Yoinx's Talker

By Yoinx on Nov 18, 2005

This is one of those annoying talker scripts.

I wrote it becuase I got tired of seeing talkers with hundreds of if statments in them.... This one lets you add your own through a handy dialog... Hope you guys enjoy it. And let me know of any issuses.

There are no defaults with this one. However, this one allows you to maintain multiple lists.... Im looking for people to test it, give suggestions and let me know of any errors.

Thanks to Msmo from #mircscripting As he wrote most of my regex.

Please Note. If you have any on input events halting the input, this script will not work. You could take the input from here and combine it with yours. But I check if the input is halted in my on input event.

This must be loaded from a file. Not pasted into the scripts editor. The On start event doesnt trigger right otherwise.

This script as with all of mine is open to anyone for modifications. You dont have to ask, and I only ask that you include some sort of credit or a link back to this snippet.

; Thanks to Msmo and everyone else in #mircscripting for their help with my regex woes.
; He pretty much wrote all my regex for me, but at least I have a better understanding now.
; There is no need whatsoever to edit this script.
; Doing so will most likely break it.
; Everything you need to do is accessible through the dialog and popup menu.
on *:start: {
  if (!isdir($+(",$scriptdir,data\"))) mkdir $+(",$scriptdir,data\")
  hmake yoinx.talker.settings
  if ($exists($+(",$scriptdir,data\,yoinx.talker.settings.hsh"))) hload yoinx.talker.settings $+(",$scriptdir,data\,yoinx.talker.settings.hsh") 
  if ($exists($+(",$scriptdir,data\,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current),.tlk,"))) {
    hmake $+(yoinx.talker.,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current))
    hload $+(yoinx.talker.,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current)) $+(",$scriptdir,data\,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current),.tlk,")
  else {
on *:exit: {
on *:unload: {
menu channel,query,status {
  .$iif($group(#yoinxtalker).status == on, off,on):$iif($group(#yoinxtalker).status == on, .disable #yoinxtalker,.enable #yoinxtalker) 
#yoinxtalker on
on *:input:*: {
  if ($left($1,1) != $readini(mirc.ini,text,commandchar)) && (!$halted) {
    if ($window($active).type == channel) || ($window($active).type == query) || ($window($active).type == chat) {
      $iif($hget(yoinx.talker.settings,defaultcolor),tokenize 32 $v1 $+  $+ $1-) 
      msg $active $yoinx.talker.converttext($1-)
  elseif ($right($1,2-) == me ) && (!$halted) {
    if ($window($active).type == channel) || ($window($active).type == query) || ($window($active).type == chat) {
      describe $active $yoinx.talker.converttext($($2-,2))
  unset %rtext
#yoinxtalker end
; Dialog Tables
dialog Yoinxtalker {
  title "YoinxTalker"
  size -1 -1 450 384
  option pixels
  text "Acronym:", 100, 10 10 52 16
  edit "Typed Text", 1, 80 6 100 20, autohs
  text "Actual Text:", 101, 10 34 66 16
  edit "Text Sent to Chat", 2, 80 30 364 20, autohs
  button "Add", 10, 398 6 50 24
  box "Current Substitutions:", 103, 8 64 436 252
  list 3, 16 96 418 190, sort size extsel hsbar vsbar
  text "Acronym: Actual Text", 104, 26 80 132 16
  button "Edit Selected", 11, 20 288 74 24
  button "Del Selected", 12, 358 288 74 24
  button "Close", 13, 360 344 74 24, ok cancel
  box "Default Color For All Text. Leave Blank for None.", 42, 8 320 252 52
  edit "Enter Your Color", 40, 24 344 116 20
  button "Save Color", 41, 160 344 74 24
  menu "File", 4
  item "Load", 51, 4, ok
  item "Save", 6, 4, ok
  menu "Talkers", 7
  menu "Help", 70
  item "How To Use This Dialog", 71, 70, ok
  item "About", 8, 70, ok
dialog Error {
  title "Error"
  size -1 -1 262 92
  option pixels
  text "", 1, 8 8 244 48, center
  button "OK", 2, 92 66 74 24, ok cancel
dialog yoinxtalkerabout {
  title "About"
  size -1 -1 204 144
  option dbu
  list 1, 4 4 198 122, size
  button "Close", 2, 80 128 37 12, ok cancel
dialog yoinxtalkerhelp {
  title "Help"
  size -1 -1 252 196
  option dbu
  button "Close", 2, 100 180 37 12, ok cancel
  list 1, 4 4 246 174, size
; Dialog Events
on *:dialog:yoinxtalkerhelp:init:0: {
  loadbuf -eothelp $dname 1 $+(",$script,")
on *:dialog:yoinxtalkerabout:init:0: {
  loadbuf -eotabout $dname 1 $+(",$script,")
on *:dialog:yoinxtalker:init:0: {
  if ($hget(yoinx.talker.settings,DefaultColor)) did -ra yoinxtalker 40 $hget(yoinx.talker.settings,DefaultColor)
  if (!$window(@Sampletext)) window -da @sampletext  $dialog(yoinxtalker).x $calc($dialog(yoinxtalker).y - 50) 456 50
on *:dialog:yoinxtalker:close:0: {
  hdel -w yoinx.talker.settings 5??
  hsave -o $+(Yoinx.talker.,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current)) $+(",$scriptdir,data\,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current),.tlk,")
  if ($window(@Sampletext)) window -c @sampletext
on *:dialog:yoinxtalker:edit:2: {
  if ($window(@Sampletext)) {
    if ($line(@Sampletext,1)) dline @sampletext 1
    if ($did($dname,2).text) aline @sampletext $did(yoinxtalker,2).text
on *:dialog:yoinxtalker:menu:*: {
  if ($did > 500) {
    if ($did($dname,$did).text != $hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current)) {
      hmake $+(yoinx.talker.,$did($did).text)
      if ($exists($+(",$scriptdir,data\,$did($did).text,.tlk,"))) hload $+(yoinx.talker.,$did($did).text) $+(",$scriptdir,data\,$did($did).text,.tlk,")
      else hsave -o $+(yoinx.talker.,$did($did).text) $+(",$scriptdir,data\,$did($did).text,.tlk,") 
      yoinx.talker.switchmenu $did($did).text 
  elseif ($did == 51) {
    var %file = $$?="Name Your List."
    var %file = $remove($replace(%file,$chr(32),__),/,\,*)
    if ($exists($+(",$scriptdir,data\,%file,.tlk,"))) {
      dialog -md error error
      did -a error A file By that name already exists
    else {
      hmake $+(yoinx.talker.,%file)
      hsave -o $+(yoinx.talker.,%file) $+(",$scriptdir,data\,%file,.tlk,")
      yoinx.talker.switchmenu %file new
  elseif ($did == 52) {
    var %file = $sfile($+(",$scriptdir,data\,*.tlk),Select A File:)
    if (%file) {
      if ($exists($+(",$scriptdir,data\,$nopath(%file),"))) {
        dialog -md error error
        did -a error A file already exists by the name $+(",$nopath(%file),")
      else {
        .rename $+(",%file,") $+(",$scriptdir,data\,$nopath(%file),")
        yoinx.talker.switchmenu $left($nopath(%file),-4) new
  elseif ($did == 54) {
    .remove $+(",$scriptdir,data\,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current),.tlk")   
    hfree $+(yoinx.talker.,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current))
    hdel yoinx.talker.settings current
    hdel -w yoinx.talker.settings 5*
    dialog -x yoinxtalker yoinxtalker
    .timer 1 0 talkerconfig
  elseif ($did == 71) {
    dialog -md yoinxtalkerhelp yoinxtalkerhelp
  elseif ($did == 72) {
    dialog -md yoinxtalkerabout yoinxtalkerabout
on *:dialog:yoinxtalker:sclick:10: {
  if ($numtok($did(yoinxtalker,1).text,32) != 1) {
    dialog -md error error
    did -ra error 1 You Can Only Specify One Word As The Acronym
  elseif ($did(yoinxtalker,2).text == $null) {
    dialog -md error error
    did -ra error 1 You Must Specify Something To Replace $+(",$did(yoinxtalker,1).text,") With.
  elseif ($regex($did(yoinxtalker,1).text,/[[:cntrl:]]/g)) {
    dialog -md error error
    did -ra error 1 Your Acro cannot ccontain control codes. Color, Underline, Bold, or Reverse.
  elseif ($hget($+(Yoinx.talker.,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current)),$did(yoinxtalker,1).text)) {
    dialog -md error error 
    did -ra error 1 $+(",$did(yoinxtalker,1).text,") already exists in your list. Please edit/delete it first.
  else {
    hadd -m $+(Yoinx.talker.,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current)) $upper($did(yoinxtalker,1).text) $did(yoinxtalker,2).text
    did -a yoinxtalker 3 $upper($+($did(yoinxtalker,1).text,:)) $did(yoinxtalker,2).text
    did -r yoinxtalker 1
    did -r yoinxtalker 2
    did -z yoinxtalker 3
    if ($window(@Sampletext)) {
      if ($line(@Sampletext,1)) dline @sampletext 1
on *:dialog:yoinxtalker:sclick:11: {
  if ($did(yoinxtalker,3).seltext == $null ) {
    dialog -md error error
    did -ra error 1 You Must Select At Least One Line to Edit.
  elseif ($did(yoinxtalker,3,0).sel > 1 ) {
    dialog -md error error
    did -ra error 1 You Can Only Select One Line To Edit.
  else {
    did -ra yoinxtalker 1 $left($gettok($did(yoinxtalker,3).seltext,1,32),-1)
    did -ra yoinxtalker 2 $hget($+(yoinx.talker.,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current)),$left($gettok($did(yoinxtalker,3).seltext,1,32),-1))
    hdel $+(Yoinx.talker.,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current)) $left($gettok($did(yoinxtalker,3).seltext,1,32),-1)
    did -d yoinxtalker 3 $did(yoinxtalker,3).sel
    did -z yoinxtalker 3
    if ($window(@Sampletext)) {
      if ($line(@Sampletext,1)) dline @sampletext 1
      aline @sampletext $did(yoinxtalker,2).text
on *:dialog:yoinxtalker:sclick:12: {
  if ($did(yoinxtalker,3).seltext == $null ) {
    dialog -md error error
    did -ra error 1 You Must Select At Least One Line to Delete.
  else {
    while ($did(yoinxtalker,3,1).sel) {
      hdel $+(Yoinx.talker.,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current)) $left($gettok($did(yoinxtalker,3).seltext,1,32),-1)
      did -d yoinxtalker 3 $did(yoinxtalker,3,1).sel
      did -z yoinxtalker 3
on *:dialog:yoinxtalker:sclick:41: {
  if ($did(yoinxtalker,40).text) {
    if ($regex($did(yoinxtalker,40).text,/(?:\cc(?:\d\d?(?:,\d\d?)?)?)/) != 1) {
      dialog -md error error
      did -ra error 1 You must enter a Color Code, If you want to enter anything. ONLY enter a color code though.
    else {
      hadd -m yoinx.talker.settings DefaultColor $did(yoinxtalker,40).text
  else {
    if ($hget(yoinx.talker.settings,defaultcolor)) hdel yoinx.talker.settings defaultcolor
; Aliases
alias talkerconfig {
  dialog -dm yoinxtalker yoinxtalker
alias yoinx.talker.converttext {
  var %text = $1-
  .echo -q $regex(color,%text,/(\cc(?:\d\d?(?:,\d\d?)?)?)/g))
  .echo -q $regsub($strip($1-,burc),/[-!.() $+ $chr(44) $+ ']/g,,%rtext)
  var %x = 1
  var %hashtable = $+(yoinx.talker.,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current))
  var %regex = $+(/,$chr(40),?:,$replace(%rtext,$chr(32),$chr(124)),$chr(41),/Si)
  while (%x <= $hfind(%hashtable,%regex,0,r)) {
    var %word = $hfind(%hashtable,%regex,%x,r) 
    .echo -q $regsub(%text,/(^|(?<!\w)(?:\cc(?:\d\d?(?:,\d\d?)?)?)++(?:\x02\x02?)\x31?|\x02|\x31|[[:punct:]]|\s) $+ %WORD $+ (?!\w)/ig,$+(\1,$hget(%hashtable,%word),$regml(color,1)),%text)
    inc %x
  return %text
alias yoinx.talker.closesave {
  if ($hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current)) hsave -o $+(yoinx.talker.,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current)) $+(",$scriptdir,data\,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current),.tlk,")
  hdel -w yoinx.talker.settings 5*
  hsave -o yoinx.talker.settings $+(",$scriptdir,data\yoinx.talker.settings.hsh,") 
alias yoinx.talker.makedefaults {
  hmake yoinx.talker.default
  hadd yoinx.talker.default LOL Laughing Out Loud
  hadd yoinx.talker.default BBIAB Be Back In A Bit
  hadd yoinx.talker.default BRB Be Right Back
  hadd yoinx.talker.default BBIAM Be Back In A Minute
  hadd yoinx.talker.default BTW By The Way
  hadd yoinx.talker.default LMAO Laughing My Ass Off
  hadd yoinx.talker.default RTFM Read The Fucking Manual
  hadd yoinx.talker.default ROFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
  hadd yoinx.talker.default ROFL Rolling On The Floor
  hadd yoinx.talker.default BBIAW Be Back In A While
  hadd -m yoinx.talker.settings current default
  hsave -o yoinx.talker.default $+(",$scriptdir,data\,default.tlk,")
alias yoinx.talker.fillmenu {
  if ($hget(yoinx.talker.settings,501)) {
    hdel -w yoinx.talker.settings 5*
  if (!$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current)) || (!$exists($+(",$scriptdir,data\,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current),.tlk,"))) {
  var %x = 1
  while (%x <= $findfile($+(",$scriptdir,data\,"),*.tlk,0)) {
    did -a yoinxtalker 500 $calc(500 + %x) $left($nopath($findfile($+(",$scriptdir,data\,"),*.tlk,%x)),-4)
    hadd -m yoinx.talker.settings $calc(500 + %x) $left($nopath($findfile($+(",$scriptdir,data\,"),*.tlk,%x)),-4)    
    inc %x
alias yoinx.talker.clearmenu {
  if ($1 == new) {
    var %x = 1
    while (%x < $findfile($+(",$scriptdir,data\,"),*.tlk,0)) {
      did -d yoinxtalker $calc(500 + %x)
      inc %x
  else {
    var %x = 1
    while (%x <= $findfile($+(",$scriptdir,data\,"),*.tlk,0)) {
      did -d yoinxtalker $calc(500 + %x)
      inc %x
alias yoinx.talker.checkmenu {
  if (!$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current)) || (!$exists($+(",$scriptdir,data\,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current),.tlk,"))) {
    if ($hfind(yoinx.talker.settings,default,1).data != current ) {
      did -c yoinxtalker $hfind(yoinx.talker.settings,default,1).data
    else {
      did -c yoinxtalker $hfind(yoinx.talker.settings,default,2).data
  else {
    if ($hfind(yoinx.talker.settings,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current),1).data != current ) {
      did -c yoinxtalker $hfind(yoinx.talker.settings,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current),1).data
    else {
      did -c yoinxtalker $hfind(yoinx.talker.settings,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current),2).data
alias yoinx.talker.switchmenu {
  hsave -o $+(yoinx.talker.,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current)) $+(",$scriptdir,data\,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current),.tlk,")
  hfree $+(yoinx.talker.,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current))
  if ($hfind(yoinx.talker.settings,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current),1).data != current ) {
    did -u yoinxtalker $hfind(yoinx.talker.settings,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current),1).data
  else {
    did -u yoinxtalker $hfind(yoinx.talker.settings,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current),2).data
  hadd -m yoinx.talker.settings current $1
  yoinx.talker.fillmenu $2
alias yoinx.talker.filltext {
  did -r yoinxtalker 3
  var %x = 1
  while (%x <= $hget($+(yoinx.talker.,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current)),0).item) {
    did -a yoinxtalker 3 $hget($+(yoinx.talker.,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current)),%x).item $+ : $hget($+(yoinx.talker.,$hget(yoinx.talker.settings,current)),%x).data
    inc %x
  did -z yoinxtalker 3
This Script will replace any occurance of you acro in anything you type
while it is turned on. Right Click the channel to turn it off.

You can have multiple acro/talker lists. They'll all show up under the 
Talkers Menu. The current one is marked with a checkmark. And is the only
one that will perform replacements when you type. You can select a new
active one from the talkers menu.

File > New - Enter a Name for the talker list.
Avoid Spaces and special characters. This list will be blank. 
Also it will show up in the talkers menu.

You can load other people's lists by either placing them in 
or, you can use the load function File > Load
Its pretty straight forward.

To Add New Acros:
In the Top Edit Box add the acronym.
In the Bottom Box, add the text with codes you want to have replace the acronym.
Then click add.

Ctrl+k For colors - These are automatically closed.
----These must have a second one at the end of the text. If not, they will 
----carry on throughout the rest of your text when you type an acro.
----Otherwise, the first color code (if there is one) will be replaced after
----The substitution.
Ctrl+U Underline 
Crtl+B Bold
This is my first attempt at an Acro/Talker Script. 
Please Let me know if you enjoy it.
I tried to make it as dynamic as possible... 
However, that means that there may be issues
that I did not come accross in my testing. 
Please let me know of any errors, and what you
were doing when you got the error.

Email them to:
Yoinx@graffiti.net Subject: Acro/Talker Script Error



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blackvenomm666   -  Nov 28, 2010

yea cupcake go to line 309 and remove the part that says something bout id 500
he doesnt have it in the dialog part of the script so its useless and will only give an error

cupcake   -  Nov 28, 2010

Know it's a old snippet, but it really is nice, works great except for the error code, does anyone know how to fix that bug ?

cupcake   -  Nov 26, 2010

i'm getting the same error

  • /did: 'yoinxtalker' invalid id '500' (line 309, script5.ini)
  • /did: 'yoinxtalker' invalid id '500' (line 309, script5.ini)
Shadow Clash   -  May 20, 2007

sir sonic12.. dont copy my avater grr

Xemnas   -  Mar 10, 2007

...:P It\'s Nice.

Sir_Sonic12   -  Dec 02, 2006

Hey im getting this error ive gotten it 3 times so far and i dont knowwhat i was doing when i got it
/did: \'yoinxtalker\' invalid id \'500\' (line 309, script4.mrc)
This is line 309
did -a yoinxtalker 500 $calc(500 + %x) $left($nopath($findfile($+(\",$scriptdir,data\,\"),*.tlk,%x)),-4)

I dont know what thats about but just letting you know.

RoninWarrior   -  Dec 15, 2005

well i am on a a pretty big monitor at a res of 1280 720 and it seems as big as texas to me

Yoinx   -  Dec 14, 2005

Yeah, i noticed that... that was kinda weird. I know they work in mine that i have loaded now, so I reposted that code. Also, the on start event doesnt seem to trigger all the time when You paste in the scripts editor. Try loading it via a filename.mrc /load -rs filename.mrc

Also, what do you mean the dialog is too big. I can use it on a laptop running 800x600 with no problems, and it doesnt take up the entire thing.. Anything smaller would make it hard to read.

RoninWarrior   -  Dec 14, 2005

upon loading and just opeing the dialog threw your given popups in the channel i get this error

  • /hsave: unable to open \'C:\mIRC\data\default.tlk\' (line 298, script.ini)

i used the help popup in the edit menu of the dialog it opened blank with this error

  • /loadbuf: invalid parameters (line 109, script.ini)

same with the about dialog

  • /loadbuf: invalid parameters (line 112, script.ini)

i used the add and load feature threw the menu itmes and came up with these errors

  • /hsave: unable to open \'C:\mIRC\data\ddd.tlk\' (line 149, script.ini)
    and the talkers popup in menu item there is nothing there to use or choose

over all great idea a few bugs and much needed dialog designing much smaller if possiable

Zybez   -  Dec 14, 2005

whats it do? how do you trigger?

Zybez   -  Dec 14, 2005

ummmmmmmm... how do you trigger? whats it do?

Yoinx   -  Dec 05, 2005

added a custom window, to display the editbox for colors etc.

Yoinx   -  Dec 05, 2005

its a talker, it replaces words. like an acro script.

shugo103   -  Dec 05, 2005

what does it do? does it have conversations?

Yoinx   -  Nov 25, 2005

Updated again.

Yoinx   -  Nov 23, 2005

Updated a bunch of stuff... Looking for people to test it, and give their opinions.

Yoinx   -  Nov 19, 2005

yeah, I didnt take offense. Like I said, If someone says they did the colors, i\'ll put them in. None of the coding was ripped. just the colors and designs for the default substituitons...


yoinxtalker on

on :input:: {
if ($left($1,1) != $readini(mirc.ini,text,commandchar)) && (!$halted) {
var %x = 1
while (%x <= $0) {
if ($hget(yoinx.talker,$($+($,%x),2))) {
if (%x == 1) {
var %text = $hget(yoinx.talker,$($+($,%x),2))
else {
var %text = $+(%text,$chr(32),$hget(yoinx.talker,$($+($,%x),2)),)
else {
if (%x == 1) {
var %text = $($+($,%x),2)
else {
var %text = $+(%text,$chr(32),$($+($,%x),2))
inc %x
msg $active %text

yoinxtalker end

replace the group with that, and it will do the replacements anywhere in your text.

RoninWarrior   -  Nov 19, 2005

xDameon Yonix dont take it the wroung way i wasnt trying to give the vibe of riping or anything i was just curious was all.

Yoinx   -  Nov 19, 2005

Yeah like I said... kinda girie... besides you an just highlight them all and hit delete. You\'ll have to add one before you close it though...
Since if there isnt at least one talker in the list... it will reload the defaults.

Raid   -  Nov 18, 2005

Nice script but pink.... lol

Yoinx   -  Nov 18, 2005

because, the other script had no credit tags, it was only an don input event with a bunch of if\'s. I just didnt feel like doing all the colors and what not for some defaults...

the idea of this script wasnt to provide the colors and all that... But to make a talker to provide a user friendly way of making their own custom words. without scripting anything. Also. this talker uses 3 evaluations in an if/then/else. Most of the talkers Ive seen are a hundred or so lines of ifs.... which means, you check 100 if\'s if you type the word that is in the last if.

xDaeMoN   -  Nov 18, 2005

Quoting Yoinx \"; The defaults that get loaded are kinda girlie.
; I borrowed them from another script with no credits.
; If they are yours, let me know... I\'ll give you the credit for them.\"

@ Roninwarrior, the default words were the only ones borrowed, not the script which is made by Yoinx himself.

RoninWarrior   -  Nov 18, 2005

if you borrowed this from another script with out credits which script was it and if so why did you make it to be your own with yonix.talker etc etc all through out the script?

Yoinx   -  Nov 18, 2005

I could though.

Yoinx   -  Nov 18, 2005

I asked around, nobody that I had asked seemed interested in it doin that.

Zachery   -  Nov 18, 2005

mabye could u make it so its like test lol test does that to

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