [level (1-500)] [reason]"
  ..UnBan...    [75]:.msg %bot.name unban $ifact $$?="UnBan $crlf $+ <nick $chr(124) *!*user@*.host>"
  ..List All $upper(%bot.name) Bans [0]:.msg %bot.name lbanlist $ifact *
  ..List $upper(%bot.name) Bans...  [0]:.msg %bot.name lbanlist $ifact $$?="LBanList $crlf $+ <*!*user@*.host>"
  ..List Channel Ban    [0]:.msg %bot.name banlist $ifact
  ..View User Info...   [0]:.msg %bot.name INFO $$?="Info $crlf $+ <username>"
  ..View Access [0]
  ...All Users:.msg %bot.name access $ifact *
  ...User...:.msg %bot.name access $ifact $$?="Access $crlf $+ <username>"
  ...Min...:.msg %bot.name access $ifact -min $$?="Give the <min. level>"
  ...Max...:.msg %bot.name access $ifact -max $$?="Give the <max. level>"
  ...Op:.msg %bot.name access $ifact -op
  ...Voice:.msg %bot.name access $ifact -voice
  ...None:.msg %bot.name access $ifact -none
  ...Modified:.msg %bot.name access $ifact -modif
  ..Suspend...  [100]:.msg %bot.name suspend $ifact $$?="Suspend $crlf $+ <username> <duration M $chr(124) H $chr(124) D> [level] $crlf $+ Ex: al3x 5 M 250"
  ..Unsuspend...    [100]:.msg %bot.name unsuspend $ifact $$?="Unsuspend $crlf $+ <username>"
  ..Add User... [400]:.msg %bot.name adduser $ifact $$?="AddUser $crlf $+ <username> <level>"
  ..Remove User...  [0-400]:.msg %bot.name remuser $ifact $$?="RemUser $crlf $+ <username>"
  ..Modif level...  [400]:.msg %bot.name modinfo $ifact access $$?="ModInfo $crlf $+ <username> <level>"
  ..Auto None...    [400]:.msg %bot.name modinfo $ifact automode $?="None $crlf $+ <username>" none
  ..Auto Op...  [400]:.msg %bot.name modinfo $ifact automode $$?="Op $crlf $+ <username>" op
  ..Auto Voice...   [400]:.msg %bot.name modinfo $ifact automode $$?="Voice $crlf $+ <username>" voice
  ..* Suspend Me    [login]:.msg %bot.login suspendme $$?*="Suspend Me $crlf $+ NOTE: You will NOT be able to use your account after you issue this command. $crlf $+ Enter <your password>"
  ..Invisible   [login]
  ...On:.msg %bot.name set invisible on
  ...Off:.msg %bot.name set invisible off
  ..Language    [login]
  ...Arabic:lng ar
  ...Catalan:lng ca
  ...Danish:lng dk
  ...Dutch:lng nl
  ...English:lng en
  ...French:lng fr
  ...German:lng de
  ...Hungarian:lng hu
  ...Italian:lng it
  ...Norwegian:lng no
  ...Portuguese:lng pt
  ...Romanian:lng ro
  ...Spanish:lng es
  ...Turkish:lng tr
  ..Description...  [450]:.msg %bot.name set $ifact desc $$?="Description $crlf $+ <desc message>"
  ..Url...  [450]:.msg %bot.name set $ifact url $$?="Url [url url2 ... urlN]"
  ..Auto Topic  [450]
  ...On:.msg %bot.name set $ifact autotopic on
  ...Off:.msg %bot.name set $ifact autotopic off
  ..Mass Deop Pro...    [450]:.msg %bot.name set $ifact massdeoppro $$?="MassDeopPro $crlf $+ <value (0-7)>"
  ..Flood Protection... [450]:.msg %bot.name set $ifact floodpro $$?="FloodPro $crlf $+ <value (0-7)>"
  ..Floating Limit  [450]
  ...FloatLim On/Off
  ....On:.msg %bot.name set  $ifact floatlim on
  ....Off:.msg %bot.name set  $ifact floatlim off
  ...FloatGrace...:.msg %bot.name set $ifact floatgrace $$?="FloatGrace $crlf $+ <value (0-19)>"
  ...FloatMargin...:.msg %bot.name set $ifact floatmargin $$?="FloatMArgin $crlf $+ <value (2-20)>"
  ...FloatMax...:.msg %bot.name set $ifact floatmax $$?="FloatMax $crlf $+ <value (0-n)>"
  ...FloatPeriod...:.msg %bot.name set $ifact floatperiod $$?="FloatPeriod $crlf $+ <value (20-200)>"
  ..NoOp    [500]
  ...On:.msg %bot.name set $ifact noop on
  ...Off:.msg %bot.name set $ifact noop off
  ..StrictOp    [500]
  ...On:.msg %bot.name set $ifact strictop on
  ...Off:.msg %bot.name set $ifact strictop off
  ..Clear Mode  [400]:.msg %bot.name clearmode $ifact
  ..Save Mode   [450]:.msg %bot.name set $ifact mode
  ..Keywords... [450]:.msg %bot.name set $ifact keywords $$?="Give the <Keywords>"
  ..User Flag Mode  [450]
  ...Auto None:.msg %bot.name set $ifact userflags 0
  ...Auto Op:.msg %bot.name set $ifact userflags 1
  ...Auto Voice:.msg %bot.name set $ifact userflags 2
  ..$upper(%bot.name) Auto Join [500]
  ...On:.msg %bot.name set $ifact autojoin on
  ...Off:.msg %bot.name set $ifact autojoin off
  ..Search...   [0]:.msg %bot.name search $$?="Search Channel Keywords $crlf $+ <parameter>"
  ..Show Ignore [0]:.msg %bot.name showignore
  ..MotD    [0]:.msg %bot.name motd
  ..Support Channel [login]
  ...Yes:.msg %bot.name support $ifact yes
  ...No:.msg %bot.name support $ifact no
  ..$upper(%bot.name) Join / Part
  ...$upper(%bot.name) Join [450]:.msg %bot.name join $ifact
  ...$upper(%bot.name) Part [500]:.msg %bot.name part $ifact
  .Help...  [0]:.msg %bot.name help $$?="Help [command]"
  .#Help @ Undernet.org:run http://help.undernet.org/
  .Offline Help
  ..English:run scripts\X\xcmds-en.txt
  ..French:run scripts\X\xcmds-fr.txt
  ..Hungarian:run scripts\X\xcmds-hu.txt
  ..Italian:run scripts\X\xcmds-it.txt
  ..Norwegian:run scripts\X\xcmds-no.txt
  ..Romanian:run scripts\X\xcmds-ro.txt
  ..Spanish:run scripts\X\xcmds-es.txt
  ..Turkish:run scripts\X\xcmds-tr.txt


menu nicklist {
  .OP   [100]:.msg %bot.name op # $1
  .Deop [100]:.msg %bot.name deop # $1
  .Voice    [25]:.msg %bot.name voice # $1
  .Devoive  [25]:.msg %bot.name devoice # $1
  .Kick [50]:.msg %bot.name kick # $$1 $$?="Kick: $$1 $crlf $+ [reason]"
  .Ban  [75]:.msg %bot.name ban # $$1 $$?="Ban: $$1 $crlf $+ [duration (1-336h)] [level (1-500)] [reason]"
  .Unban    [75]:.msg %bot.name unban # $1
  .View User Access [0]:.msg %bot.name access $ifact = $+ $1
  .View User Info   [0]:.msg %bot.name INFO = $+ $1
  .Verify   [0]:.msg %bot.name verify $1
  .Suspend  [100]:.msg %bot.name suspend $ifact = $+ $1 $$?="Suspend: $$1 - Ex: 5 m 250 $crlf $+ <duration M $chr(124) H $chr(124) D> [level]"
  .UnSuspend    [100]:.msg %bot.name unsuspend $ifact  = $+ $1

alias logbot dialog -m log_in log_in
alias ifact { if ($active == $chan) return $active | else return #$$?="Enter <channel> $crlf $+ ex: radiocontact" }
alias lng msg %bot.name set lang $1
alias xcontrol {
  if ($network) {
    if ($1 == begin) return -
    if ($1 == 1) return cService NewUser:run https://cservice.undernet.org/live/newuser.php
    if ($1 == 2) return cService website:run https://cservice. $+ $lower(%net.name) $+ .org
    if ($1 == 3) return www. $+ $lower(%net.name) $+ .org:run http://www. $+ $lower(%net.name) $+ .org

dialog log_in {
  title ""
  icon lock.ico, index
  size -1 -1 250 196
  box " My Account ", 1, 5 5 240 155
  text "&Username:", 2, 20 35 50 14
  edit "", 3, 80 32 150 18, autohs limit 25
  text "&Password:", 4, 20 65 50 14
  edit "", 5, 80 62 150 18, pass autohs limit 50
  check "&Remember password", 6, 20 95 118 14
  check "&Auto login", 7, 20 115 65 14
  check "&Mode Me +X", 8, 20 135 123 14
  button "&Login", 9, 142 168 50 23, ok default diasble
  button "&Cancel", 10, 196 168 50 23, cancel
  text "by Mi9", 12, 20 172 31 14, disable
  box "", 14, 5 162 60 29
  icon 15, 174 95 56 56, key.png, style noborder
  icon 16, 70 169 20 20, settings.png, style noborder
on *:dialog:log_in:*:*:{
  if ($devent == init) { dialog -t log_in Login to $upper($network) CService
    var %s.username $readini(scripts/X/local,$network,username)
    var %s.userpass2 $readini(scripts/X/local,$network,userpass)
    if ( %s.username != $null ) { did -a log_in 3 %s.username }
    if ( %s.userpass2 != $null ) { var %s.userpass $decode(%s.userpass2,m) | did -a log_in 5 $decode(%s.userpass) }
    if ($readini(scripts/X/local,$network,remember) == 1) { did -c log_in 6 } | else { did -u log_in 6 }
    if ($readini(scripts/X/local,$network,autologin) == 1) { did -c log_in 7 } | else { did -u log_in 7 }
    if ($readini(scripts/X/local,$network,mode+x) == 1) { did -c log_in 8 } | else { did -u log_in 8 }
    if ($did(3) != $null) || ($did(5) != $null) { did -e log_in 9 } | else { did -b log_in 9 }
  if ($devent == edit) {
    if ($did(3) != $null) && ($did(5) != $null) && ($len($did(5)) > 7) { did -e log_in 9 } | else { did -b log_in 9 }
  if ($devent == sclick) { 
    if ($did == 6) { did -u log_in 7 | writeini scripts/X/local $network autologin 0
      writeini scripts/X/local $network remember $did(6).state
      if ($did(6).state == 0) { remini scripts/X/local $network userpass }
    if ($did == 7) { did -c log_in 6 | writeini scripts/X/local $network remember 1
      writeini scripts/X/local $network autologin $did(7).state
    if ($did == 8) writeini scripts/X/local $network mode+x $did(8).state
    if ($did == 9) {
      writeini scripts/X/local $network UserName $did(3)
      if ($did(6).state) { var %s.userpass $did(5) | var %s.userpass2 $encode(%s.userpass) | writeini scripts/X/local $network userpass $encode(%s.userpass2,m) }
      else { .remini scripts/X/local $network userass }
      if ($readini(scripts/X/local,$network,mode+x) == 1) { .mode $me +x | .msg %bot.login login $did(3) $did(5) }
    if ($did == 16) { netcfg }
    if ($mouse.x isnum 5-64) && ($mouse.y isnum 169-188) run http://hawkee.com/profile/641249/?a=post&tt=snippet_id



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fahadmehar   -  Dec 02, 2016

I Loaded but not working.. I don't see any X Service Control Menu... Need Help Here !

Mi9  -  Dec 02, 2016

Add X to Notify List:
/notify on
/notify X

Or you can load manualy with: /ldx

fahadmehar  -  Dec 05, 2016

*** X CService Control Loaded


Mi9  -  Dec 05, 2016

If mIRC is installed in c:\Program Files, you must copy X folder here:
C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\mIRC\scripts\
I tested this on a clean installed mIRC.

fahadmehar  -  Dec 06, 2016

OK I Will try there. It wont work on script? My Script is in D:\ Drive... Its Loaded there but no menu. I will give a try in Clean mIRC.

Mi9  -  Dec 06, 2016

If you followed instalation steps, it must work
I use a portable version of mIRC
D:\Program Files\mIRC\scripts\X\
and is ok.

fahadmehar  -  Dec 07, 2016
  • Loaded script 'D:\2pacLegacY BlacK Final\RuGaL Undernet\scripts\x\startx.mrc'
    I Create an seprate folder in my script and extract there addon is loaded as you can see after that I
    add X to Notify List
    /notify on
    /notify X
Mi9  -  Dec 07, 2016

For portable version of mIRC
scripts folder must be in the same folder where mirc.exe is

scripts (and X folder must be in this folder)

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Mi9   -  Sep 08, 2016


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