Bad Nick/Word Kicker With Logger

By No0ne on Dec 21, 2005

Made a simple bad nick/word kicker with a logger. Code is pretty much self explainitory. Sorry for the pipes. [Update] Added a dialog to turn on/off the snippet, and also added a option to view the log file of the kicks. [Note] In my update you will need to make 2 files. More will be explained below. Also be sure to make a file called KickLogs.txt in your mirc directory, for logging and to access your logs through the dialog. [Credits] I wasn't familiar with dialogs, so I took Tank59's dialog from their Relay Script and fidled around with it, to make it work with my script. Once again please leave feedback of what I can do better by pm or email me at

;File 1; - This is the dialog. Name this file to w.e you want
dialog bnwk {
  title "Nick/Word Kicker"
  size -1 -1 95 80
  option dbu
  text "Select Your Option", 3, 23 5 80 25 
  button "Turn On", 4, 24 20 45 10 
  button "Turn Off", 5, 24 30 45 10
  button "Open Logs", 6, 24 40 45 10
  text "Visit", 12, 10 60 10 12
  text "for more mIRC resources.", 9, 19 68 105 10
  link "",13, 21 60 70 10
on *:DIALOG:bnwk:sclick:4:{ 
  /load -rs bnwk2.txt
  echo -a Bad Nick/Word Kicker has been enabled. 
on *:DIALOG:bnwk:sclick:5:{ 
  /unload -rs bnwk2.txt
  echo -a Bad Nick/Word Kicker has been disabled. 
on *:DIALOG:bnwk:sclick:6:{ 
  if ($isfile(kicklogs.txt)) { run kicklogs.txt }
on *:load:{
 /dialog -m bnwk bnwk 
;File 2;-This is the on text and join events. Make sure
;;;;;;;; you name this bnwk2.txt (So it will work)
on *:text:*:#:{
  if (fuck isin $1-) { .kick # $nick $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate content. | //write KickLogs.txt ( $+ $date $+ - $+ $time $+ ) $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate content. [Inappropriate Content]: $1- }
  if (cunt isin $1-) { .kick # $nick $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate content. | //write KickLogs.txt ( $+ $date $+ - $+ $time $+ ) $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate content. [Inappropriate Content]: $1- }
  if (bitch isin $1-) { .kick # $nick $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate content. | //write KickLogs.txt ( $+ $date $+ - $+ $time $+ ) $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate content. [Inappropriate Content]: $1- }
  if (pussy isin $1-) { .kick # $nick $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate content. | //write KickLogs.txt ( $+ $date $+ - $+ $time $+ ) $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate content. [Inappropriate Content]: $1- }
  if (nigger isin $1-) { .kick # $nick $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate content. | //write KickLogs.txt ( $+ $date $+ - $+ $time $+ ) $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate content. [Inappropriate Content]: $1- }
on *:join:#:{
  if (fuck isin $nick) { .kick # $nick $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate nickname. | //write KickLogs.txt ( $+ $date $+ - $+ $time $+ ) $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate nickname. }
  if (cunt isin $nick) { .kick # $nick $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate nickname. | //write KickLogs.txt ( $+ $date $+ - $+ $time $+ ) $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate nickname. }
  if (bitch isin $nick) { .kick # $nick $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate nickname. | //write KickLogs.txt ( $+ $date $+ - $+ $time $+ ) $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate nickname. }
  if (pussy isin $nick) { .kick # $nick $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate nickname. | //write KickLogs.txt ( $+ $date $+ - $+ $time $+ ) $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate nickname. }
  if (nigger isin $nick) { .kick # $nick $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate nickname. | //write KickLogs.txt ( $+ $date $+ - $+ $time $+ ) $nick $+ , Kicked for Inappropriate nickname. }
on *:disconnect:{ //write KickLogs.txt  | //write KickLogs.txt -------Session Ends at: ( $+ $server $+ )( $+ $date $+ )( $+ $time $+ )------- }
on *:connect:{ //write KickLogs.txt  | //write KickLogs.txt -------Session Begins at: ( $+ $server $+ )( $+ $date $+ )( $+ $time $+ )------- }


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Elite   -  Jan 24, 2006

What about a hash table?

DarkWatcher   -  Dec 29, 2005

It\'s ok, but a text file would take less time. It\'s still useful.

No0ne   -  Dec 26, 2005

You\'re right. But the last time I checked, I had 1..2..10 if statements. Now I do plan on updating this, so if you would like to stop complaining about this you, you\'re allowed to move on. Thanks.

KuTsuM   -  Dec 24, 2005

txt files are faster than having to evaluate a million if statements

StonedStoner   -  Dec 23, 2005

It might be slow but its alot easier for users to use when they can just add words to a text file.

No0ne   -  Dec 23, 2005

I prefer not to use .txt files, i\'ve always found them to be slow. Also this is a snippet, just in two parts. But when you put the second one in a different file, make sure to call it bnwk2.txt. Only takes 8 seconds longer.

StonedStoner   -  Dec 23, 2005

First these are snippets. Don\'t people just copy and paste into their remotes? I think what what tank59 ment was to make a .txt file of bad words so u dont have to have like 50 If statements.

No0ne   -  Dec 22, 2005

Ok, I Updated it. I tryed using groups, but it didn\'t work right. So it works off 2 files now.

Yoinx   -  Dec 22, 2005

also, use \'elseif\' \'else\' and \'halt\' to speed up processing.

tank59   -  Dec 22, 2005

Might want to think about maybe using like a txt file to read from to cut down on if statements.

No0ne   -  Dec 21, 2005

I know it looks ugly, but if you decide to use it, it does turn out nicely. Please leave feedback on what I can do better.

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