Staff Bot 7 Development

By Tamaki on Jan 10, 2015

Hey everyone! TAD here and I'm introducing official development of Staff Bot 7. I'd really like to involve the community here so if you would like to see something new or specific on the newest version of Staff Bot, please let me know. Also, if you're interested in helping me out, feel free to comment or send me a message :D

alias sbperm {
  If ($1 == version) { return }
  If ($1 == title) { return Staff_Bot }
  If ($1 == author) { return The_Almighty_Duelist }
  If ($1 == root) { return none }
  If ($1 == path) { return none }
  If ($1 == desc) { return Automated bot with support for running channels and staff on an IRC network. }
  If ($1 == product_id) { return s001-7000 }
  If ($1 == installation_id) { return $readini(agfile.ini,sbot,installation_id) }
alias sbstatus { return $readini(sbot/sbot.ini,status,$1) }
alias sbset { return $readini(sbot/sbot.ini,settings,$1) }
on *:LOAD: {
  If ($readini(agfile.ini,sbot,installed) != yes) {
    If ($readini(agfile.ini,sbot,registered) != yes) {
      agfile register sbot $sbperm(version) $sbperm(title) $sbperm(author) no $sbperm(root) $sbperm(path) $sbperm(desc)
      echo -a Please type /install sbot to install Staff Bot $sbperm(version) $+ .
    Else {
      echo -a Please type /install sbot to install Staff Bot $sbperm(version) $+ .
  If ($readini(agfile.ini,sbot,version) != $sbperm(version)) {
    agfile update sbot $sbperm(version) $sbperm(title) $sbperm(product_id) $sbperm(installation_id) $sbperm(author) no $sbperm(root) $sbperm(path) $sbperm(desc)
    sbot update
on *:START: {
  If ($readini(agfile.ini,sbot,installed) != yes) {
    If ($readini(agfile.ini,sbot,registered) != yes) {
      agfile register sbot $sbperm(version) $sbperm(title) $sbperm(author) no $sbperm(root) $sbperm(path) $sbperm(desc)
      echo -a Please type /install sbot to install Staff Bot $sbperm(version) $+ .
    Else {
      echo -a Please type /install sbot to install Staff Bot $sbperm(version) $+ .
  If ($readini(agfile.ini,sbot,version) != $sbperm(version)) {
    agfile update sbot $sbperm(version) $sbperm(title) $sbperm(product_id) $sbperm(installation_id) $sbperm(author) no $sbperm(root) $sbperm(path) $sbperm(desc)
    sbot update
alias sbot {
  If (!$1) { start sbot }
  Elseif ($1 == install) {
    mkdir sbot
    writeini sbot/sbot.ini status installed yes
    writeini sbot/sbot.ini status installdate $ctime
    writeini sbot/sbot.ini status defcon 5
    writeini sbot/sbot.ini settings defcon off
    writeini agfile.ini status installing no
    agfile install sbot s001-7000d
    echo -a StaffBot Installation completed!
  Elseif ($sbstatus(installed) != yes) { halt }
  Elseif ($1 == defcon) {
    If (!$2) {
      echo -a Please select from the following options:
      echo -a To turn defcon on or off, please type /sbot defcon <on|off>
      echo -a To change the level of defcon, please type /sbot defcon <level>
      echo -a To learn more about the different levels of defcon, please type /sbot defcon help
    Elseif ($2 == on) || ($2 == off) {
      writeini sbot/sbot.ini settings defcon $2
      defcon $2
      echo -a Defcon has been sucessfully turned $2 $+ .
    Elseif ($2 isnum 1-5) {
      writeini sbot/sbot.ini status defcon $2
      defcon $2
      echo -a Defcon has been sucessfully changed to $2 $+ .
    Elseif ($2 == help) {
      echo -a Defcon 1 - Sets channel mode +m
      echo -a Defcon 2 - Sets channel mode +im
      echo -a Defcon 3 - Sets channel mode +sim and ignores all commands from non-staff
      echo -a Defcon 4 - Sets channel mode +sim and ignores all commands from staff (except bot owner)
      echo -a Defcon 5 - Sets channel mode +sim and ignores all commands from staff
    Else {
      echo -a Unknown defcon command. For more help with this, please type /sbot defcon
  Elseif ($1 == rechan) {
    var %temp.1 1
    While (%temp.1 <= $lines(sbot/channels.txt)) {
      join $read(sbot/channels.txt, %temp.1)
      inc %temp.1
    If ($sbsettings(defcon) == on) { defcon on }
alias defcon {
  If ($sbstatus(installed) != yes) { return }
  If ($1 == on) {
    If ($sbstatus(defcon) == $chr(49)) {
      var %temp.1 1
      While (%temp.1 <= $lines(sbot/channels.txt)) {
        mode $read(sbot/channels.txt, %temp.1) +m
        inc %temp.1
    If ($sbstatus(defcon) == 2) {
      var %temp.1 1
      While (%temp.1 <= $lines(sbot/channels.txt)) {
        mode $read(sbot/channels.txt, %temp.1) +im
        inc %temp.1
    If ($sbstatus(defcon) >= 3) {
      var %temp.1 1
      While (%temp.1 <= $lines(sbot/channels.txt)) {
        mode $read(sbot/channels.txt, %temp.1) +sim
        inc %temp.1
  If ($1 == off) {
    var %temp.1 1
    While (%temp.1 <= $lines(sbot/channels.txt)) {
      mode $read(sbot/channels.txt, %temp.1) -sim
      inc %temp.1
  If ($1 == $chr(49)) {
    If ($sbset(defcon) != on) { return }
    var %temp.1 1
    While (%temp.1 <= $lines(sbot/channels.txt)) {
      mode $read(sbot/channels.txt, %temp.1) -si+m
      inc %temp.1
  If ($1 == 2) {
    If ($sbset(defcon) != on) { return }
    var %temp.1
    While (%temp.1 <= $lines(sbot/channels.txt)) {
      mode $read(sbot/channels.txt, %temp.1) -s+im
      inc %temp.1
  If ($1 >= 3) {
    If ($sbset(defcon) != on) { return }
    var %temp.1
    While (%temp.1 <= $lines(sbot/channels.txt)) {
      mode $read(sbot/channels.txt, %temp.1) +sim
      inc %temp.1
dialog sbot {
  title Staff Bot $sbperm(version)
  option dbu
  size -1 -1 300 100

  ;group1 - Top Menu
  button "Settings", 101, 1 1 40 20
  button "Channels", 102, 1 21 40 20

  ;group 2 - 2nd menu
  button "Defcon", 201, 41 1 40 20, hide
  button "Add a channel", 202, 41 1 60 20, hide
  button "Remove a channel", 203, 41 21 60 20, hide disable

  ;group 3 - 3rd menu or 2nd menu items
  list 301, 102 1 100 100, hide
  button "Turn Defcon On", 302, 82 1 60 20, hide
  button "Turn Defcon Off", 303, 82 21 60 20, hide
  button "Set Defcon", 304, 82 42 60 20, hide

  ;group 4 - 4th menu or 3rd menu items
  text "Current Defcon", 401, 143 1 60 20, hide
on *:DIALOG:sbot:*:*: {
  If ($devent == init) {
    var %temp.1 1
    While (%temp.1 <= $lines(sbot/channels.txt)) {
      did -a $dname 301 $read(sbot/channels.txt, %temp.1)
      inc %temp.1
    did -ra $dname 401 Current Defcon: $sbstatus(defcon)
  If ($devent == sclick) {
    If ($did == 101) {
      did -h $dname 202-203,301-304,401
      did -v $dname 201
    If ($did == 102) {
      did -h $dname 201,302-304,401
      did -v $dname 202-203,301
    If ($did == 201) {
      did -v $dname 302-304,401
      If ($sbset(defcon) == on) {
        did -b $dname 302
      Else {
        did -b $dname 303
    If ($did == 202) {
      var %temp.1 $?="Please enter a channel name and include the number symbol. (ex #staffbot)"
      write sbot/channels.txt %temp.1
      sbot rechan
      dialog -x $dname
    If ($did == 203) {
      If (!$did(301).seltext) { did -b $dname 203 | halt }
      write -ds $+ $did(301).seltext sbot/channels.txt
      dialog -x $dname
    If ($did == 301) {
      did -e $dname 203
    If ($did == 302) {
      sbot defcon on
      did -b $dname 302
      did -e $dname 303
    If ($did == 303) {
      sbot defcon off
      did -b $dname 303
      did -e $dname 302
    If ($did == 304) {
      var %temp.1 $?="Please enter the level of the Defcon you want Staff Bot to be set to."
      sbot defcon %temp.1
      did -ra $dname 401 Current Defcon: $sbstatus(defcon)
      dialog -v sbot


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Tamaki   -  Jan 10, 2015

So this is what I have so far, lemme know what you think! :D

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