mIRC notepad

By Gex on Jan 26, 2006

notepad on mirc with save,open ,load to ur remotes and write /notepad ...

;Description: this script is for viewing,editing your text file from mirc.its based on the mirc simple editbox with features for adding ur nick,date,time. you can edit your files easily by file>open and save it by file>save its so simple and including a status bar to view your text file status.
;how to use: load this code into your remotes : alt + r then copy paste there. and click ok . after that go to your menu and click mIRC notepad.it will open our lil script you have 4 menus. (1) file which has new,open,save to let u edit ur text files and save them. (2)insert to let u add certain information about you(nick,date,time). (3)options(stats) which shows the info of the text file(similar to the status bar). (4)help(about) for showing the about dialog
dialog npad {
  title "mIRC notepad"
  size -1 -1 254 257
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 0 -1 254 248, multi return autohs autovs hsbar vsbar
  edit "", 12, 0 246 48 11, disable
  edit "", 13, 48 246 206 11, disable
  menu "File", 2
  item "New", 6, 2
  item break, 7, 2
  item "Open", 3, 2
  item break, 4, 2
  item "Save", 5, 2
  menu "Insert", 14
  item "your nick", 15, 14
  item break, 16, 14
  item "todays date", 17, 14
  item "todays time", 18, 14
  item "todays date/time", 19, 14
  item break, 20, 14
  menu "options", 10
  item "stats", 11, 10
  menu "Help", 8
  item "About", 9, 8

on *:dialog:npad:menu:15 {
  did -a $dname 1 $me
on *:dialog:npad:menu:17 {
  did -a $dname 1 $date
on *:dialog:npad:menu:18 {
  did -a $dname 1 $time
on *:dialog:npad:menu:19 {
  did -a $dname 1 $date - $time
on *:dialog:npad:edit:1 {
  did -ra $dname 12 Lines : $did(1).lines 
dialog sts {
  title "Stats"
  size -1 -1 105 37
  option dbu
  text "File:", 1, 5 2 12 8
  edit "", 2, 35 2 67 10, read autohs
  text "Lines:", 3, 5 13 14 8
  edit "", 4, 77 13 25 10, disable
  text "Size:", 5, 5 24 19 8
  edit "", 6, 77 24 25 10, disable

dialog abt {
  title "About"
  size -1 -1 199 24
  option dbu
  text "author : Gex @ IrcQnet", 1, 6 3 86 8
  text "download :", 2, 6 11 30 8
  link "http://not edited yet", 3, 37 11 142 8
on *:dialog:sts:init:* {
  did -a $dname 2 %file
  did -a $dname 4 $lines(%file)
  did -a $dname 6 $mid($calc($file(%file).size / 1000),1,4) KB
on *:dialog:npad:menu:11 {

  if (!$dialog(sts)) { dialog -m sts sts }
  else { dialog -v sts sts }
on *:dialog:npad:menu:9 {
  if (!$dialog(abt)) { dialog -m abt abt }
  else { dialog -v abt abt }
on *:dialog:npad:menu:3 {
  set %file $sfile(File to open,File to open) 
  did -r $dname 1
  if (%file) { .loadbuf 0 -o $dname 1 " $+ %file $+ " 
    set %filex mIRC notepad :: $nopath(" $+ %file $+ ")
    dialog -t $dname %filex
    did -ra $dname 13 File : %file , Size :  $mid($calc($file(%file).size / 1000),1,4) KB
    did -ra $dname 12 Lines : $lines(%file)

on *:dialog:npad:menu:5 {
  if (!%file) { set %file $$sfile(untitled.txt,save,save) | .savebuf  -eo $dname 1 " $+ %file $+ " }
  else { .savebuf  -eo $dname 1 " $+ %file $+ " }

on *:dialog:npad:menu:6 {
  ; if ($gettok($dialog(npad).title,2,58))  {
  dialog -t $dname mIRC notepad :: untitled.txt
  unset %file
  unset %filex
  did -r $dname 1
on *:dialog:npad:close:* {
  if ($dialog(sts)) { dialog -x sts sts }
  if ($dialog(abt)) { dialog -x abt abt }
  unset %file
  unset %filex
alias notepad { if (!$dialog(npad)) { dialog -m npad npad } }
menu menubar,channel { 
  mIRC notepad :/notepad


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Gex   -  Jan 29, 2006

in mirc.net am exorcist. in here i was xploiter and now gex :D in ircqnet i am rapture,lee,gex,exorcist ... lol i have nickname mania

RoninWarrior   -  Jan 28, 2006

ExOrCiStis this your other nick ? Gex just curious?

Gex   -  Jan 27, 2006

updated( added statusbar,\"insert\" menu including date,time,nick )

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