Tables Script

By VxD aka DEATHJ0KER on Aug 02, 2014

This code uses the dcx.dll. It allows you to attach images to your desktop, animated images, web controls without a frame. With this method it is possible to animate your controls using transparent dialogs that display the animated drawing or text directly overlay the applications running on the desktop, making it visible in the foreground.
Overlap several controls, dialogs or window styles to get different colored shapes and styles of the dialog box.
In essence, are the effects of transparency of the dialogs and controls used in Windows 10

Tables Script Pre Alpha 1.A ~ Under construction - Treebar & Xpopup - for Windows 7|8|10 - Test version

Several examples:

; tables test video transparent web control | VxÐ ~ | ✟NeCRoNoMiCoN✞ $¢®iþ† ~              ;

; video on channel or status

alias videox {
  dialog -ma videox videox_table

dialog videox_table {
  title "videox"
  size -1 -1 500 500

on *:dialog:videox:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) {
    dcx Mark $dname videox_cb
    xdialog -b $dname -vxztwymn
    xdialog -V $dname -1 -1 500 500
    xdialog -t $dname transparentcolor none
    xdialog -t $dname alpha %chiaro
    xdialog -g $dname +b none
    xdialog -T $dname +bp 
    xdialog -q $dname +f %cursore

    !if (!$dcx(IsUsingDirectX)) {
      echo -a DirectX Is Disabled.

    ;// Call initilisation alias

alias -l videox_init_dcx {

;// Callback alias for videox
alias videox_cb {
  if ($2 != mouse) {
    echo $color(info) -s */ videox_cb: $1-

  if ($2 == mouseenter) { xdialog -b videox +vxztwymn  }
  if ($2 == mouseleave) {  .timer 1 0 flash_vx  }

;// quick-access menu item
menu status,channel {
  videox : { videox }

on *:Text:test:#: { videox }

alias flash_vz {
  xdialog -b videox +xztwymn
  xdialog -V videox -1 -1 500 500
  xdialog -t videox transparentcolor $rgb(255,255,255)
  xdialog -t videox alpha 150
  xdialog -g videox +b $rgb(255,255,255)

alias flash_vx {
  xdialog -b videox -vxztwymn
  xdialog -V videox -1 -1 500 500
  xdialog -t videox transparentcolor none
  xdialog -t videox alpha 150
  xdialog -g videox +b none

alias video_x {

  if ($xdialog(videox, 1).isid == $true) { /xdialog -d videox 1 }
  if ($xdialog(videox, 2).isid == $true) { /xdialog -d videox 2 }
  if ($xdialog(videox, 8012).isid == $true) { /xdialog -d videox 8012 }

  ;// Initialising control: (Image 1)
  xdialog -c videox 1 image 0 0 640 480 tabstop transparent notheme bitmap alpha

  // Initialising control: (WebControl 8012)
  xdialog -c videox 8012 webctrl 0 0 640 480  tabstop transparent notheme bitmap alpha
  xdid -n videox 8012  %link6

  ;// Initialising control: (Image 2)
  xdialog -c videox 2 image 0 0 640 480 tabstop transparent notheme bitmap alpha

  .timer 1 0 /xdid -C videox 1 +bk $rgb(0,0,0)

; tables test anim transparent web control | VxÐ ~ | ✟NeCRoNoMiCoN✞ $¢®iþ† ~              ;

alias table {
  if ($dialog(table) == $null) {
    /dialog -ma table table_table

dialog table_table {
  title Tables
  size 500 500 512 512
  icon %icodialog, 0
on *:dialog:table:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) {  
    dcx Mark $dname table_cb
    /xdialog -b $dname -vxztwymn
    /xdialog -V $dname 500 500 512 512
    /xdialog -t $dname transparentcolor none
    /xdialog -t $dname alpha 200
    /xdialog -T $dname +bp 
    /xdialog -q $dname +f %cursor
    /xdialog -a $dname +nubs 100
    if (%xd == OFF) /xdialog -g table +b none
    if (%xd == ON) /xdialog -g table +ic image\null.gif
    /xdialog -q $dname +f %cursor
    if ($isfile(%icon)) /xdialog -w $dname + 0 %icon
    ;// Call initilisation alias

alias -l table_init_dcx {

;// Callback alias for table
alias table_cb {
  if ($2 == close) {  }
  if ($2 == sclick) {
    if ($3 == 8011) { /xdialog -x table }

alias eventi { .table | .timer 1 0 .hide_x | .timer 2 0  .show_x  }
alias hide_x { /xdialog -h table }
alias show_x { xdialog -b table -vxztwymn | xdialog -s table }

alias regolare {
  if ($xdialog(table, 8011).isid != $true) { 
    ;// Initialising control: borderflash (Text 8011)
    xdialog -c table  8011 text -1 -1 320 320 tabstop transparent center tooltips
    /xdid -s table 8011 +c 20
    xdid -t table 8011 Tables SCRIPT
    if (%tooltipx == ON) xdid -T table 8011   Click HERE & good luck!! ✟
    xdid -f table 8011 +b ANSI 10 Arial
    xdid -C table 8011 +t none
    xdid -J table 8011 +f %cursor
  if ($xdialog(table, 8012).isid != $true) && ($xdialog(table, 8013).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: (WebControl 8012)
    xdialog -c table 8012 webctrl -1 -1 320 320 tabstop transparent notheme bitmap shadow 
    /xdid -s table 8012 +c 20
    xdid -n table 8012 %animlink
    xdid -J table 8012 +f %cursor

    ;// Initialising control: (Image 8013)
    xdialog -c table 8013 image -1 -1 320 320 tabstop transparent notheme bitmap    
    /xdid -i table 8013 +abh themes/images/null.gif
    /xdid -S table 8013 1
    xdid -J table 8013 +f %cursor

on *:Text:hi:#: { set %animlink | /eventi }

on *:Text:lol:#: { set %animlink | /eventi }
; tables test anim image .gif .png .bmp - static text | VxÐ ~ | ✟NeCRoNoMiCoN✞ $¢®iþ† ~              ;

alias emo {
  dialog -ma emo emo_table

dialog emo_table {
  title "emo"
  size -1 -1 364 364

on *:dialog:emo:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) {
    dcx Mark $dname emo_cb
    xdialog -b $dname %stink
    /xdialog -E $dname +c -defhmstCM
    xdialog -V $dname -1 -1 364 364
    xdialog -t $dname transparentcolor 0
    xdialog -t $dname alpha 180
    xdialog -g $dname +b $rgb(0,0,0)
    xdialog -T $dname +bp 
    /xdialog -t $dname bgcolor $rgb(0,0,0)
    /xdialog -q $dname +f themes\cursor\2.cur 
    !if (!$dcx(IsUsingDirectX)) {
      echo -a DirectX Is Disabled.
    ;// Call initilisation alias

alias -l emo_init_dcx {


  ;// Initialising control: (Image 1)
  ;  .timer 1 0 xdialog -c emo 1 image -1 -1 364 364 tabstop transparent notheme bitmap  


;// Callback alias for emo
alias emo_cb {
  if ($2 != mouse) {
    echo $color(info) -s */ emo_cb: $1-
  if ($2 == close) {  }
  if ($2 == sclick) {
    if ($3 == 2) { /xdialog -x emo }
    if ($3 == 3) { /xdialog -x emo }
    if ($3 == 6) { /xdialog -x emo }
    if ($3 == 30) { /xdialog -x emo }
  if ($2 == mouseenter) {    }
  if ($2 == mouseleave) {   }

;// quick-access menu item
menu status,channel {
  .Aero: { .set %stink +mnsyz | xdialog -b emo +mnsyz }
  .Transparent: { .set %stink -vxztwymn | xdialog -b emo -vxztwymn }
  control text On Connect : { /set %control control2 | emo }
  control anim
  .Aero: { .set %stink +mnsyz | xdialog -b emo +mnsyz |  .timer 1 0 /xdid -C emo 1 +bk none }
  .Transparent: { .set %stink -vxztwymn | xdialog -b emo -vxztwymn |  .timer 1 0 /xdid -C emo 1 +bk none }
  .anim 1 : { /set %control control1 | emo |  animx | .timer 1 0 /xdid -C emo 1 +bk none }
  .anim 2 : { /set %control control1 | emo |  animx1  | .timer 1 0 /xdid -C emo 1 +bk none }
  .anim 3 : { /set %control control1 | emo |  animx2  | .timer 1 0 /xdid -C emo 1 +bk none }
  .anim 4 : { /set %control control1 | emo |  animx3  | .timer 1 0 /xdid -C emo 1 +bk none }
  control image :  { /set %control imma1 | emo }

alias control1 {
  // Initialising control: (WebControl 6)
  xdialog -c emo 6 webctrl -1 -1 364 364  tabstop transparent notheme bitmap shadow

alias control2 {
  /xdialog -S emo -1 -1 600 100
  xdialog -V emo -1 -1 600 100
  ;// Initialising control: BackGround (Text 2)
  xdialog -c emo 2 text 0 0 364 364 tabstop default group notheme tooltips transparent shadow 
  xdid -t emo 2 %titlex  ∲ Connecting to $network - $server 
  xdid -T emo 2 %titlex  ∲ Connecting to $network - $server 
  xdid -f emo 2 +b ANSI 10 Arial
  xdid -C emo 2 +b $rgb(5,5,5)
  xdid -C emo 2 +k $rgb(80,0,0)
  xdid -C emo 2 +t $rgb(255,0,0)
  xdid -J emo 2 +f themes\cursor\1.cur

alias animx {
  xdid -n emo 6  $mircdirthemes\images\7.gif
  /xdid -C emo 6 +bk $rgb(255,0,0)
  /xdid -R emo 6 +b 1
  /xdid -R emo 6 +fR TRANSPARENT_COLOR $mircdirthemes\images\7.gif
  /xdid -x emo 6 -wbcdfs

alias animx1 {
  xdid -n emo 6  $mircdirthemes\images\7.gif 
  /xdid -R emo 6 +f TRANSPARENT_COLOR $mircdirthemes\images\1.gif

alias animx2 {
  xdid -n emo 6  $mircdirthemes\images\2.gif 

alias animx3 {
  xdid -n emo 6  $mircdirthemes\images\2.gif
  /xdid -R emo 6 +fR TRANSPARENT_COLOR $mircdirthemes\images\2.gif

alias animx4 {
  xdid -n emo 6  $mircdirthemes\images\7.gif

alias imma1 {
  // Initialising control: (Image 1)
  xdialog -c emo 3 image -1 -1 364 364 tabstop transparent notheme bitmap alpha
  /xdid -S emo 3 1
  /xdid -k emo 3 0
  /xdid -i emo 3 +abh $shortfn(themes\images\1.png)

on *:Text:test:#: { /set %anima animix | /set %control control1 | emo }

on *:Text:test2:#: { /set %control imma1 | emo }


; Incomplete code ... by example for the style that is used by Windows 10

on *:start: {
  if ($isfile(mirc.chw)) .remove mirc.chw
  if (%treex == ON) .timer 1 0 dcxtreebar

; treebarinfo | Talon                                                                                       ;

alias treebarinfo {
  var %menu = $menubar , %tree = $treebar , %tool = $toolbar
  if (%menu) .menubar off
  if (%tool) .toolbar off
  if (!%tree) .treebar on

  var = $window(-2).w - $window(-2).dw , = $window(-2).h - $window(-2).dh
  var %tree.w = $window(-2).dw - $window(-3).w , %tree.h = $window(-2).dh - $window(-3).h
  var %tree.x = $window(-3).x - $window(-2).x , %tree.y = $window(-3).y - $window(-2).y

  var %orientation = $iif(!%tree.w,horizontal,$iif(!%tree.h,vertical))
  if (%orientation == horizontal) { /set %position $iif(%tree.y >,top,bottom) }
  else { /set %position $iif(%tree.x >,left,right) }

  if (%menu) .menubar on
  if (%tool) .toolbar on
  if (!%tree) .treebar off
  return %orientation %position
  ; //echo -a $treebarinfo

; xtreebar_callback | Ook                                                                                                                             ;

alias xtreebar_callback { 
  !if ($1 == geticons) { 
    ; geticons <type> <text> 
    !if ($2 == status) return 1 1 
    !if ($2 == channel) return 2 2 
    !if ($2 == custom) return 3 3 
    !if ($2 == send) return 4 4 
    !if ($2 == get) return 5 5 
    !if ($2 == notify) return 6 6 
    !if ($2 == query) return 7 7 
    !if (*folder iswm $2) return 8 8 
    !return 0 0 
  !if ($1 == gettooltip) { 
    !if ($2 == channel) { 
      !if ($3 == $chan($active)) return $chan($active) 
      !if ($chan($active)* iswm $3) return $chan($active) Channel 
    !if ($2 == status) return $3 
    !if ($2 == WindowFolder) return Custom Windows Folder 

; alias dcxtreebar + dialogs settings | VxD ~ ~ ~                    ;

alias dcxtreebar { 
  xtreebar -w clear 
  if ($isfile(%icostatus)) xtreebar -w 0 +a 1 %icostatus 
  if ($isfile(%icochan)) xtreebar -w 0 +a 2 %icochan
  if ($isfile(%icocust)) xtreebar -w 0 +a 3 %icocust 
  if ($isfile(%icosend)) xtreebar -w 0 +a 4 %icosend
  if ($isfile(%icoget)) xtreebar -w 0 +a 5 %icoget
  if ($isfile(%iconot)) xtreebar -w 0 +a 6 %iconot 
  if ($isfile(%icoq)) xtreebar -w 0 +a 7 %icoq  
  if ($isfile(%icodir)) xtreebar -w 0 +a 8 %icodir  
  xtreebar -c +b %treebarbg
  xtreebar -c +t %treetext 
  xtreebar -c +l %treeline 
  xtreebar -c +m %treemess 
  xtreebar -c +e %treevent
  xtreebar -c +M %messagebg
  xtreebar -c +S %treetextsb
  xtreebar -c +E %treetextevo
  xtreebar -c +z %treevent
  xtreebar -c +Z %treetextevo
  xtreebar -c +h %treeh
  xtreebar -c +H %treehot
  xtreebar -s tooltips infotip transparent 
  xtreebar -s balloon trackselect scroll rootlines showsel fadebuttons richtooltip
  xtreebar -f %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xtreebar -T 1 

alias treebardialog {
  /showmirc -x
  if (%position == left) {
    /set %pos_or -500
    /set %pos_vr -100
    /set %pos_lr 320
    /set %pos_lu 1080
  if (%position == right) {
    /set %pos_or 1920
    /set %pos_vr -100
    /set %pos_lr 320
    /set %pos_lu 1080
  if (%position == top) {
    /set %pos_or -100
    /set %pos_vr -100
    /set %pos_lr 1920
    /set %pos_lu 400
  if (%position == bottom) {
    /set %pos_or -100
    /set %pos_vr 1600
    /set %pos_lr 1920
    /set %pos_lu 400
  dialog -ma treebardialog treebardialog_table
  /xdialog -b treebardialog -hmnsvxzo
  /xdialog -R treebardialog +s $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
  if (%position == left) { cla_tree_lr } 
  if (%position == right) { cla_tree_lr } 
  if (%position == top) { cla_tree_tb } 
  if (%position == bottom) { cla_tree_tb } 
  .timer 1 0 xdialog -l treebardialog update

dialog treebardialog_table {
  title "treebardialog"
  size %pos_or %pos_vr %pos_lr %pos_lu

on *:dialog:treebardialog:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) {
    /dcx Mark $dname treebardialog_cb  
    /xdialog -V $dname %pos_or %pos_vr %pos_lr %pos_lu
    /xdialog -t $dname transparentcolor none
    /xdialog -t $dname alpha none
    /xdialog -g $dname +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    /xdialog -T $dname +bp 
    /xdialog -t $dname bgcolor $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdialog -q $dname +f %cursore 
    !if (!$dcx(IsUsingDirectX)) {
      /echo -a DirectX Is Disabled.
    ;// Call initilisation alias

alias -l treebardialog_init_dcx {
  /xdialog -E treebardialog +e -h
  if (%position == left) { /xdialog -a $dname +so 100 }
  if (%position == right) { /xdialog -a $dname +sn 100 }
  if (%position == top) { /xdialog -a $dname +sv 100 }
  if (%position == bottom) { /xdialog -a $dname +su 100 }
  .timer 1 0 /xdock -b $dialog(treebardialog).hwnd +s

;// Callback alias for treebardialog
alias treebardialog_cb {
  if ($2 != mouse) { echo $color(info) -s */ treebardialog_cb: $1- }
  if ($2 == keyup) {
    if ($3 == 3) { /set %xchartree $xdid($1,3).text | .timer 1 0 ref_text | .timer 1 0 ref_char }
    elseif ($3 == 4) { /set %xcartree $xdid($1,4).text | .timer 1 0 ref_text | .timer 1 0 ref_char }
  if ($2 == keydown) {
    if ($3 == 3) { if ($xdialog(treebardialog).key & 13) /set %xchartree $xdid($1,3).text | .timer 1 0 ref_text | .timer 1 0 ref_char }
    elseif ($3 == 4) { if ($xdialog(treebardialog).key & 13) /set %xcartree $xdid($1,4).text | .timer 1 0 ref_text | .timer 1 0 ref_char }
    elseif ($3 == 5) { if ($xdid(treebardialog, 5).caretpos == 1 2) /set %xdimtree $xdid($1,5).text | .timer 1 0 ref_text | .timer 1 0 ref_char }
  if ($2 == sclick) {
    if ($3 == 1) { .run charmap.exe }
    elseif ($3 == 2) {  if ($dialog(char_set) != $null) xdialog -x char_set | /xdialog -h treebardialog | /xdialog -x treebardialog | .timer -m 1 100 /xdock -R 0 | .timer -m 1 200 /xdock -R 1 | .timer 1 0 dcxtreebar }
    elseif ($3 == 3) { .timer 1 0 xdid -r treebardialog 3 }
    elseif ($3 == 4) { .timer 1 0 xdid -r treebardialog 4 }
    elseif ($3 == 5) { .timer 1 0 xdid -r treebardialog 5 }
    elseif ($3 == 6) { char_set }
    elseif ($3 == 7) {  }
    elseif ($3 == 8) {  }
    elseif ($3 == 9) { /set %textmode +a | xdid -c treebardialog 9 | xdid -u treebardialog 10 | xdid -u treebardialog 11 | ref_text | ref_char }
    elseif ($3 == 10) { /set %textmode +i | xdid -c treebardialog 10 | xdid -u treebardialog 9 | xdid -u treebardialog 11 | ref_text | ref_char } 
    elseif ($3 == 11) { if (%textmode == +i) /set %textmode +bi | if (%textmode == +a) /set %textmode +ba | xdid -c treebardialog 11 | xdid -u treebardialog 10 | xdid -u treebardialog 9 | ref_text | ref_char }
    elseif ($3 == 12) { /set %treebarbg $dll(dlls\color.dll,Color,.) | background_color_tree | refresh_dialog_tree }
    elseif ($3 == 13) { /set %treetext $dll(dlls\color.dll,Color,.) | text_color_tree | refresh_dialog_tree }
    elseif ($3 == 14) { /set %treeline $dll(dlls\color.dll,Color,.) | line_color_tree | refresh_dialog_tree }
    elseif ($3 == 15) { /set %treetextsb $dll(dlls\color.dll,Color,.) | selected_color_tree | refresh_dialog_tree }
    elseif ($3 == 16) { /set %messagebg $dll(dlls\color.dll,Color,.) | messagebg_color_tree | refresh_dialog_tree }
    elseif ($3 == 17) { /set %treemess $dll(dlls\color.dll,Color,.) | messages_color_tree | refresh_dialog_tree }
    elseif ($3 == 18) { /set %treeh $dll(dlls\color.dll,Color,.) | hottext_color_tree | refresh_dialog_tree }
    elseif ($3 == 19) { /set %treevent $dll(dlls\color.dll,Color,.) | event_color_tree | refresh_dialog_tree }
    elseif ($3 == 20) { /set %treetextevo $dll(dlls\color.dll,Color,.) | eventBG_color_tree | refresh_dialog_tree }
    elseif ($3 == 21) { /set %treehot $dll(dlls\color.dll,Color,.) | hot_color_tree | refresh_dialog_tree }
    elseif ($3 == 22) { .set %icostatus $shortfn($sfile(themes\ico\*.ico,Choose image format .ico,Ok)) | icostatus_tree | refresh_dialog_tree }
    elseif ($3 == 23) { .set %icocust $shortfn($sfile(themes\ico\*.ico,Choose image format .ico,Ok)) | icocust_tree | refresh_dialog_tree }
    elseif ($3 == 24) { .set %iconot $shortfn($sfile(themes\ico\*.ico,Choose image format .ico,Ok)) | iconot_tree | refresh_dialog_tree }
    elseif ($3 == 25) { .set %icoq $shortfn($sfile(themes\ico\*.ico,Choose image format .ico,Ok)) | icoq_tree | refresh_dialog_tree }
    elseif ($3 == 26) { .set %icochan $shortfn($sfile(themes\ico\*.ico,Choose image format .ico,Ok)) | icochan_tree | refresh_dialog_tree }
    elseif ($3 == 27) { .set %icosend $shortfn($sfile(themes\ico\*.ico,Choose image format .ico,Ok)) | icosend_tree | refresh_dialog_tree }
    elseif ($3 == 28) { .set %icoget $shortfn($sfile(themes\ico\*.ico,Choose image format .ico,Ok)) | icoget_tree | refresh_dialog_tree }
    elseif ($3 == 29) { .set %icodir $shortfn($sfile(themes\ico\*.ico,Choose image format .ico,Ok)) | icodir_tree | refresh_dialog_tree }
  if ($2 == mouseenter) {  }
  if ($2 == mouseleave) {  }

/cb_treebardialog treebardialog return 3
/cb_treebardialog treebardialog return 4
/cb_treebardialog treebardialog return 5
/cb_treebardialog treebardialog edit 3
/cb_treebardialog treebardialog edit 4
/cb_treebardialog treebardialog edit 5
/cb_treebardialog treebardialog keydown 3 13
/cb_treebardialog treebardialog keydown 4 13
/cb_treebardialog treebardialog keydown 5 13
/cb_treebardialog treebardialog copy 3 
/cb_treebardialog treebardialog copy 4 
/cb_treebardialog treebardialog copy 5 
/cb_treebardialog treebardialog cut 3 
/cb_treebardialog treebardialog cut 4 
/cb_treebardialog treebardialog cut 5 

alias refresh_dialog_tree { 
  if (%position == left) { cla_tree_lr } 
  if (%position == right) { cla_tree_lr } 
  if (%position == top) { cla_tree_tb } 
  if (%position == bottom) { cla_tree_tb } 
  .timer -m 1 1 xdialog -l treebardialog update 
  .timer -m 1 1 dcxtreebar 

alias refresh_tree_controls {

alias ref_char {
  if ($dialog(char_set) != $null) {
    xdid -f char_set 1 %textmode ansi %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -f char_set 2 %textmode baltic %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -f char_set 3 %textmode chinesebig %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -f char_set 4 %textmode default %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -f char_set 5 %textmode easteurope %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -f char_set 6 %textmode gb2312 %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -f char_set 7 %textmode greek %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -f char_set 8 %textmode hangul %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -f char_set 9 %textmode mac %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -f char_set 10 %textmode oem %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -f char_set 11 %textmode russian %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -f char_set 12 %textmode shiftjis %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -f char_set 13 %textmode symbol %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -f char_set 14 %textmode turkish %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -f char_set 15 %textmode vietnamese %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -f char_set 16 %textmode italic %xdimtree %xcartree
    .timer -m 1 1 xdialog -l char_set update
alias ref_text {
  xdid -f treebardialog 1 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 2 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 3 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 4 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 5 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 6 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 7 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 8 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 9 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 10 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 11 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 12 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 13 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 14 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 15 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 16 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 17 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 18 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 19 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 20 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 21 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 22 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 23 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 24 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 25 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 26 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 27 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 28 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  xdid -f treebardialog 29 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
  .timer -m 1 1 dcxtreebar
  .timer -m 1 1 xdialog -l treebardialog update

alias tree_map {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 1).isid == $true) { /xdid -h treebardialog 1 +c 5 | /xdialog -d treebardialog 1 }
  ;// Initialising control: mapchars (Button 1)
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 1).isid != $true) {
    if (%position == top) /xdialog -c treebardialog 1 button 80 2 200 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right
    if (%position == bottom) /xdialog -c treebardialog 1 button 80 2 200 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right
    if (%position == left) /xdialog -c treebardialog 1 button 80 2 200 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right
    if (%position == right) /xdialog -c treebardialog 1 button 80 2 200 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right
    /xdid -s treebardialog 1 +c 10
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 1 Map Chars | xdid -T treebardialog 1 Map Chars }
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 1 Mappa Caratteri | xdid -T treebardialog 1 Mappa Caratteri }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 1 Mapa de Caracteres | xdid -T treebardialog 1 Mapa de Caracteres }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 1 Table des caractères | xdid -T treebardialog 1 Table des caractères }
    xdid -f treebardialog 1 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 1 1
    xdid -l treebardialog 1 %icosize
    xdid -x treebardialog 1 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 1 +c 5
    xdid -w treebardialog 1 +ng 0 themes\icons\font.ico
    xdid -w treebardialog 1 +hd 0 themes\icons\font.ico
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 1 +f %butt
    /xdid -C treebardialog 1 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)

alias tree_close {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 2).isid == $true) { /xdid -h treebardialog 2 +c 5 | /xdialog -d treebardialog 2 }
  ;// Initialising control: close (Button 2)
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 2).isid != $true) {
    if (%position == top) /xdialog -c treebardialog 2 button 2 2 36 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right
    if (%position == bottom) /xdialog -c treebardialog 2 button 2 2 36 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right  
    if (%position == left) /xdialog -c treebardialog 2 button 2 2 36 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right
    if (%position == right) /xdialog -c treebardialog 2 button 2 2 36 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right 
    /xdid -s treebardialog 2 +c 10
    if (%lang == en) xdid -T treebardialog 2 Close
    if (%lang == it) xdid -T treebardialog 2 Chiudi
    if (%lang == es) xdid -T treebardialog 2 Cerrar
    if (%lang == fr) xdid -T treebardialog 2 Fermer
    xdid -f treebardialog 2 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 2 1
    xdid -l treebardialog 2 %icosize
    xdid -x treebardialog 2 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 2 +c 5
    xdid -w treebardialog 2 +ng 0 themes\icons\close.ico
    xdid -w treebardialog 2 +hd 0 themes\icons\close.ico
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 2 +f %butt
    /xdid -C treebardialog 2 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)

alias xchar_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 3).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog  3
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 3).isid != $true) {
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 3 edit 2 40 250 40 autohs autovs showsel tabstop default group tooltips return 
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 3 edit 2 40 250 40 autohs autovs showsel tabstop default group tooltips return 
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 3 edit 2 40 250 40 autohs autovs showsel tabstop default group tooltips return 
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 3 edit 2 40 250 40 autohs autovs showsel tabstop default group tooltips return 
    xdid -f treebardialog 3 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -T treebardialog 3 Can be any of the following: ansi, baltic, chinesebig, default, easteurope, gb2312, greek, hangul, mac, oem, russian, shiftjis, symbol, turkish, vietnamese. - Press ENTER to apply the changes  }  
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -T treebardialog 3 Può essere uno dei seguenti: ansi, baltic, chinesebig, default, easteurope, gb2312, greek, hangul, mac, oem, russian, shiftjis, symbol, turkish, vietnamese. - Premi ENTER per applicare le modifiche }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -T treebardialog 3 Puede ser cualquiera de los siguientes: ansi, baltic, chinesebig, default, easteurope, gb2312, greek, hangul, mac, oem, russian, shiftjis, symbol, turkish, vietnamese. - Pulse ENTER para aplicar los cambios }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -T treebardialog 3 Peut être une des caractéristiques suivantes: ansi, baltic, chinesebig, default, easteurope, gb2312, greek, hangul, mac, oem, russian, shiftjis, symbol, turkish, vietnamese. - Sur ENTER pour appliquer les modifications }
    xdid -C treebardialog 3 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C treebardialog 3 +k $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)
    xdid -C treebardialog 3 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    xdid -C treebardialog 3 +g $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C treebardialog 3 +G $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    /xdid -E treebardialog 3 CharSet $+   %xchartree
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 3 +f %cursore
    /xdid -y treebardialog 3 1

alias charset_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 4).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog  4
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 4).isid != $true) {
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 4 edit 2 80 250 40 autohs autovs showsel tabstop default group tooltips return 
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 4 edit 2 80 250 40 autohs autovs showsel tabstop default group tooltips return 
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 4 edit 2 80 250 40 autohs autovs showsel tabstop default group tooltips return 
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 4 edit 2 80 250 40 autohs autovs showsel tabstop default group tooltips return 
    xdid -f treebardialog 4 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -T treebardialog 4 Sets the type of character. Some examples Arial, Sans MS Comics, Thaoma, Verdana, Calibri - Press ENTER to apply the changes  } 
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -T treebardialog 4 Imposta il Tipo di Carattere. Qualche esempio Arial, Sans MS Comics, Thaoma, Verdana, Calibri - Premi ENTER per applicare le modifiche }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -T treebardialog 4 Establece el tipo de carácter. Algunos ejemplos  Arial, Sans MS Comics, Thaoma, Verdana, Calibri - Pulse ENTER para aplicar los cambios }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -T treebardialog 4 Définit le type de caractère. Quelques exemples  Arial, Sans MS Comics, Thaoma, Verdana, Calibri - Sur ENTER pour appliquer les modifications }
    xdid -C treebardialog 4 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C treebardialog 4 +k $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)
    xdid -C treebardialog 4 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    xdid -C treebardialog 4 +g $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C treebardialog 4 +G $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    /xdid -E treebardialog 4 FontName $+   %xcartree
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 4 +f %cursore
    /xdid -y treebardialog 4 1

alias size_font_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 5).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog  5
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 5).isid != $true) {
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 5 edit 2 120 250 40 autohs autovs showsel tabstop default group tooltips number return  
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 5 edit 2 120 250 40 autohs autovs showsel tabstop default group tooltips number return  
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 5 edit 2 120 250 40 autohs autovs showsel tabstop default group tooltips number return  
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 5 edit 2 120 250 40 autohs autovs showsel tabstop default group tooltips number return 
    xdid -f treebardialog 5 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -T treebardialog 5 Sets the size of Character. The minimum numeric value is 10 - Press ENTER to apply the changes  } 
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -T treebardialog 5 Imposta la dimensione del carattere. Il valore minimo numerico è 10 - Premi ENTER per applicare le modifiche }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -T treebardialog 5 Establece el tamaño del personaje. El mínimo valor numérico es 10 - Pulse ENTER para aplicar los cambios }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -T treebardialog 5 Définit la taille des caractères. La valeur numérique minimale est 10 - Sur ENTER pour appliquer les modifications }
    xdid -C treebardialog 5 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C treebardialog 5 +k $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)
    xdid -C treebardialog 5 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    xdid -C treebardialog 5 +g $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C treebardialog 5 +G $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    /xdid -E treebardialog 5 Size $+   %xdimtree
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 5 +f %cursore
    /xdid -y treebardialog 5 1
    /xdid -q treebardialog 5 2


alias chars_prev {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 6).isid == $true) { /xdid -h treebardialog 6 +c 5 | /xdialog -d treebardialog 6 }
  ;// Initialising control: mapchars (Button 6)
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 6).isid != $true) {
    if (%position == top) /xdialog -c treebardialog 6 button 252 40 36 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right
    if (%position == bottom) /xdialog -c treebardialog 6 button 252 40 36 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right
    if (%position == left) /xdialog -c treebardialog 6 button 252 40 36 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right
    if (%position == right) /xdialog -c treebardialog 6 button 252 40 36 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right
    /xdid -s treebardialog 6 +c 10
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 6 Map Chars | xdid -T treebardialog 6 CharSet }
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 6 Mappa Caratteri | xdid -T treebardialog 6 CharSet }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 6 Mapa de Caracteres | xdid -T treebardialog 6 CharSet }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 6 Table des caractères | xdid -T treebardialog 6 CharSet }
    xdid -f treebardialog 6 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 6 1
    xdid -l treebardialog 6 %icosize
    xdid -x treebardialog 6 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 6 +c 5
    xdid -w treebardialog 6 +ng 0 themes\icons\map.ico
    xdid -w treebardialog 6 +hd 0 themes\icons\map.ico
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 6 +f %butt
    /xdid -C treebardialog 6 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)

alias fonts_prev {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 7).isid == $true) { /xdid -h treebardialog 7 +c 5 | /xdialog -d treebardialog 7 }
  ;// Initialising control: mapchars (Button 7)
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 7).isid != $true) {
    if (%position == top) /xdialog -c treebardialog 7 button 252 80 36 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right
    if (%position == bottom) /xdialog -c treebardialog 7 button 252 80 36 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right
    if (%position == left) /xdialog -c treebardialog 7 button 252 80 36 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right
    if (%position == right) /xdialog -c treebardialog 7 button 252 80 36 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right
    /xdid -s treebardialog 7 +c 10
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -T treebardialog 7 Sets the type of character. Some examples Arial, Sans MS Comics, Thaoma, Verdana, Calibri } 
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -T treebardialog 7 Imposta il Tipo di Carattere. Qualche esempio Arial, Sans MS Comics, Thaoma, Verdana, Calibri }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -T treebardialog 7 Establece el tipo de carácter. Algunos ejemplos  Arial, Sans MS Comics, Thaoma, Verdana, Calibri }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -T treebardialog 7 Définit le type de caractère. Quelques exemples  Arial, Sans MS Comics, Thaoma, Verdana, Calibri }
    xdid -f treebardialog 7 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 7 1
    xdid -l treebardialog 7 %icosize
    xdid -x treebardialog 7 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 7 +c 5
    xdid -w treebardialog 7 +ng 0 themes\icons\fonts.ico
    xdid -w treebardialog 7 +hd 0 themes\icons\fonts.ico
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 7 +f %butt
    /xdid -C treebardialog 7 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)

alias size_prev {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 8).isid == $true) { /xdid -h treebardialog 8 +c 5 | /xdialog -d treebardialog 8 }
  ;// Initialising control: mapchars (Button 8)
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 8).isid != $true) {
    if (%position == top) /xdialog -c treebardialog 8 button 252 120 36 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right
    if (%position == bottom) /xdialog -c treebardialog 8 button 252 120 36 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right
    if (%position == left) /xdialog -c treebardialog 8 button 252 120 36 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right
    if (%position == right) /xdialog -c treebardialog 8 button 252 120 36 36 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent right
    /xdid -s treebardialog 8 +c 10
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -T treebardialog 8 Sets the size of Character. } 
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -T treebardialog 8 Imposta la dimensione del carattere. }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -T treebardialog 8 Establece el tamaño del personaje. }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -T treebardialog 8 Définit la taille des caractères. }
    xdid -f treebardialog 8 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 8 1
    xdid -l treebardialog 8 %icosize
    xdid -x treebardialog 8 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 8 +c 5
    xdid -w treebardialog 8 +ng 0 themes\icons\size.ico
    xdid -w treebardialog 8 +hd 0 themes\icons\size.ico
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 8 +f %butt
    /xdid -C treebardialog 8 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)


alias mode_aliased_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 9).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog  9
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 9).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: anti-aliased (Check 9)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 9 check 2 160 90 40 tabstop default notheme 
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 9 check 2 160 90 40 tabstop default notheme 
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 9 check 2 160 90 40 tabstop default notheme 
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 9 check 2 160 90 40 tabstop default notheme 
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 9 Aliased | xdid -T treebardialog 9 Sets the anti-aliased character } 
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 9 Aliased | xdid -T treebardialog 9 Imposta il carattere anti-Aliased }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 9 Aliased | xdid -T treebardialog 9 Establece el carácter anti-Aliased }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 9 Aliased | xdid -T treebardialog 9 Définit le caractère anti-Aliased }
    xdid -C treebardialog 9 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C treebardialog 9 +k $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)
    xdid -C treebardialog 9 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    xdid -f treebardialog 9 +a %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    if (%textmode == +a) /xdid -c treebardialog  9 
    if (%textmode != +a) /xdid -u treebardialog  9

alias mode_norm_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 10).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog  10
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 10).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: Italics (Check 10)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 10 check 100 160 90 40 tabstop default notheme 
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 10 check 100 160 90 40 tabstop default notheme
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 10 check 100 160 90 40 tabstop default notheme 
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 10 check 100 160 90 40 tabstop default notheme
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 10 Italics | xdid -T treebardialog 10 Sets the Italics character } 
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 10 Italics | xdid -T treebardialog 10 Imposta il carattere Italics }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 10 Italics | xdid -T treebardialog 10 Establece el carácter Italics }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 10 Italics | xdid -T treebardialog 10 Définit le caractère Italics }
    xdid -C treebardialog 10 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C treebardialog 10 +k $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)
    xdid -C treebardialog 10 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    xdid -f treebardialog 10 +i %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    if (%textmode == +i) /xdid -c treebardialog 10
    if (%textmode != +i) /xdid -u treebardialog 10 

alias mode_bold_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 11).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog 11
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 11).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: Bold (Check 11)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 11 check 200 160 90 40 tabstop default notheme 
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 11 check 200 160 90 40 tabstop default notheme 
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 11 check 200 160 90 40 tabstop default notheme 
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 11 check 200 160 90 40 tabstop default notheme
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 11 Bold | xdid -T treebardialog 11 Sets the Bold character } 
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 11 Maiuscolo | xdid -T treebardialog 11 Imposta il carattere maiuscolo }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 11 Mayúsculas | xdid -T treebardialog 11 Establece el carácter Mayúsculas }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 11 Majuscule | xdid -T treebardialog 11 Définit le caractère Majuscule }
    xdid -C treebardialog 11 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C treebardialog 11 +k $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)
    xdid -C treebardialog 11 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    if (%textmode == +bi) /xdid -c treebardialog 11   
    if (%textmode == +ba) /xdid -c treebardialog 11  
    xdid -f treebardialog 11 +b %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree 

alias background_color_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 12).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog 12
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 12).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: BG (Button 12)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 12 button 300 2 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent 
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 12 button 300 2 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 12 button 2 200 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent 
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 12 button 2 200 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent 
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 12 ██ BackGround | xdid -T treebardialog 12 Back Ground Color } 
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 12 ██ colore di Fondo | xdid -T treebardialog 12 Colore di Fondo }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 12 ██ color de Fondo | xdid -T treebardialog 12 Color de Fondo }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 12 ██ couleur de Fond | xdid -T treebardialog 12 Couleur de Fond }
    xdid -f treebardialog 12 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 12 1
    xdid -C treebardialog 12 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -x treebardialog 12 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 12 +c 10
    xdid -c treebardialog 12 +h %treebarbg
    xdid -c treebardialog 12 +d %treebarbg
    xdid -c treebardialog 12 +n %treebarbg
    xdid -c treebardialog 12 +s %treebarbg
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J treebardialog 12 +f %butt

alias text_color_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 13).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog 13
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 13).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: Text color (Button 13)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 13 button 300 50 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 13 button 300 50 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 13 button 2 240 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 13 button 2 240 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 13 ██ Text | xdid -T treebardialog 13 Set Text Color }
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 13 ██ Testo | xdid -T treebardialog 13 Imposta il colore del testo }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 13 ██ Texto | xdid -T treebardialog 13 Ajuste el color de texto }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 13 ██ Texte | xdid -T treebardialog 13 Régler la couleur du texte }
    xdid -f treebardialog 13 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 13 1
    xdid -C treebardialog 13 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -x treebardialog 13 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 13 +c 10
    xdid -c treebardialog 13 +h %treetext
    xdid -c treebardialog 13 +d %treetext
    xdid -c treebardialog 13 +n %treetext
    xdid -c treebardialog 13 +s %treetext
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 13 +f %butt

alias line_color_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 14).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog 14
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 14).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: Line color (Button 14)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 14 button 300 100 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 14 button 300 100 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 14 button 2 280 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 14 button 2 280 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 14 ██ Line | xdid -T treebardialog 14 Set Line Color }   
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 14 ██ Linea | xdid -T treebardialog 14 Imposta il colore della Linea } 
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 14 ██ Linea | xdid -T treebardialog 14 establece el color de la Línea } 
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 14 ██ Ligne | xdid -T treebardialog 14 définit la couleur de la ligne } 
    xdid -f treebardialog 14 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 14 1
    xdid -C treebardialog 14 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -x treebardialog 14 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 14 +c 10
    xdid -c treebardialog 14 +h %treeline
    xdid -c treebardialog 14 +d %treeline
    xdid -c treebardialog 14 +n %treeline
    xdid -c treebardialog 14 +s %treeline
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 14 +f %butt

alias selected_color_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 15).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog 15
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 15).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: Select BG color (Button 15)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 15 button 300 150 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 15 button 300 150 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 15 button 2 320 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 15 button 2 320 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 15 ██ Selected BG | xdid -T treebardialog 15 Set Selected BG }
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 15 ██ fondo Selezione | xdid -T treebardialog 15 Imposta il colore sotto il testo selezionato }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 15 ██ Sous Sélectionné | xdid -T treebardialog 15 Définit la couleur sous le texte sélectionné }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 15 ██ Bajo Seleccionada | xdid -T treebardialog 15 Establece el color bajo el texto seleccionado }    
    xdid -f treebardialog 15 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 15 1
    /xdid -C treebardialog 15 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -x treebardialog 15 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 15 +c 10
    xdid -c treebardialog 15 +h %treetextsb
    xdid -c treebardialog 15 +d %treetextsb
    xdid -c treebardialog 15 +n %treetextsb
    xdid -c treebardialog 15 +s %treetextsb
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 15 +f %butt

alias messagebg_color_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 16).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog 16
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 16).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: Messages BG Color (Button 16)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 16 button 600 2 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 16 button 600 2 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 16 button 2 360 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 16 button 2 360 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 16 ██ MessagesBG | xdid -T treebardialog 16 Set Messages Background Colors }
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 16 ██ sotto Messaggio | xdid -T treebardialog 16 Imposta il colore di fondo del Messaggio }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 16 ██ Mensajes fondo | xdid -T treebardialog 16 Establece el color de fondo del mensaje }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 16 ██ message fond | xdid -T treebardialog 16 Définit la couleur du message de fond }
    xdid -f treebardialog 16 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 16 1
    /xdid -C treebardialog 16 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -x treebardialog 16 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 16 +c 10
    xdid -c treebardialog 16 +h %messagebg
    xdid -c treebardialog 16 +d %messagebg
    xdid -c treebardialog 16 +n %messagebg
    xdid -c treebardialog 16 +s %messagebg
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 16 +f %butt

alias messages_color_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 17).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog 17
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 17).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: Messages Color (Button 17)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 17 button 600 50 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 17 button 600 50 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 17 button 2 400 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 17 button 2 400 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 17 ██ Messages | xdid -T treebardialog 17 Set Messages Colors }
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 17 ██ Messaggi | xdid -T treebardialog 17 Imposta il colore del Messaggio }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 17 ██ Mensajes | xdid -T treebardialog 17 Establece el color del Mensaje }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 17 ██ Messages | xdid -T treebardialog 17 Définit la couleur du message }
    xdid -f treebardialog 17 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 17 1
    /xdid -C treebardialog 17 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -x treebardialog 17 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 17 +c 10
    xdid -c treebardialog 17 +h %treemess
    xdid -c treebardialog 17 +d %treemess
    xdid -c treebardialog 17 +n %treemess
    xdid -c treebardialog 17 +s %treemess
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 17 +f %butt

alias hottext_color_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 18).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog 18
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 18).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: Hot highlight Color (Button 18)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 18 button 600 100 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 18 button 600 100 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 18 button 2 440 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 18 button 2 440 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 18 ██ Highlight Text | xdid -T treebardialog 18 Set Highlight Text Color }
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 18 ██ Evidenziato | xdid -T treebardialog 18 Imposta il colore in Evidenza }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 18 ██ punto Culminante | xdid -T treebardialog 18 Ajuste el color a ver }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 18 ██ Surligner | xdid -T treebardialog 18 Réglez la couleur à Lire }
    xdid -f treebardialog 18 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 18 1
    /xdid -C treebardialog 18 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -x treebardialog 18 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 18 +c 10
    xdid -c treebardialog 18 +h %treeh
    xdid -c treebardialog 18 +d %treeh
    xdid -c treebardialog 18 +n %treeh
    xdid -c treebardialog 18 +s %treeh
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 18 +f %butt

alias event_color_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 19).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog 19
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 19).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: Events (Button 19)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 19 button 600 150 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 19 button 600 150 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 19 button 2 480 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 19 button 2 480 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 19 ██ Events | xdid -T treebardialog 19 Sets Events color } 
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 19 ██ Eventi | xdid -T treebardialog 19 Imposta il colore Eventi }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 19 ██ Eventos | xdid -T treebardialog 19 Establece los Eventos de color }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 19 ██ Événements | xdid -T treebardialog 19 Définit la couleur Événements }
    xdid -f treebardialog 19 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 19 1
    xdid -C treebardialog 19 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -x treebardialog 19 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 19 +c 10
    xdid -c treebardialog 19 +h %treevent
    xdid -c treebardialog 19 +d %treevent
    xdid -c treebardialog 19 +n %treevent
    xdid -c treebardialog 19 +s %treevent
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J treebardialog 19 +f %butt

alias eventBG_color_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 20).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog 20
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 20).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: eventBG (Button 20)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 20 button 900 2 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 20 button 900 2 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 20 button 2 520 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 20 button 2 520 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 20 ██ Events BG | xdid -T treebardialog 20 Set Event Background Color } 
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 20 ██ Eventi fondo | xdid -T treebardialog 20 Imposta il colore di fondo Eventi }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 20 ██ Eventos fondo | xdid -T treebardialog 20 Establece el color de fondo de Eventos }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 20 ██ Événements fond | xdid -T treebardialog 20 Définit la couleur de fond des événements }
    xdid -f treebardialog 20 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 20 1
    xdid -C treebardialog 20 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -x treebardialog 20 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 20 +c 10
    xdid -c treebardialog 20 +h %treetextevo
    xdid -c treebardialog 20 +d %treetextevo
    xdid -c treebardialog 20 +n %treetextevo
    xdid -c treebardialog 20 +s %treetextevo
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J treebardialog 20 +f %butt

alias hot_color_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 21).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog 21
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 21).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: Hot Text (Button 21)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 21 button 900 50 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 21 button 900 50 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 21 button 2 560 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 21 button 2 560 300 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 21 ██ Hot Text | xdid -T treebardialog 21 Set Hot Text Color } 
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 21 ██ Testo acceso | xdid -T treebardialog 21 Imposta il colore del Testo acceso }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 21 ██ Texto iluminado | xdid -T treebardialog 21 Ajuste el color del Texto iluminado }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 21 ██ Texte éclairés | xdid -T treebardialog 21 Régler la couleur du Texte éclairés }
    xdid -f treebardialog 21 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 21 1
    xdid -C treebardialog 21 +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -x treebardialog 21 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 21 +c 10
    xdid -c treebardialog 21 +h %treehot
    xdid -c treebardialog 21 +d %treehot
    xdid -c treebardialog 21 +n %treehot
    xdid -c treebardialog 21 +s %treehot
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J treebardialog 21 +f %butt

alias icostatus_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 22).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog 22
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 22).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: STATUS (Button 22)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 22 button 900 150 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 22 button 900 150 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 22 button 2 600 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 22 button 2 600 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 22 Status | xdid -T treebardialog 22 Set STATUS window Icon } 
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 22 Stato | xdid -T treebardialog 22 Imposta icona della finestra di Stato }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 22 Estado | xdid -T treebardialog 22 Establece el icono de la ventana Estado }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 22 état | xdid -T treebardialog 22 Définit icône de la fenêtre d'état }
    xdid -f treebardialog 22 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 22 1
    xdid -l treebardialog 22 %icosize
    xdid -x treebardialog 22 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 22 +c 10
    xdid -c treebardialog 22 +h $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HOTLIGHT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 22 +d $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 22 +n $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 22 +s $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)
    xdid -w treebardialog 22 +nhd 0 %icostatus
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 22 +f %butt
    /xdid -C treebardialog 22 +b %treebarbg

alias icocust_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 23).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog  23
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 23).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: custom (Button 23)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 23 button 1200 2 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 23 button 1200 2 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 23 button 2 640 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 23 button 2 640 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 23 Custom | xdid -T treebardialog 23 Set Custom window Icon } 
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 23 Personalizzata | xdid -T treebardialog 23 Imposta l' icona della finestra Personalizzata }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 23 Personalizado | xdid -T treebardialog 23 Ajuste la "ventana Icono personalizado }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 23 Personnalisée | xdid -T treebardialog 23 Réglez la «fenêtre icône personnalisée }
    xdid -f treebardialog 23 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 23 1
    xdid -l treebardialog 23 %icosize
    xdid -x treebardialog 23 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 23 +c 10
    xdid -c treebardialog 23 +h $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HOTLIGHT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 23 +d $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 23 +n $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 23 +s $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)
    xdid -w treebardialog 23 +nhd 0 %icocust
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 23 +f %butt
    /xdid -C treebardialog 23 +b %treebarbg

alias iconot_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 24).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog  24
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 24).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: notify (Button 24)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 24 button 1200 50 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 24 button 1200 50 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 24 button 2 680 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 24 button 2 680 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 24 Notify | xdid -T treebardialog 24 Set Notify Icon } 
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 24 Notifica | xdid -T treebardialog 24 Imposta l' icona della Notifica }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 24 Notificación | xdid -T treebardialog 24 Ajuste el 'icono de la Notificación }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 24 Notification | xdid -T treebardialog 24 Réglez le 'icône de la notification }
    xdid -f treebardialog 24 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 24 1
    xdid -l treebardialog 24 %icosize
    xdid -x treebardialog 24 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 24 +c 10
    xdid -c treebardialog 24 +h $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HOTLIGHT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 24 +d $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 24 +n $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 24 +s $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)
    xdid -w treebardialog 24 +nhd 0 %iconot
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 24 +f %butt
    /xdid -C treebardialog 24 +b %treebarbg

alias icoq_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 25).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog  25
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 25).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: query (Button 25)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 25 button 1200 100 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 25 button 1200 100 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 25 button 2 720 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 25 button 2 720 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 25 Query | xdid -T treebardialog 25 Set Query Icon } 
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 25 Query | xdid -T treebardialog 25 Imposta l' icona della Query }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 25 Query | xdid -T treebardialog 25 Ajuste el 'icono de la Query }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 25 Query | xdid -T treebardialog 25 Réglez le 'icône de la Query }
    xdid -f treebardialog 25 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 25 1
    xdid -l treebardialog 25 %icosize
    xdid -x treebardialog 25 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 25 +c 10
    xdid -c treebardialog 25 +h $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HOTLIGHT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 25 +d $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 25 +n $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 25 +s $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)
    xdid -w treebardialog 25 +nhd 0 %icoq
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 25 +f %butt
    /xdid -C treebardialog 25 +b %treebarbg

alias icochan_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 26).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog  26
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 26).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: chan (Button 26)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 26 button 1200 150 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 26 button 1200 150 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 26 button 2 760 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 26 button 2 760 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 26 Channel | xdid -T treebardialog 26 Set Channel Icon } 
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 26 Canale | xdid -T treebardialog 26 Imposta icona del Canale }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 26 Canal | xdid -T treebardialog 26 Ajuste el icono de la Canal }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 26 Canal | xdid -T treebardialog 26 Réglez le icône de la Canal }
    xdid -f treebardialog 26 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 26 1
    xdid -l treebardialog 26 %icosize
    xdid -x treebardialog 26 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 26 +c 10
    xdid -c treebardialog 26 +h $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HOTLIGHT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 26 +d $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 26 +n $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 26 +s $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)
    xdid -w treebardialog 26 +nhd 0 %icochan
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 26 +f %butt
    /xdid -C treebardialog 26 +b %treebarbg

alias icosend_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 27).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog  27
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 27).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: chan (Button 27)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 27 button 1500 2 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 27 button 1500 2 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 27 button 2 800 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 27 button 2 800 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 27 Send | xdid -T treebardialog 27 Set Send Icon } 
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 27 Inviati | xdid -T treebardialog 27 Imposta l' icona dei file Inviati }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 27 Enviado | xdid -T treebardialog 27 Ajuste el 'icono del archivo Enviado }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 27 Envoyé | xdid -T treebardialog 27 Réglez le 'icône du fichier Envoyé }
    xdid -f treebardialog 27 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 27 1
    xdid -l treebardialog 27 %icosize
    xdid -x treebardialog 27 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 27 +c 10
    xdid -c treebardialog 27 +h $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HOTLIGHT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 27 +d $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 27 +n $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 27 +s $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)
    xdid -w treebardialog 27 +nhd 0 %icosend
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 27 +f %butt
    /xdid -C treebardialog 27 +b %treebarbg

alias icoget_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 28).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog  28
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 28).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: chan (Button 28)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 28 button 1500 50 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 28 button 1500 50 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 28 button 2 840 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 28 button 2 840 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 28 Get | xdid -T treebardialog 28 Set Get Icon } 
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 28 Ricevuti | xdid -T treebardialog 28 Imposta l' icona dei file Ricevuti }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 28 Recibido | xdid -T treebardialog 28 Ajuste el 'icono del archivo Recibito }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 28 Reçu | xdid -T treebardialog 28 Réglez le 'icône du fichier Reçu }
    xdid -f treebardialog 28 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 28 1
    xdid -l treebardialog 28 %icosize
    xdid -x treebardialog 28 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 28 +c 10
    xdid -c treebardialog 28 +h $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HOTLIGHT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 28 +d $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 28 +n $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 28 +s $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)
    xdid -w treebardialog 28 +nhd 0 %icoget
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 28 +f %butt
    /xdid -C treebardialog 28 +b %treebarbg

alias icodir_tree {
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 29).isid == $true) /xdialog -d treebardialog  29
  if ($xdialog(treebardialog, 29).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: chan (Button 29)
    if (%position == top) xdialog -c treebardialog 29 button 1500 100 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == bottom) xdialog -c treebardialog 29 button 1500 100 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == left) xdialog -c treebardialog 29 button 2 880 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%position == right) xdialog -c treebardialog 29 button 2 880 300 40 tabstop group default tooltips notheme transparent shadow bitmap left
    if (%lang == en) { xdid -t treebardialog 29 Folder | xdid -T treebardialog 29 Set the Folder icon file } 
    if (%lang == it) { xdid -t treebardialog 29 Cartella | xdid -T treebardialog 29 Imposta l'icona della Cartella file }
    if (%lang == es) { xdid -t treebardialog 29 Carpeta | xdid -T treebardialog 29 Establezca el icono del archivo Carpeta }
    if (%lang == fr) { xdid -t treebardialog 29 Dossier | xdid -T treebardialog 29 Réglez le fichier de l'icône dossier }
    xdid -f treebardialog 29 %textmode %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -m treebardialog 29 1
    xdid -l treebardialog 29 %icosize
    xdid -x treebardialog 29 -hmnsvxzo
    xdid -s treebardialog 29 +c 10
    xdid -c treebardialog 29 +h $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HOTLIGHT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 29 +d $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 29 +n $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    xdid -c treebardialog 29 +s $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)
    xdid -w treebardialog 29 +nhd 0 %icodir
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdid -J treebardialog 29 +f %butt
    /xdid -C treebardialog 29 +b %treebarbg

alias cla_tree_lr {
  xdialog -l treebardialog root $chr(9) +plv 0 0 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell root $chr(9) +plv 0 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +ilp 1 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +ilp 2 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +ilp 3 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +ilp 4 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +ilp 5 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +ilp 6 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 7 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 8 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 9 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 10 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 11 1 0 0       
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +li 12 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +li 13 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +li 14 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +li 15 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +li 16 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +li 17 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +li 18 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +li 19 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +li 20 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +li 21 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +li 22 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +li 23 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +li 24 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +li 25 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +li 26 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +li 27 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +li 28 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +li 29 1 0 0

alias cla_tree_tb {
  xdialog -l treebardialog root $chr(9) +phv 0 0 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell root $chr(9) +phv 0 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +ilp 1 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +ilp 2 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +ilp 3 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +ilp 4 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +ilp 5 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +ilp 6 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 7 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 8 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 9 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 10 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 11 1 0 0       
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 12 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 13 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 14 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 15 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 16 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 17 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 18 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 19 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 20 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 21 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 22 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 23 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 24 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 25 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 26 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 27 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 28 1 0 0
  xdialog -l treebardialog cell 1 $chr(9) +lip 29 1 0 0

;// quick-access menu item
menu status,channel {
  treebar: { treebardialog }

; menu charset | VxD ~ ~ ~                    ;
alias char_set {
  dialog -ma char_set char_set_table
  /xdialog -b char_set -hmnsvxzo
  /xdialog -R char_set +s $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
  .timer 1 0 xdialog -l char_set update

dialog char_set_table {
  title "char_set"
  size %pos_or %pos_vr %pos_lr %pos_lu

on *:dialog:char_set:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) {
    /dcx Mark $dname char_set_cb  
    /xdialog -V $dname %pos_or %pos_vr %pos_lr %pos_lu
    /xdialog -t $dname transparentcolor none
    /xdialog -t $dname alpha none
    /xdialog -g $dname +b $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    /xdialog -T $dname +bp 
    /xdialog -t $dname bgcolor $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    if (%cur_x == ON) /xdialog -q $dname +f %cursore 
    !if (!$dcx(IsUsingDirectX)) {
      /echo -a DirectX Is Disabled.
    ;// Call initilisation alias

alias -l char_set_init_dcx {
  if (%position == left) { .timer 1 0 /xdock -m $dialog(char_set).hwnd +l | /xdialog -a $dname +so 100 }
  if (%position == right) { .timer 1 0 /xdock -m $dialog(char_set).hwnd +r | /xdialog -a $dname +sn 100 }
  if (%position == top) { .timer 1 0 /xdock -m $dialog(char_set).hwnd +t | /xdialog -a $dname +sv 100 }
  if (%position == bottom) { .timer 1 0 /xdock -m $dialog(char_set).hwnd +b |  /xdialog -a $dname +su 100 }

;// Callback alias for char_set
alias char_set_cb {
  if ($2 != mouse) { echo $color(info) -s */ char_set_cb: $1- }
  if ($2 == sclick) {
    if ($3 == 1) { /set %xchartree ansi | .timer 1 0 refresh_char_list | xdialog -x char_set | ref_text }
    elseif ($3 == 2) { /set %xchartree baltic | .timer 1 0 refresh_char_list | xdialog -x char_set | ref_text }
    elseif ($3 == 3) { /set %xchartree chinesebig | .timer 1 0 refresh_char_list | xdialog -x char_set | ref_text }
    elseif ($3 == 4) { /set %xchartree default | .timer 1 0 refresh_char_list | xdialog -x char_set | ref_text }
    elseif ($3 == 5) { /set %xchartree easteurope | .timer 1 0 refresh_char_list | xdialog -x char_set | ref_text }
    elseif ($3 == 6) { /set %xchartree gb2312 | .timer 1 0 refresh_char_list | xdialog -x char_set | ref_text }
    elseif ($3 == 7) { /set %xchartree greek | .timer 1 0 refresh_char_list | xdialog -x char_set | ref_text }
    elseif ($3 == 8) { /set %xchartree hangul | .timer 1 0 refresh_char_list | xdialog -x char_set | ref_text }
    elseif ($3 == 9) { /set %xchartree mac | .timer 1 0 refresh_char_list | xdialog -x char_set | ref_text }
    elseif ($3 == 10) { /set %xchartree oem | .timer 1 0 refresh_char_list | xdialog -x char_set | ref_text }
    elseif ($3 == 11) { /set %xchartree russian | .timer 1 0 refresh_char_list | xdialog -x char_set | ref_text }
    elseif ($3 == 12) { /set %xchartree shiftjis | .timer 1 0 refresh_char_list | xdialog -x char_set | ref_text }
    elseif ($3 == 13) { /set %xchartree symbol | .timer 1 0 refresh_char_list | xdialog -x char_set | ref_text }
    elseif ($3 == 14) { /set %xchartree turkish | .timer 1 0 refresh_char_list | xdialog -x char_set | ref_text }
    elseif ($3 == 15) { /set %xchartree vietnamese | .timer 1 0 refresh_char_list | xdialog -x char_set | ref_text }
    elseif ($3 == 16) { /set %xchartree italic | .timer 1 0 refresh_char_list | xdialog -x char_set | ref_text }

alias refresh_char_list { 
  /xdid -E treebardialog 3 CharSet $+   %xchartree 
  /xdid -E treebardialog 4 FontName $+   %xcartree 
  /xdid -E treebardialog 5 Size $+   %xdimtree

alias charsetmenu {
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 1).isid == $true) /xdialog -d char_set 1
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 1).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: ansi (Text 1)
    xdialog -c char_set 1 text 2 0 200 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent center
    xdid -t char_set 1 ansi
    xdid -T char_set 1 Sets the ansi character Set
    xdid -f char_set 1 %textmode ansi %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -C char_set 1 +bk $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C char_set 1 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J char_set 1 +f %butt
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 2).isid == $true) /xdialog -d char_set 2
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 2).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: baltic (Text 2)
    xdialog -c char_set 2 text 2 40 200 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent center
    xdid -t char_set 2 baltic 
    xdid -T char_set 2 Sets the baltic character Set
    xdid -f char_set 2 %textmode baltic %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -C char_set 2 +bk $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C char_set 2 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J char_set 2 +f %butt
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 3).isid == $true) /xdialog -d char_set 3
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 3).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: chinesebig (Text 3)
    xdialog -c char_set 3 text 2 80 200 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent center
    xdid -t char_set 3 chinesebig
    xdid -T char_set 3 Sets the chinesebig character Set
    xdid -f char_set 3 %textmode chinesebig %xchartree %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -C char_set 3 +bk $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C char_set 3 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J char_set 3 +f %butt
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 4).isid == $true) /xdialog -d char_set 4
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 4).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: default (Text 4)
    xdialog -c char_set 4 text 2 120 200 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent center
    xdid -t char_set 4 default 
    xdid -T char_set 4 Sets the default character Set
    xdid -f char_set 4 %textmode default %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -C char_set 4 +bk $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C char_set 4 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J char_set 4 +f %butt
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 5).isid == $true) /xdialog -d char_set 5
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 5).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: easteurope (Text 5)
    xdialog -c char_set 5 text 2 160 200 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent center
    xdid -t char_set 5 easteurope
    xdid -T char_set 5 Sets the easteurope character Set
    xdid -f char_set 5 %textmode easteurope %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -C char_set 5 +bk $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C char_set 5 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J char_set 5 +f %butt
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 6).isid == $true) /xdialog -d char_set 6
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 6).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: gb2312 (Text 6)
    xdialog -c char_set 6 text 2 200 200 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent center
    xdid -t char_set 6 gb2312
    xdid -T char_set 6 Sets the gb2312 character Set
    xdid -f char_set 6 %textmode gb2312 %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -C char_set 6 +bk $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C char_set 6 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J char_set 6 +f %butt
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 7).isid == $true) /xdialog -d char_set 7
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 7).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: greek (Text 7)
    xdialog -c char_set 7 text 2 240 200 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent center
    xdid -t char_set 7 greek
    xdid -T char_set 7 Sets the greek character Set
    xdid -f char_set 7 %textmode greek %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -C char_set 7 +bk $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C char_set 7 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J char_set 7 +f %butt
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 8).isid == $true) /xdialog -d char_set 8
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 8).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: hangul (Text 8)
    xdialog -c char_set 8 text 2 280 200 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent center
    xdid -t char_set 8 hangul 
    xdid -T char_set 8 Sets the hangul character Set
    xdid -f char_set 8 %textmode hangul %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -C char_set 8 +bk $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C char_set 8 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J char_set 8 +f %butt
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 9).isid == $true) /xdialog -d char_set 9
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 9).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: mac (Text 9)
    xdialog -c char_set 9 text 2 320 200 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent center
    xdid -t char_set 9 mac
    xdid -T char_set 9 Sets the mac character Set
    xdid -f char_set 9 %textmode mac %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -C char_set 9 +bk $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C char_set 9 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J char_set 9 +f %butt
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 10).isid == $true) /xdialog -d char_set 10
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 10).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: oem (Text 10)
    xdialog -c char_set 10 text 2 360 200 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent center
    xdid -t char_set 10 oem
    xdid -T char_set 10 Sets the oem character Set
    xdid -f char_set 10 %textmode oem %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -C char_set 10 +bk $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C char_set 10 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J char_set 10 +f %butt
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 11).isid == $true) /xdialog -d char_set 11
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 11).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: russian (Text 11)
    xdialog -c char_set 11 text 2 400 200 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent center
    xdid -t char_set 11 russian
    xdid -T char_set 11 Sets the russian character Set
    xdid -f char_set 11 %textmode russian %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -C char_set 11 +bk $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C char_set 11 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J char_set 11 +f %butt
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 12).isid == $true) /xdialog -d char_set 12
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 12).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: shiftjis (Text 12)
    xdialog -c char_set 12 text 2 440 200 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent center
    xdid -t char_set 12 chinesebig
    xdid -T char_set 12 Sets the shiftjis character Set
    xdid -f char_set 12 %textmode shiftjis %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -C char_set 12 +bk $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C char_set 12 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J char_set 12 +f %butt
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 13).isid == $true) /xdialog -d char_set 13
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 13).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: symbol (Text 13)
    xdialog -c char_set 13 text 2 480 200 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent center
    xdid -t char_set 13 symbol
    xdid -T char_set 13 Sets the symbol character Set
    xdid -f char_set 13 %textmode symbol %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -C char_set 13 +bk $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C char_set 13 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J char_set 13 +f %butt
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 14).isid == $true) /xdialog -d char_set 14
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 14).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: turkish (Text 14)
    xdialog -c char_set 14 text 2 520 200 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent center
    xdid -t char_set 14 turkish
    xdid -T char_set 14 Sets the turkish character Set
    xdid -f char_set 14 %textmode turkish %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -C char_set 14 +bk $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C char_set 14 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J char_set 14 +f %butt
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 15).isid == $true) /xdialog -d char_set 15
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 15).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: vietnamese (Text 15)
    xdialog -c char_set 15 text 2 560 200 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent center
    xdid -t char_set 15 vietnamese 
    xdid -T char_set 15 Sets the vietnamese character Set
    xdid -f char_set 15 %textmode vietnamese %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -C char_set 15 +bk $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C char_set 15 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J char_set 15 +f %butt
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 16).isid == $true) /xdialog -d char_set 16
  if ($xdialog(char_set, 16).isid != $true) {
    ;// Initialising control: italic (Text 16)
    xdialog -c char_set 16 text 2 600 200 40 tabstop default group tooltips bitmap shadow notheme transparent center
    xdid -t char_set 16 italic 
    xdid -T char_set 16 Sets the italic character Set
    xdid -f char_set 16 %textmode italic %xdimtree %xcartree
    xdid -C char_set 16 +bk $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
    xdid -C char_set 16 +t $dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    if (%cur_x == ON) xdid -J char_set 16 +f %butt

alias cla_char {
  xdialog -l char_set root $chr(9) +plvh 0 0 0 0
  xdialog -l char_set cell root $chr(9) +pv 0 1 0 0
  xdialog -l char_set cell 1 $chr(9) +il 1 1 0 0
  xdialog -l char_set cell 1 $chr(9) +il 2 1 0 0
  xdialog -l char_set cell 1 $chr(9) +il 3 1 0 0
  xdialog -l char_set cell 1 $chr(9) +il 4 1 0 0
  xdialog -l char_set cell 1 $chr(9) +il 5 1 0 0
  xdialog -l char_set cell 1 $chr(9) +il 6 1 0 0
  xdialog -l char_set cell 1 $chr(9) +il 7 1 0 0
  xdialog -l char_set cell 1 $chr(9) +il 8 1 0 0
  xdialog -l char_set cell 1 $chr(9) +il 9 1 0 0
  xdialog -l char_set cell 1 $chr(9) +il 10 1 0 0
  xdialog -l char_set cell 1 $chr(9) +il 11 1 0 0
  xdialog -l char_set cell 1 $chr(9) +il 12 1 0 0
  xdialog -l char_set cell 1 $chr(9) +il 13 1 0 0
  xdialog -l char_set cell 1 $chr(9) +il 14 1 0 0
  xdialog -l char_set cell 1 $chr(9) +il 15 1 0 0
  xdialog -l char_set cell 1 $chr(9) +il 16 1 0 0

;// quick-access menu item
menu status,channel {
  charset: { char_set }

Write here..Write here..


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Doggirl3   -  Aug 06, 2014

Is there a weather bot that I can use in middit chats? You can email me if you want.

blackvenomm666   -  Aug 03, 2014

nicely done

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