

Sep 05, 2007
/server -m Irc.BlogDns.Com -j #ScripterJ

Activity Stream

M[n]M commented on a Page, IRCOp  -  May 28, 2009

but come on man
there is bounch of mIRC scripts such as this one,,,
but ok...
what ever

M[n]M commented on a Page, Alias Away Script  -  Dec 31, 2008

hey this is nice

i like it

its kind of similar to mine

i'll give you 10 points

M[n]M commented on a Page, Spy Bot  -  Dec 31, 2008

guys thank you all

please leave your suggestions or comments and what would you want me to change and

please score my scripts =)


M[n]M created a Page  -  Jun 28, 2008

okey here is the steps :P

M[n]M commented on a Page, Youtube URL Catcher  -  Jun 24, 2008

dude its not working :[ :\ :/
but i changed it :P

on *:text:*:#: {
  if (*youtube.com/watch?* iswm $1-) {
    %yt.rating = 0
    %yt.entry = $1-
    set %yt.chan $chan    
    if ($window(@YouTube) == $null) {
      msg %yt.chan Tittle: %yt.title - Favorite: $remove(%yt.favorited,<span class=\"watch-stat\">,</span>) - Ratings:4 $remove(%yt.numratings,<div id=\"ratingWrapper\"><div,class=\"floatL\",onclick=\"urchinTracker(\'/Events/VideoWatch/Rated\');\"><div,id=\"ratingStars\",class=\"floatL\"><img,class=\"ratingL,ratingL-4.5\",alt=\"4.57788461538\",src=\"http://s.ytimg.com/yt/img/pixel-vfl73.gif\",/><div,id=\"ratingMessage\">,><img,<div,id=\"hoverMessage\",style=\"width:100%\",class=\"hid\"><a href=\"/login?next=/watch%3Fv%3DH9mRL8C9MCM\">Sign,in</a>,to,rate)    
    if (http:// isin $1-) { %yt.path = / $+ $gettok($gettok($gettok($1-,3,47),1,38),1,32) }
    else { %yt.path = / $+ $gettok($gettok($gettok($1-,2,47),1,38),1,32) }
    %yt.nick = $nick
    %yt.chan = $chan
    %yt.surl = $remove(%yt.path,/watch?v=)
    sockclose yt
    sockopen yt youtube.com 80

on *:sockopen:yt:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    ;    echo -a $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $chr(93) YouTube: socket error 
    if (%yt.chan) {
      msg %yt.chan $str(.,282)
      msg %yt.chan ERROR: $+($chr(3),04,<,$chr(15),$date,$chr(3),04>,$chr(15)) $+($chr(3),04,<,$chr(15),$time,$chr(3),04>,$chr(15)) $+($chr(3),04,<,$chr(15),$network %yt.chan,$chr(3),04>,$chr(15)) $+($chr(3),04,<,$chr(15),%yt.nick,$chr(3),04>,$chr(15)) %yt.entry
      write yterror.txt < $+ $date $+ > < $+ $time $+ > < $+ $network %yt.chan $+ > < $+ %yt.nick $+ > %yt.entry
    if (%yt.chan == $null && %yt.nick != $null) {
      msg %yt.chan $str(.,282)
      msg %yt.chan ERROR: $+($chr(3),04,<,$chr(15),$date,$chr(3),04>,$chr(15)) $+($chr(3),04,<,$chr(15),$time,$chr(3),04>,$chr(15)) $+($chr(3),04,<,$chr(15),$network PM,$chr(3),04>,$chr(15)) $+($chr(3),04,<,$chr(15),%yt.nick,$chr(3),04>,$chr(15)) %yt.entry
      write yterror.txt < $+ $date $+ > < $+ $time $+ > < $+ $network PM $+ > < $+ %yt.nick $+ > %yt.entry
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET %yt.path HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: youtube.com
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf

on *:sockread:yt: {
  sockread -f %yt.read

  if (Ratings have been disabled for this video isin %yt.read) { set %yt.ratingsdisabled no }
  if (Adding comments has been disabled for this video isin %yt.read) { set %yt.commentsdisabled no }
  if (icn_star_full_19x20png isin %yt.read) { %yt.rating = $count(%yt.read,star_full) }

  if (ratings</span> isin %yt.read) { %yt.numratings = $remove(%yt.read,    ,<div id=\"ratingMessage\" style=\"float:right\">,<div id=\"defaultRatingMessage\">,<span class=\"smallText\">, ratings</span>,</div>) }
  if (<span class=\"viewCount\"> isin %yt.read) { %yt.views = $remove(%yt.read, ,<span class=\"viewCount\">,</span>) }
  if (<span class=\"lightLabel\">Comments:</span> isin %yt.read) { %yt.comments = $remove(%yt.read, , ,<span class=\"lightLabel\">Comments:</span> ,<a href=\"/comment_servlet?,&all_comments,all_comments,&v=,&amp;,v=,%yt.surl,\">,</a>) }
  if (<span class=\"lightLabel\">Favorited:</span> isin %yt.read) { %yt.favorited = $remove(%yt.read,   ,<span class=\"lightLabel\">Favorited:</span> , times) }
  if (<meta name=\"title\" content=\" isin %yt.read) { %yt.title = $replace($remove(%yt.read,   ,<meta name=\"title\" content=\",\">),<br/>,$chr(32),&amp;,&,&quot;,\") }
  if (<meta name=\"description\" content=\" isin %yt.read) { %yt.desc_re = $replace($remove(%yt.read,   ,<meta name=\"description\" content=\",\">),<br/>,$chr(32),&amp;,&,&quot;,\") }

  ;if (<title> isin %yt.read) { %yt.title = $remove(%yt.read,   ,<title>YouTube - ,</title>) }
  ;if (%yt.found) { unset %yt.found | %yt.desc_be = $replace($remove(%yt.read,  ),&amp;,&) }
  ;if (<span id=\"vidDescBegin\"> isin %yt.read) { %yt.found = k }
  ;if (<span id=\"vidDescRemain\"> isin %yt.read) { %yt.desc_re = $replace($remove(%yt.read,    ,<span id=\"vidDescRemain\">,</span>),<br/>,$chr(32),&amp;,&,&quot;,\") }

  if (<span class=\"smallLabel\">Category:&nbsp;</span> isin %yt.read) { %yt.done = k }

  if (%yt.done) {
    sockclose yt
    unset %yt.done

    if ($read(youtube.txt,w,* $+ %yt.path $+ *) != $null) { %yt.record = noop }
    else { %yt.record = write }

    %yt.num.rating = $remove(%yt.rating,$chr(44),$chr(32))
    %yt.num.views = $remove(%yt.views,$chr(44),$chr(32))
    %yt.num.numratings = $remove(%yt.numratings,$chr(44),$chr(32))
    %yt.num.comments = $remove(%yt.comments,$chr(44),$chr(32))
    %yt.num.favorited = $remove(%yt.favorited,$chr(44),$chr(32))

    %yt.red.start = 4
    %yt.red.stop = 
    %yt.maroon.start = 5
    %yt.maroon.stop = 

    ;viral or not
    if (%yt.num.views >= 100000) {
      %yt.boldstart.views = %yt.red.start
      %yt.boldstop.views = %yt.red.stop
      if (%yt.num.rating >= 4) { %yt.boldstart.rating = %yt.red.start | %yt.boldstop.rating = %yt.red.stop }
      else { %yt.boldstart.rating = $null | %yt.boldstop.rating = $null }
    elseif (%yt.num.views >= 15000 && %yt.num.views < 100000) { %yt.boldstart.views = %yt.maroon.start | %yt.boldstop.views = %yt.maroon.stop }
    else { %yt.boldstart.views = $null | %yt.boldstop.views = $null }
    if (%yt.num.numratings >= 350) { %yt.boldstart.numratings = %yt.red.start | %yt.boldstop.numratings = %yt.red.stop }
    else { %yt.boldstart.numratings = $null | %yt.boldstop.numratings = $null }
    if (%yt.num.comments >= 1000) { %yt.boldstart.comments = %yt.red.start | %yt.boldstop.comments = %yt.red.stop }
    else { %yt.boldstart.comments = $null | %yt.boldstop.comments = $null }
    if (%yt.num.favorited >= 700) { %yt.boldstart.favorited = %yt.red.start | %yt.boldstop.favorited = %yt.red.stop }
    else { %yt.boldstart.favorited = $null | %yt.boldstop.favorited = $null }

    if (%yt.chan) { %yt.chanq = %yt.chan }
    elseif (%yt.chan == $null && %yt.nick != $null) { %yt.chanq = PM }

    msg %yt.chan $str(.,282)
    msg %yt.chan 4 $+($chr(3),04,<,$chr(15),$date,$chr(3),04>,$chr(15)) $+($chr(3),04,<,$chr(15),$time,$chr(3),04>,$chr(15)) $+($chr(3),04,<,$chr(15),$network %yt.chanq,$chr(3),04>,$chr(15)) $+($chr(3),04,<,$chr(15),%yt.nick,$chr(3),04>,$chr(15)) %yt.entry
    msg %yt.chan Title: %yt.title

    %yt.record youtube.txt $str(.,261)
    %yt.record youtube.txt < $+ $date $+ > < $+ $time $+ > < $+ $network %yt.chanq $+ > < $+ %yt.nick $+ > %yt.entry
    %yt.record youtube.txt Title: %yt.title
M[n]M commented on a Page, Services Bot Auto Join  -  Jun 23, 2008

o shoot you might wanna remove some of themm :\ where it says !cmd :\

M[n]M created a Page  -  Jun 23, 2008

so here it is.. this is for any of you who got their own IRCd server and services

  1 Thread   mIRC  
M[n]M commented on a Page, op voice commands  -  Apr 14, 2008

btw %c is $chan

M[n]M commented on a Page, Trivia  -  Apr 05, 2008

man can\'t you make it a !Top10 or !Top20 ?

M[n]M   -  Mar 19, 2008


M[n]M   -  Feb 27, 2008

@Sick_Puppy that picture is funny =)

M[n]M   -  Feb 27, 2008

lol thats funny =)

M[n]M commented on a Page, Idle bot  -  Feb 21, 2008

yes the color box are not working i dont know why 0_o

M[n]M commented on a Page, Access Bot  -  Feb 21, 2008

lol ty :)

M[n]M created a Page  -  Feb 21, 2008

make sure ur bot is in your channel and the person that your looking for is on the server :P

M[n]M commented on a Page, Bot away script  -  Feb 21, 2008

thx mountaindew :)

M[n]M commented on a Page, On Join  -  Feb 21, 2008

right .. :]

M[n]M created a Page  -  Feb 21, 2008

1)Alt + R = Remote 2)/set %owner <your nick | not your bots nick!> 3)Copy and Paste :P

M[n]M commented on a Page, Fun Popups  -  Feb 19, 2008


M[n]M commented on a Page, Unban All  -  Feb 17, 2008

but you can change the number! =)

M[n]M commented on a Page, !voice and You Get Voice  -  Feb 02, 2008


M[n]M commented on a Page, AwAy script  -  Jan 26, 2008


M[n]M created a Page  -  Jan 16, 2008

1)Press: Alt + R 2)Type: /set %owner 3)Set the channel.. 4)and use it ;)

M[n]M commented on a Page, DNS IP - Port  -  Jan 07, 2008

but ... i have no idea hwo to use it i am sorry dude... some kinda numbers are juts coming up...?

M[n]M commented on a Page, Dns lookup  -  Jan 07, 2008

lol now its working ... but your script is not working.. =|

M[n]M commented on a Page, Dns lookup  -  Jan 07, 2008

Not working at all man

M[n]M commented on a Page, Dns lookup  -  Jan 07, 2008

lol =))))))))))))))))) look what i\'ve just done ahh i am so idiot

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