

Oct 24, 2003
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Zmodem created a Page  -  Nov 02, 2013

Synopsis: $getdec()

  1 Thread   mIRC  
Zmodem   -  Sep 18, 2011

@Hawkee Hey, Hawkee, was just wonderin, is the forum software phpBB?

Edit: Nevermind, obviously noticed the '/phpBB2/' in the URL ;-)

Zmodem commented on a Page, DCC Killer  -  May 27, 2011

Hey guys, thanks for the kind words :) I'm working on something new and I hope to be done with it soon. I'm brainstorming some new ideas, so whatever you may want to see done, post to my wall Thanks, again!

Zmodem commented on a Page, 3D text  -  May 12, 2011

You may be using another addon/snippet/script loaded that is also doing something with the ON INPUT events. Make sure you don't have any themes loaded, like MTS, or the like. Make sure the only script loaded is this one.

Zmodem commented on a Page, DCC Killer  -  May 12, 2011

Hey, napa, thanks a lot :) It's been quite some time, actually. Where are we hanging out, irc-wise, these days?

Zmodem commented on a Page, 3D text  -  May 12, 2011

I'd actually prefer yours, Jethro_, the most :) Tokens always slip my mind haha.

Zmodem created a Page  -  May 12, 2011
1 344 

DCC Killer is a simple, yet effective, snippet that provides users with the ability to block Dcc Sends & Chats from other users. It comes built with an optional friends list and log feature.

Zmodem commented on a Page, 3D text  -  May 12, 2011

You don't need the 'goto skipper' or the :skipper jump point. Example:

Instead of this:

if ($left($1,1) == /) || ($left($1,1) == !) || ($left($1,1) == .) { goto skipper }

Use this:

if ($left($1,1) == /) || ($left($1,1) == !) || ($left($1,1) == .) { return }

The 'return' alias allows you to exit out of a function without halting things, only skipping the rest of the code if the if-then-else statement is TRUE. Enjoy! :)

Zmodem commented on a Page, ban on certain words  -  May 11, 2011

Why not make an INI file that allows you to add the words to? This will make adding TONS of words easier. So, in an ini file, you have it laid out as:


Etc. You could set the option to kick and ban the users, just kick, warn, etc, depending on the level. Then, all you need is a loop to scan and make sure that the word is not in the file. You would want to load the INI into an active hash so that way scanning is easier. Anyways, just my 2 cents ;)

Zmodem commented on a Page, 3D text  -  May 11, 2011

Should change your ON INPUT event to include this:

  if ((%3dtext == on) && ($left($1-,1) != /)) {

This will make sure that commands, like '/clear', won't be parsed.

Zmodem commented on a Page, Rejoiner  -  Apr 25, 2011

Jethro_: mIRC does, indeed, have an option to do this, however it does not let you specify the options that this one allows, such as how many times to try and how long to wait between tries.

Savage_CL: Instead of using some random, obscure alias name, a589, just use the -l tag in front of it and name it whatever you want. ie:

alias -l rejoin {
  if ($1 == to) { return 2 }
  if ($1 == tries) { return 30 }

The -l switch specifies that this alias is local and cannot be triggered outside of this script.

Also, think about using a period in front of the times, like: .timerunsetter This will ensure that all the timer commands are silent, ie: they won't be shown in your status bar or any other window you have open. If you don't use it, you get things like "timerBLAHBLAH set" or on, or whatever. It's kind of annoying :)

Zmodem commented on a Page, Just a simple on join to show beginners  -  Sep 21, 2010

a careful warchild: You did NOT just reply to irchainscriptz's post from over 2 years ago, did you? LoL! Trolling, much? claps

:-D :-D :-D :-D

Zmodem commented on a Page, Google Definer  -  Sep 21, 2010

NinjaxAssasin: LoL! Obviously not! :-D

Zmodem   -  Jul 19, 2010

@Hawkee Anyone still scripting? LoL!

Zmodem commented on a Page, How many words can you type ?  -  Nov 09, 2009

Heh, I still use this addon :-)

Zmodem commented on a Page, Scripts Monitor  -  Jun 08, 2009

ES: Thank you! I appreciate the kind words ;)

Zmodem commented on a Page, Filter String  -  May 11, 2009

That should work exactly as you have it.

Zmodem commented on a Page, Groups Viewer  -  May 11, 2009

Thanks! I appreciate it ;)

Zmodem commented on a Page, Hawkee Snippet Search (with dialog)  -  Apr 09, 2009

I am, most-likely, going to update this with mountaindew's updated version, too. Thanks!

Zmodem commented on a Page, HTML Viewer  -  Mar 18, 2009

Yea, the main concern should be to change the source output edit box to a 'rich' type editbox, that way the indentations will be left alone.

Zmodem commented on a Page, Ban & Unban  -  Mar 08, 2009

You cannot get unbanned from a channel you have been banned from, unless it is your channel or you are some sort of administrator on that channel. In the case that you are an administrator, /chanserv unban #ChannelName me.

Zmodem commented on a Page, mIRC Lock  -  Feb 22, 2009

Nice! I like that you cannot halt it with the CTRL+Break. Very, very nice! :)

Zmodem commented on a Page, mIRC Lock  -  Feb 20, 2009

LoL, yes, true, but doesn't $input() seem more professional? The box is formatted nicer, IMO.

Zmodem commented on a Page, mIRC Lock  -  Feb 20, 2009

Okay, added a few changes, especially on the actual lock. Instead of $?="", used $input(,wp,mIRC Lock) so that way when they enter a password it's passworded out, like *. Anyways, another change was checking to see if the lock was tampered with, by removing the .ini** file. If so, the default lock is put in place.

on *:input:*: {
  if ( $readini(C:\lock.ini,main,lock) == 1 ) {
    .timerlock off 
    .timerlock -o 1 $readini(C:\lock.ini,main,locktime) mirclock
dialog MIRClock {
  title "mIRC Lock"
  size -1 -1 117 84
  option dbu
  button "OK", 1, 3 62 33 12, ok
  button "Close andLock", 2, 39 62 38 12, ok
  button "Cancel", 3, 79 62 32 11
  edit "OLDPASS", 4, 3 2 50 10, pass
  edit "NEWPASS", 5, 3 14 50 10, pass
  edit "TIME_BEFORE_LOCK", 6, 3 25 50 10
  check "Lock mIRC when idle", 7, 3 40 64 9
  text "Old password", 8, 57 2 50 9
  text "New password", 9, 57 14 50 8
  text "Idle time before lock", 10, 57 26 50 9
  check "Lock mIRC when started", 11, 3 50 69 9
  text "mIRC lock made by CAsercan3 AKA sercan386", 12, 3 77 112 8
  box "", 13, 1 34 73 27
  button "Reset", 14, 79 44 32 16

on *:dialog:mirclock:sclick:3: {
  dialog -x mirclock mirclock
alias locksettings {
  dialog -m mirclock mirclock
  if ( $readini(C:\lock.ini,main,pass) == $null ) writeini C:\lock.ini main pass $md5($md5(1234))
on *:dialog:mirclock:sclick:14: {
  did -r mirclock 4
  did -r mirclock 5
  did -r mirclock 6
  did -u mirclock 7
  did -u mirclock 11
on *:dialog:mirclock:init:0: {
  did -ra mirclock 6 $readini(C:\lock.ini,main,locktime)
  did -r mirclock 4
  did -r mirclock 5
  did - $+ [ $iif($readini(C:\lock.ini,main,lockstart) == 1,c,u) ] mirclock 11
  did - $+ [ $iif($readini(C:\lock.ini,main,lock) == 1,c,u) ] mirclock 7
on *:dialog:mirclock:sclick:1: {
  if ( $md5($md5($did(mirclock,4))) != $readini(C:\lock.ini,main,pass) ) halt
  if ( $did(mirclock,5) != $null ) writeini C:\lock.ini main pass $md5($md5($did(mirclock,5)))
  writeini C:\lock.ini main locktime $did(mirclock,6)
  writeini C:\lock.ini main lock $did(mirclock,7).state
  writeini C:\lock.ini main lockstart $did(mirclock,11).state
  dialog -x mirclock mirclock
on *:dialog:mirclock:sclick:2: {
  if ( $md5($md5($did(mirclock,4))) != $readini(C:\lock.ini,main,pass) ) { noop $input(Dude! WRONG PASSWORD!!!,o,ERROR,ERROR,ERROR) | halt }
  if ( $did(mirclock,5) != $null ) writeini C:\lock.ini main pass $md5($md5($did(mirclock,5)))
  if ( $did(mirclock,6) isnum ) writeini C:\lock.ini main locktime $did(mirclock,6)
  else noop $input(Dude! the time in which the lock is activated must be only in NUMBERS!,o,ERROR,ERROR,ERROR)
  writeini C:\lock.ini main lock $did(mirclock,7).state
  writeini C:\lock.ini main lockstart $did(mirclock,11).state
  dialog -x mirclock mirclock

;;; Resetme Alias
;;; - Added to reset to the default '1234' password
;;; if the original ini file is tampered with
alias resetme { writeini C:\lock.ini main pass $md5($md5(1234)) | writeini C:\lock.ini main lock 0 | writeini C:\lock.ini main lockstart 1 | .timerinput $+ $ctime 1 1 return $input(mIRC's lock has been tampered with. The default lock has been re-issued.,wo,Lock Tampered!) }

alias mirclock {
  goto start
  ; Next line checks to make sure the lock file hasn't been deleted.
  if (!$isfile(C:\lock.ini)) { resetme | goto start }
  if ($md5($md5($input(mIRC has been locked. Insert your password to unlock it.,wp,mIRC Lock))) != $readini(C:\lock.ini,main,pass)) goto start
  else halt
  goto start
on *:START: {
  ; Next line checks to make sure the lock file has not been deleted.
  if (!$isfile(C:\lock.ini)) { resetme | mirclock }
  if ( $readini(C:\lock.ini,main,lockstart) == 1 ) mirclock
  elseif ( $readini(C:\lock.ini,main,lock) == 1 ) .timerlock -o 1 $readini(C:\lock.ini,main,locktime) mirclock
menu channel,status {
  lock mIRC: mirclock
  lock settings: locksettings
Zmodem commented on a Page, mIRC Lock  -  Feb 20, 2009

sercan386: Yes, I've tried it. If you press it over and over again it just halts it, finally.

Oh, I also agree with AlienDK, it would be nice to have it 'minimize on lock' or something.

Zmodem commented on a Page, DEOP = Kick/Ban  -  Feb 20, 2009

Yea, there are a bunch of other commands ChanServ has, including: Protect.

/MSG CHANSERV PROTECT #channel nick - Protects a selected nick on a channel. If nick is not given, it will protect you. If channel and nick are not given, it will protect you on all channels you're on, provided you have the rights to. By default, limited to the founder, or to SOPs or those with level 10 and above on the channel for self protecting.

This will keep anyone from being able to DeOP you, unless they are a higher rank of channel administrator than you are.

However, I agree wholeheartedly with Cheiron; use the PEACE mode with ChanServ, it is the better of the two.

Zmodem commented on a Page, mIRC Lock  -  Feb 19, 2009

This is actually cool, for people who aren't tech-savvy, this will actually come in handy. Of course the easiest way of disabling this is when it asks for a password, just hold CTRL and tap the Pause/Break key on your keyboard a couple of times and it will halt the script. Also, removing C:\lock.ini will also disable it.

However, as I've said, nice script!

Zmodem commented on a Page, Count (Seconds)   -  Feb 19, 2009

No, the %var is faster. The main reason is because instead of having to reference $[N/I] over and over, and mIRC re-calculates it everytime, static %variables never change and are in your code, itself, rather than referencing back to parsing out the identifiers through calculations.

However, if you're seeing no lag, I wouldn't see the need, so awesome! :)

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